Create Azure resources to host a Teams tab app


In this unit, you learn how to provision the Azure resources you need to host your tab app by using Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. To provision resources for your Teams app, you need an Azure subscription. Provisioning resources is a one-time activity unless you later add capabilities that require more resources.

For the exercise, you need to create a tab application before you provision the resources in Azure. The Azure resources you'll provision are:

  • Azure storage: To host your tab app as a static web app.
  • User assigned identity: To authenticate Azure service-to-service requests.

Azure account

Teams Toolkit requires you to sign in to an Azure account and have a subscription before you can provision the resource instances. You'll then use these resources to deploy your app to host it in Azure. Create your free account if you don't already have one by using the link


In this module, we focus on tab apps that are hosted in Azure Storage, and not on apps that are hosted on SharePoint. SharePoint Framework (SPFx) tabs are distributed slightly differently.

ARM templates

Teams Toolkit provisions Azure resources with Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates) by using Bicep instead of JSON. Bicep is a domain specific language (DSL) that uses declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources. When you're building an ARM template, Bicep is simpler to develop and read than JSON.

You can find the Bicep files in the path /infra. This infrastructure as code approach makes it easier for you to focus on building your app. You can still choose to customize your resource provisioning.