Data store - The storage element


Rendering of a two parallel horizontal lines representing the Data Store Element.

The data store element is depicted as parallel lines. This element represents data stored on a temporary or permanent basis.

Examples include:

  • Using the browser cache to store user session-related data.
  • Adding a security log event to a database.

When to use the data store element

  • Whenever you're storing data somewhere, like Azure DB or a local cache.
  • If you're establishing communication between two data stores, don't forget to add a process between them.
  • Data stores and external entities start the data flow, so verify you have either one in place.
  • Make sure to include any post-processing of data, such as analytics services like Azure Analytics. This process is often missed.

Include context

Include the following context with each data store element:

Context Questions
Type Does the system use Azure SQL, cookies, local, or some other type of storage? If so, what is it?
Function How is the storage used? Is it used to share data, store backups, security logs, credentials, secrets?
Permission level How is access control implemented? Who has read and write permissions?
Additional controls Is data encrypted? What about the disk? Are digital signatures used?

Check your knowledge


Which one of these actions best describes a data store?