Exercise – Troubleshoot dual-write integration


To complete this exercise, you must have dual-write installed, and the finance and operations apps and Dataverse environments should be linked.

Run initial sync for any map and check implementation

Before you start dual-write on a table, you can run an initial synchronization to handle existing data on both sides: finance and operations apps and Customer Engagement apps. You can skip the initial synchronization if you don’t need to sync data between the two environments.

The initial synchronization lets you copy existing data from one app to another bidirectionally.

  1. Go to Dual-Write and select Customer groups (msdyn_customergroups).

  2. Select Run, select Initial sync, select the Initial Sync checkbox, and then select the master for synchronization. In this case, select Dynamics 365 finance and operations.

    If the mapping would have a dependent map, select it as well.

  3. Select Run.

Review the implementation in finance and operations apps:

  1. Go to the Initial Sync tab.
  2. Copy the DWM Data management package implementation name.
  3. Sign into finance and operations apps, go to the Data management workspace, and then search by start of project name to identify the project or implementation.
  4. Select Execution detail.

Set up an alert

As an administrator, you can create one or more alert settings to handle cases of planned or unplanned maintenance. For example, you can set up the dual-write system to notify you by email if a specific error threshold is reached because of network errors. The dual-write system can also act on your behalf by pausing or stopping dual-write.

  1. Sign into the finance and operations apps environment.
  2. Go to Workspaces > Data management, and then select the Dual-Write tile.
  3. Select Alert setting > Create alert setting.
  4. Fill in the alert name, conditions, error type, email to send notifications, and the action to trigger. You can also select whether notifications should be sent to an individual or a group, and whether the dual-write system should take any action on your behalf. To send alerts to a group, enter the values separated by commas, for example, id1@contoso.com, id2@contoso.com.
  5. Restart table maps that were paused or stopped with the alert.

Pause / resume a map

To pause or resume a map, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Data management workspace > Dual Write.

  2. Select a map that’s in a running state.

  3. Select Pause.

    For example, Customers V3 (accounts)

  4. Go to finance and operations > All customers and update the Customer name.

  5. Return to Data management workspace > Dual write and select the Customers V3 entity.

  6. Select the Queued records tab and check if queued records display.

  7. Resume the map.

  8. When the map has resumed, you can sign in to Dataverse and check if the change is reflected.

When you unlink and relink a dual-write connection between environments, you’ll need to delete the data from the key tables. This requirement applies to sandbox, production, and user acceptance test (UAT) environments during activities such as backup and restore. The mappings are preserved when you unlink and relink, because the mappings are stored in Dataverse.

See Unlink and relink dual-write environments to learn more.