Strategic planning


Strategic planning is an important part of leadership at the system and school level to effectively and efficiently provide opportunities for improvement. This journey is one that should include more than school or system leadership. Involving multiple members/stakeholders of the school or district is of importance in this process. With this team, you can determine both the how and the why as you navigate the planning process. This planning team can use Microsoft Teams to communicate and collaborate as they create benchmarks and check-ins once the plan is implemented. Microsoft Teams in collaboration with Microsoft Forms can support stakeholder involvement as you gather feedback and input when developing the plan, survey once the plan is implemented, and evaluate the process of the plan.

Illustration of the Education Transformation Network: Leadership & Policy; Teaching & learning; Intelligent environments; Student & school success.

Consider education transformation for strategic planning

The Education Transformation Framework (ETF) by Microsoft is a comprehensive framework designed to help leaders work together to create an intentional culture of innovation and learning. The initial work will uncover strengths and opportunities, as well as support your school or district in the development of shared goals that motivate leaders, educators, and stakeholders to plan and lead change.

Throughout this process, ETF workshops help schools and districts take a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, nurture social and emotional growth, and develop future-ready skills to help students thrive in life and work. Schools and districts have the opportunity to optimize learning for both students and teachers through collaboration in flexible learning spaces. This transformation process is used across the globe to help districts and school leaders be successful at preparing learners for the future through a data-driven and inclusive approach.