


As a global manufacturer handling thousands of parts supplied by thousands of vendors, you want to combine SAP and other data to help identify your strongest suppliers. Your plan is to bring together time-stamped order details from your SAP Business Warehouse solution and QA data from an Azure Cosmos DB resource. You want to analyze the data and output a rating for each vendor that predicts vendor reliability. The rating will be based on quality metrics and on-time delivery data. You plan to use a single workspace in Azure Synapse Analytics for much of the process. Your outputs will display in a business app that helps you turn insight into action. Decision makers search on a part number, see a dashboard with vendor reliability ratings, select the appropriate vendor, then place the order. Order details are then saved into your SAP Business solution.

Learning objectives

In this module, you’ll explore solutions and products that can help you address analytics needs that include both SAP and other data. You’ll learn more about the Azure Synapse Analytics platform and how to bring in data from multiple sources. You’ll explore how to use the following capabilities and solutions:

  • Import and combine data from multiple sources for analysis using linked services in Azure Synapse Analytics.
  • Provide predictions by extracting data from a SQL pool using machine learning.
  • Create a Power BI data visualization of your analysis.
  • Create a Power Apps business app to act on the results and write data to SAP.


  • Azure Data Fundamentals.
  • Knowledge of SAP products such as SAP HANA or SAP NetWeaver.