Lab - Export and import module components


In this lab, you'll organize some TypeScript code using modules. As an additional challenge, you'll import an external type library.

Exercise 1

In this exercise, you'll organize the code in a project using modules. The project contains three TypeScript files:

  • module07_main.ts - Contains the main code of the application.

  • module07_loans.ts - Contains two interfaces, Loan and ConventionalLoan.

  • module07_loan-programs.ts - Contains three functions:

    • calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment, which calculates the payment for an interest only loan.
    • calculateConventionalLoanPayment, which calculates the payment for a conventional loan.
    • calculateInterestRate, a worker function that calculates the monthly interest rate of the loan.

The calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment and calculateConventionalLoanPayment functions accept principle and interestRate parameters. The difference between them is that the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function accepts a third property, months that the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function does not.

Property Description
principle The principle amount of the loan.
interestRate The annual interest rate of the loan. For example, 5% is specified as 5.
months The term of the loan specified in months. An interest only loan does not require this property because the number of months is irrelevant (the loan will never be repaid when an interest only payment is made each month.)

Add the required code to define the relationships between the modules.

  1. Clone the starting repository by entering the following at the command prompt.

    git clone
    cd mslearn-typescript/code/module-07/m07-start
    code .
  2. Open the file module07_loans.ts and add the export keyword on the interface declarations.

    export interface Loan {
        principle: number,
        interestRate: number        //* Interest rate percentage (eg. 14 is 14%)
    export interface ConventionalLoan extends Loan {
        months: number      //* Total number of months
  3. Open the file module07_loan-programs.ts.

  4. At the top of the file, add an import statement that imports the Loan and ConventionalLoan interfaces from module07_loans.ts. Import both interfaces using one import statement and assign them to a variable called Loans.

    import * as Loans from './module07_loans.js';
  5. Locate TODO Update the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function.

  6. Add the export keyword to the calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment function declaration.

  7. Update the type of the function parameter loanTerms to the interface Loans.Loan.

    export function calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment(loanTerms: Loans.Loan): string {
        let payment: number;
        payment = loanTerms.principle * calculateInterestRate(loanTerms.interestRate);
        return 'The interest only loan payment is ' + payment.toFixed(2);
  8. Locate TODO Update the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function.

  9. Add the export keyword to the calculateConventionalLoanPayment function declaration.

  10. Update the type of the function parameter loanTerms to the interface Loans.ConventionalLoan.

    export function calculateConventionalLoanPayment(loanTerms: Loans.ConventionalLoan): string {
        let interest: number = calculateInterestRate(loanTerms.interestRate);
        let payment: number;
        payment = loanTerms.principle * interest / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + interest), loanTerms.months)));
        return 'The conventional loan payment is ' + payment.toFixed(2);
  11. Open the file module07_main.ts.

  12. Locate TODO Add the import statement.

  13. Add an import statement that imports the interestOnlyLoan and conventionalLoan functions from module07_loan-programs.ts. Assign the functions to a variable called LoanPrograms.

    import * as LoanPrograms from './module07_loan-programs.js';
  14. Locate TODO Update the function calls.

  15. In the two variable declarations, update the function calls to reference the LoanPrograms variable from the import statement.

    let interestOnlyPayment = LoanPrograms.calculateInterestOnlyLoanPayment({principle: 30000, interestRate: 5});
    let conventionalLoanPayment = LoanPrograms.calculateConventionalLoanPayment({principle: 30000, interestRate: 5, months: 180});
  16. Save the files.

  17. At the command prompt, run the tsc command using the --module commonjs option to compile module07_main.ts.

    tsc --module commonjs module07_main.ts
  18. Test your work in node by running the module07_main.js file.


Select a JavaScript library that you are familiar with and try importing it into a TypeScript file using the import statement. After it is imported, it should work exactly the same as it does in JavaScript.

Lab solution

View the final version of the code by entering the following at the command prompt.

cd ../m07-end
code .

Open the files module07_main.ts, module07_loans.ts, and module07_loan-programs.ts to see the solution to this lab. See the Lab setup section above for more information about setting up your development environment to run the solution.