

The following scenario is for you to use as context for the examples that are shared in this learning path's labs. You can use your own fictitious company example or continue using the Contoso Coffee example from the first lab if you choose to complete the planning module or don't want to use your own fictitious company. It's important that you continue to build on your scenarios as you progress in your knowledge as part of this learning experience. (Business analysis would be done over a longer period for a real-life project).

Scenario: Contoso Coffee customer support

Contoso Coffee is passionate about providing efficient, environmentally sustainable, and innovative coffee products, barista experiences, and services.

Consumer sentiment is at an all-time high, but with increasing competition, it's important to minimize costs and focus on customer satisfaction. Accordingly, the company can maintain its competitive edge in having a robust customer base while continuing to reinvest in the customer experience and maximize their customer lifetime value.

Contoso Coffee wants to provide customers with the ability to ask questions about their order status and delivery time and to modify their order and cancel it. This new initiative will unlock some capabilities for the call center staff and will help deflect common questions that are time-consuming on the phone, ensuring greater customer satisfaction and saving agents' time. Additionally, they've briefly indicated that, in B2B scenarios where they often work with other manufacturers, they want those partners to have the ability to view and ask questions about latest invoices or payments or to be escalated to live agents if they're in a specific tier of manufacturer.

Customer support costs have continued to rise as the customer base has grown, and the company can no longer continue to expand its customer support team. As a result, you've been tasked with helping them find a solution by using Microsoft Copilot Studio.


Some modules in this learning path, especially later ones, reference previous labs in regard to capabilities and previous tasks. The exercises have been designed so that, as long as you have access to a Microsoft Copilot Studio trial where you use the latest unified authoring canvas, you can get started from any exercise without needing to complete the previous module to move forward. However, for the best experience in learning about the product’s features and functionality, we recommend that you complete specific modules before starting others.

We recommend that you've already completed the following labs to get the best experience:

  • Plan your first Copilot

  • Build your first Copilot