Exercise - Use Microsoft Copilot as your personal tutor


Microsoft Copilot is a generative AI application that uses natural language generation (NLG) to process user queries and generate accurate and relevant responses to queries. In this activity, you'll practice using Microsoft Copilot as your tutor.

Please select one of the options below and practice using Microsoft Copilot.

Option A: Write a resume

  1. Gather information about your education, work experience, skills, and achievements. Use Microsoft Copilot to organize information and include all relevant details in your resume.
  2. Choose a format for your resume. Some available formats are chronological, functional, or a combination of both. Microsoft Copilot can select the best format.
  3. Write a resume using the gathered information in the chosen format.
  4. Revise and edit your resume to fine-tune its clarity, coherence, and style. Microsoft Copilot can suggest feedback on your writing and areas for improvement.
  5. Tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for. Microsoft Copilot can identify the most relevant information to include and present in your resume.

Option B: Find your ideal job

  1. Identify your interests and skills. Think about what you enjoy doing and what you're good at.
  2. Ask Microsoft Copilot for information on career paths that align with your interests and skills. Microsoft Copilot can display information on job duties, required education and training, salary, and job outlook.
  3. After you identify a few career options that interest you, use Microsoft Copilot to research those careers. Microsoft Copilot can provide information on job requirements, job satisfaction, and career advancement opportunities.
  4. Based on your research, organize a plan for pursuing your chosen career. Microsoft Copilot can update you on education and training programs, job search strategies, and networking opportunities.

Option C: Work on your professional growth

  1. Identify areas in your professional life where you want to grow and improve, such as learning new skills or improving your job performance.
  2. Set specific goals for your professional development. Microsoft Copilot can assist you in setting these goals and guide you towards achieving them. Allocate 30 minutes to chat with Microsoft Copilot to establish new objectives for your personal life. It's important to set goals that are purposeful, measurable, and achievable. Don't forget to allow for time buffers. Strive not only for improvement but also for sustained progress.
  3. Take action towards achieving your goals by participating in training programs, attending conferences and workshops, and seeking mentorship and coaching. Microsoft Copilot can find resources and support you.
  4. Keep track of your progress and celebrate your achievements. Microsoft Copilot can help you set milestones and offer feedback on your progress.

Option D: Prepare for a test

  1. Identify the test for which you are preparing.
  2. Ask Microsoft Copilot for information on the test's content, including the subject topics, the question format, and the scoring system.
  3. Organize a study plan based on the information you've gathered about the test's content. Microsoft Copilot can organize your study schedule and help you hone your learning strategies.
  4. Practice answering sample questions to familiarize yourself with the test format and identify areas for improvement. Microsoft Copilot can provide practice questions and feedback on your answers.
  5. Review key concepts and information likely to be covered on the test. You can use Microsoft Copilot to review important material and provide explanations and examples to boost your comprehension.

Option E: Learn a new language

  1. Start by choosing the language you want to learn, either a language commonly spoken in your area, one that's relevant to your career or personal interests, or one that you've always wanted to learn.
  2. Set purposeful, measurable, and achievable goals. Remember to allow for time buffers. Aim not only for improvement but also for sustained progress.
  3. Start by learning the language fundamentals, including the alphabet, pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and grammar. You can use Microsoft Copilot to find explanations and examples to enhance your understanding of language fundamentals. Practice for 30 minutes.
  4. Practice speaking and writing in the language to improve your fluency and accuracy. Microsoft Copilot can suggest feedback on your grammar and vocabulary. Immerse yourself in the language by listening to music, watching movies or TV shows, reading books or articles, or conversing with native speakers. You can ask Microsoft Copilot to recommend resources and activities for upgrading your language skills.


Reflect on your experience using Microsoft Copilot as your personal tutor to answer the questions below.

  • Ease of use: Can you easily use Microsoft Copilot to find answers to your questions?
  • Quality of responses: Were the responses from Microsoft Copilot accurate, helpful, and easy to understand? How did you fine tune the answers to make them more aligned to your prompt goals?
  • Speed: How quickly did Microsoft Copilot respond to the questions?
  • Range of topics: What topics did you ask Microsoft Copilot about? Was Microsoft Copilot able to find helpful information for all topics?
  • Personalization: Did Microsoft Copilot present personalized responses based on your needs and preferences?
  • Overall experience: How would you rate the experience of using Microsoft Copilot as a personal tutor?