Exercise - Use Docker to test the latest Business Central version



In this exercise, you want to create a development environment with the latest version of Business Central. Therefore, you want to use Docker with BcContainerHelper.


  • Install Docker.

  • Install BcContainerHelper.

  • Download the latest Business Central sandbox version.

  • Run and open Business Central by using Docker.


  1. Install Docker in your Windows environment. For Windows 10, you need to install Docker Desktop.

  2. Make sure that Docker Desktop is running. Open a Command Prompt and run the docker version command. You should see the installed version displayed.

  3. Run a new PowerShell window with Administrator rights. Install BcContainerHelper. Use the install-module cmdlet:

    install-module bccontainerhelper -force

  4. After installing BcContainerHelper, you are ready to download the latest Business Central sandbox. Use the New-BcContainerWizard cmdlet or run the script:

    Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://aka.ms/bcdockerscript").

  5. Accept the eula by entering Y, and then press Enter.

  6. In the next screen, select a to host a local docker container.

  7. In the authentication window, select b to continue with Username/Password authentication (admin with predefined password - P@ssw0rd).

  8. Use bcsandbox as the name for your new container.

  9. Select a Latest Business Central Sandbox as the version to install.

  10. In the Country selection window, you can enter us or your own country code.

  11. For this exercise, you can select No Test Toolkit needed in the Test Toolkit selection window.

  12. In the Premium Plan and Create Test Users window, you can press N to continue.

  13. If you have a valid developer license, you can provide a direct download link to your license; otherwise, leave the value blank for License.

  14. In the remaining steps of the wizard, you can continue with the defaults.

  15. In the final step of the wizard, you can enter a file name for the generated PowerShell script. After you have finished the wizard, the PowerShell ISE opens, and you can run the script to create your new container.

After the script has completed, you will get a message stating, Container bcsandbox successfully created.

You can open a web browser and go to (http://bcsandbox/BC). You should see the Business Central login page, and should be able to sign in with admin and P@ssw0rd.