

The Engagement dashboard highlights key aspects of students' interaction with academic content and school community in the digital learning environment. The Engagement dashboard includes multiple views at the following levels:

  • Schools 
  • Grades 
  • Classes  
  • Students

This dynamic and customizable view of engagement activity aids leaders in ensuring digital learning activities are serving students equitably across classes and schools.  From individualized education plan (IEP) meetings to district-wide quarterly meetings, the Engagement dashboard allows each expert immediate access to the data they need to understand the current landscape to make informed decisions.


  • Is the percentage of inactive students, missed assignments, and missed meetings declining overtime?  
  • Are positive or negative trends consistent across schools, grades, and/or courses?


  • Are there connections between engagement trends and greater supports and systems implemented to support the totality of the student experience?


  • Share engagement data in multiple contexts including:  
    • Individual student conferences (IEP, multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), and response to intervention (RTI) meetings)
    • Department meetings
    • School-wide staff meetings and community forums
    • District level collaboration and planning meetings


  • Leverage expertise across disciplines and levels to implement or refine solutions to enhance the student engagement experience.