How do I create meaningful People Success Habits?


A photograph of a woman smiling.

It’s not practical or sustainable to create a cascade of actions every time a new survey comes out. We need to integrate actions based on people’s feedback into our rhythm of business.

Changing habits provides a way to make sustained progress over time. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg notes that almost 40% of our actions each day are the result of habits, not decisions.

Leaders are more likely to see successful change by providing frameworks or routines to trigger certain habits. We focus on sharing feedback, having regular conversations about People Success, setting and updating goals, and taking meaningful action. Affecting these simple, natural habits creates a way for everyone to regularly surface concerns, identify solutions, and make changes over time.

The People Success Habits

  • Feedback. Seek it out; give forward-looking and development-oriented suggestions and conduct regularly scheduled surveys (i.e., quarterly).
  • Conversations. Hold regular one-on-one and team meetings that include a consistent agenda item that is related to People Success.
  • Goal-setting. Review goals regularly, update as needed (with justification), and make your goals visible to all colleagues.
  • Action-taking. Acknowledge the reality, collaborate to decide on one Focus Area, and take just one step toward addressing it.