How can leaders enact a People Success approach?


A photograph of a woman smiling facing camera.

With data-driven insights on what matters most, to creating an employee experience that drives engagement, leaders, managers, and teams can work together to taking action towards people and business priorities.

The ACT Conversation Guide

The Acknowledge, Collaborate, and Take one step forward framework (ACT) is fundamentally intended to guide leaders, managers, and teams to have productive, meaningful conversations. The conversation guide is built on a combination of behavioral science and practical expertise on what fuels change within organizations.

Tips for a great conversation

  • Create trust in teams by openly sharing and discussing data-driven employee feedback.
  • Appreciate each other and reinforce wins by acknowledging positive stories of progress you’ve witnessed in the last few months.
  • Drive focus to prioritize how to act on feedback.
  • Get to the root of the behaviors that help or hinder progress, by collaborating as a team to discuss what behaviors we need to start, stop, or continue.
  • Identify individual commitment to action so each member on the team recognizes their role in influencing outcomes.
  • Foster an environment of ongoing learning by acknowledging as a team, what’s working and what’s not working in ongoing check-in meetings, what we need to start, stop, and continue doing to improve outcomes.
  • Create an agile, continuous improvement mindset for reaching goals. At the heart of an agile approach is that we can’t always get it right the first time. We must continuously learn from mistakes and iterate.

See ACT in action: propelling action through conversations.