Exercise - Install Vision Edge Shell


Perform the following steps in the Azure Cloud Shell environment.

Install the Vision on Edge Solution Accelerator

  1. Run the following command to download installer (acs.zip) from GitHub.

    wget -O acs.zip https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-intelligent-edge-patterns/raw/master/factory-ai-vision/Installer/acs.zip

    The illustration shows how to install installer.

  2. Unzip the installer.

    unzip -o acs.zip

    The illustration shows how to uzip installer.

  3. Execute the installer. It will check the az command and check if it requires any installing/updating the IoT extension.

    bash factory-ai-vision-install.sh

    The illustration shows how to execute installer.

  4. You would be asked if you would like to use an existing Custom Vision Service. Choose no and go ahead to create a new one with the instruction.

    The illustration shows how to create custom vision service.


    If you choose yes, you need to enter your Custom Vision API key and endpoint. You can find your training key here.

  5. Once you create custom vision service information, make a note of API key and Endpoint.

    The illustration shows the API key and endpoint.

  6. Next you will be asked if you want to use Azure Live Video Analytics. Choose yes and it will create Azure Media Service.

    The illustration shows how to create Azure Media Service.

  7. Copy the "SERVICE-PRINCIPLE-SECRET" information. You will need the secret information for later use.

    The illustration shows service principle secret.

  8. There will be a list of IoT hubs, choose the IoT Hub that you created in this module.

    The illustration shows a list of IoT hubs.

  9. It will show a list of devices in your account, and choose the device to install VisionEdge.

    The illustration shows a list of edge devices.

  10. Choose the platform you are going to deploy.

    The illustration shows the platform.

  11. You will be asked if your device has a GPU or not. Choose CPU as your Edge device doesn't have it.

    The illustration shows devices.

  12. The installation will be started after. You'll wait for couple minutes to complete the installation. You can check the deployment status on the Azure portal

    The illustration shows the deployment of the solution.

  13. You can check the deployment status on the Azure portal. Go to the IoT Hub resource and navigate to IoT Edge tab. Click on the edge device you created for this module to check the status of the modules.

    The illustration shows deployment status.

  14. Open your browser, connect to http://YOUR_IP:8181. You'll connect to the VisiononEdge solution.

  15. To find your Public IP address, go to the overview page of your virtual machine and copy it.

    The illustration shows overview of virtual machine.

  16. When you connect to the Vision on Edge solution, click on the Home page.

    The illustration shows the main page of edge solution.

Check your knowledge


In the context of Vision on Edge solution architecture, you use Custom Vision API:


When you use a setup script to deploy the required resources in your subscription, which of the following is responsible for installing modules on edge devices?