Explore Azure Blob storage client library


The Azure Storage client libraries for .NET offer a convenient interface for making calls to Azure Storage. The latest version of the Azure Storage client library is version 12.x. Microsoft recommends using version 12.x for new applications.

The following table lists the basic classes, along with a brief description:

Class Description
BlobClient The BlobClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage blobs.
BlobClientOptions Provides the client configuration options for connecting to Azure Blob Storage.
BlobContainerClient The BlobContainerClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage containers and their blobs.
BlobServiceClient The BlobServiceClient allows you to manipulate Azure Storage service resources and blob containers. The storage account provides the top-level namespace for the Blob service.
BlobUriBuilder The BlobUriBuilder class provides a convenient way to modify the contents of a Uri instance to point to different Azure Storage resources like an account, container, or blob.

The following packages contain the classes used to work with Blob Storage data resources: