Exercise - Use DualScreenInfo to update layouts after spanning



.NET MAUI is the next evolution of Xamarin and what we recommend you develop mobile and desktop apps with, and you can learn more about .NET MAUI in several training modules. This Xamarin training module will not be maintained going forward.

In this exercise, we're going to fix how the panes display on single-screens, so that the app adapts to all device types.

We'll continue with the solution from the previous exercise. If you don't already have it, you can open the solution from the exercise2 > start folder in your copy of the cloned or downloaded exercise repo in Visual Studio.

Add DualScreenInfo to AllFlagsPage

  1. In AllFlagsPage.xaml.cs create a DeviceIsSpanned property using DualScreenInfo:

    using Xamarin.Forms.DualScreen;
    // ...
    bool DeviceIsSpanned => DualScreenInfo.Current.SpanMode != TwoPaneViewMode.SinglePane;
  2. Add a field wasSpanned to the class, which will be used to keep track of the window state:

    // is not spanned when first viewed...
    bool wasSpanned = false;
  3. Add OnAppearing and OnDisappearing overrides to respond to dual-screen property changes (you'll also need using System.ComponentModel;):

    protected override void OnAppearing()
        DualScreenInfo.Current.PropertyChanged += DualScreen_PropertyChanged;
        UpdateLayouts(); // for first page load
    protected override void OnDisappearing()
        DualScreenInfo.Current.PropertyChanged -= DualScreen_PropertyChanged;
  4. Implement the methods DualScreen_PropertyChanged and UpdateLayouts:

    void DualScreen_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    async void UpdateLayouts()
        if (DeviceIsSpanned)
        {   // two screens: side by side
            twoPaneView.TallModeConfiguration = TwoPaneViewTallModeConfiguration.TopBottom;
            twoPaneView.WideModeConfiguration = TwoPaneViewWideModeConfiguration.LeftRight;
            wasSpanned = true;
        {   // single-screen: only list is shown
            twoPaneView.PanePriority = TwoPaneViewPriority.Pane1;
            twoPaneView.TallModeConfiguration = TwoPaneViewTallModeConfiguration.SinglePane;
            twoPaneView.WideModeConfiguration = TwoPaneViewWideModeConfiguration.SinglePane;
            // wasSpanned check is needed, or this will open on first-run or rotation
            // stack count is needed, or we might push multiple on rotation
            if (wasSpanned && Navigation.NavigationStack.Count == 1)
            {   // open the detail page
                await Navigation.PushAsync(new FlagDetailsPage());
            wasSpanned = false;

    The UpdateLayouts method will now be called whenever the app is spanned or unspanned (or the device is rotated). When spanned, the twoPaneView is configured to show the two views side-by-side. When the app is on a single screen, only the list is shown.

    When the app is moved to single screen, the if statement checks if the app was previously spanned, and if so, pushes the flag details onto the navigation stack. Showing the detail page ensures the app navigation works as expected when unspanning back to a single screen.

  5. Revisit AllFlagsView.xaml.cs to uncomment the ListView_FlagTapped method, and add a check for !IsDeviceSpanned:

    async void ListView_FlagTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e)
        if (!DeviceIsSpanned)
        {   // use Navigation on single screen
            await this.Navigation.PushAsync(new FlagDetailsPage());

    This method will now use the Navigation class to push the flag details if the app is on a single screen. Showing the detail page via the navigation class ensures the app works as expected on all single-screen devices.

Update the FlagDetailsPage code-behind

  1. Add the these methods (exactly as above) to FlagDetailsPage.xaml.cs:

    • DeviceIsSpanned
    • OnAppearing
    • OnDisappearing
    • DualScreen_PropertyChanged

    and these using statements:

    • using Xamarin.Forms.DualScreen;
    • using System.ComponentModel;
  2. In FlagDetailsPage.xaml.cs implement UpdateLayouts as shown here:

    async void UpdateLayouts()
        if (DeviceIsSpanned)
        {   // the detail view should never be showing when spanned
            if (Navigation.NavigationStack.Count > 1)
                await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

    This will cause the detail content page to be hidden if the app is spanned, which is important because Pane2 shows the detail on the second screen.

Run the app

Now when you start the app on a single screen, it uses the navigation stack to switch between the list and the detail page.

If the app is spanned, the list and detail view is shown side-by-side using TwoPaneView.

When you span or unspan the app, the detail view will be pushed onto the navigation stack or popped off the navigation stack as required. These screenshots show how the app working on a single screen:

List rendering correctly in single screen. and Detail rendering correctly in single screen