Deploy and manage compute resources for Azure administrators

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure CLIs
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Azure Container Instances
Azure Container Registry
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Learn how to deploy and configure virtual machines, containers, and Web Apps in Azure.

Here are the learning paths in the Azure Administrator series:

The trophy for the Deploy and manage Azure compute resources learning path.

Deploy and manage compute resources for Azure administrators


  • Familiarity with Azure, including the Azure portal, subscriptions, resource groups, and resource definitions.
  • Ability to execute scripts with Azure CLI and PowerShell

Modules in this learning path

Learn about standards and practices for planning, deploying, managing, and optimizing Linux VMs in Azure.

Azure allows you to use several common provisioning tools to deploy Linux virtual machines (VMs), to include Terraform, Bicep, the Azure portal, and the Azure CLI. In this module, you'll learn how to deploy a Linux virtual machine using each of these methods.

Azure virtual machines (VMs) enable you to create dedicated compute resources in minutes that can be used just like a physical desktop or server machine.

Learn how to use the cross-platform Azure CLI to create, start, stop, and perform other management tasks related to virtual machines in Azure.

Understand and create the different types of disk storage available to Azure virtual machines (VMs).

Use Azure Disk Encryption (ADE) to encrypt OS and data disks on existing and new VMs.

Deploy the Azure Update Management solution to update virtual machines in your cloud environment.

Write JSON Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates) by using Visual Studio Code to deploy your infrastructure to Azure consistently and reliably.

Standardize and automate your virtual machine deployments to minimize manual configuration, variance, and errors.

Enable your application to automatically adjust to changes in load while minimizing costs with Virtual Machine Scale Sets.

Create a desired state configuration script that checks that IIS is installed. Onboard virtual machines (VMs) for management by Azure Automation. Automatically install IIS on the VMs where that feature is missing.

Create a Docker image and store it in a repository in Azure Container Registry. Use Azure App Service to deploy a web application based on the Docker image. Configure continuous deployment for the web app by using a webhook that monitors the Docker image for changes.

Respond to periods of increased activity by incrementally increasing the resources available and then, to reduce costs, decreasing these resources when activity drops.

Learn how to run containerized apps using Docker containers with Azure Container Instances (ACI).

Determine the types of business problems that can be solved using Azure Kubernetes Service. Describe the benefits of container orchestration with features like deployment management, automatic updates, and self-healing.