Troubleshoot entire SQL Server or database application that appears to be slow

Applies to:   SQL Server

When you run queries against a SQL Server instance or a particular application, all the queries are slow. To solve the issue, follow these steps:

Step 1: Troubleshoot application issues

Check the application layer. Take a query from the application, run it manually on a SQL Server instance, and see how it runs. Test several queries this way. If queries are faster on the SQL Server instance, the problem could be on the application or application servers' layer.

If the application is running on a different server, check the performance of the application server (see Step 2: Troubleshoot the OS issues for troubleshooting). You might need to engage the application development team to check for any issues with the application.

Step 2: Troubleshoot OS issues

Check if the operating system where SQL Server is running is responding slowly. For example, the mouse moves slowly, windows don't respond for long periods, remote desktop access to the server is slow, or connecting to a share on the server is slow.

This issue can be caused by another service or application. Use Perfmon to troubleshoot.

For other OS performance problems, see Windows Server performance troubleshooting documentation.

Common issues include:

This issue can be caused by other applications, the OS, or drivers running on the system.

To troubleshoot this issue, use Task Manager, Performance Monitor, or Resource Monitor to identify this issue. For more information, see High CPU usage troubleshooting guidance.

Step 3: Troubleshoot network issues

The problem could be in the network layer, causing slow communication between the application and SQL Server. Use the following methods to troubleshoot this issue:

  • One symptom of that could be ASYNC_NETWORK_IO waits on the SQL Server side. For more information, see Troubleshoot slow queries that result from ASYNC_NETWORK_IO wait type.

  • Work with your network administrator to check for network issues (firewall, routing, and so on).

  • Collect a network trace and check for the network reset and retransmission events. For troubleshooting ideas, see Intermittent or Periodic Network Issue.

  • Enable Perfmon counters to check network performance at the network interface level (NIC). There should be zero discarded packets and error packets. Check the network interface bandwidth:

    • Network Interface\Packets Received Discarded
    • Network Interface\Packets Received Errors
    • Network Interface\Packets Outbound Discarded
    • Network Interface\Packets Outbound Errors
    • Network Interface\Bytes Total/Sec
    • Network Interface\Current Bandwidth

Step 4: Troubleshoot high CPU usage in SQL Server

If CPU-intensive queries are being executed on the system, they can cause other queries to be starved of CPU capacity. More frequently, however, high CPU usage coming from queries can be an indication that queries need to be optimized. Follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. First, find out if SQL Server is causing high CPU usage (using Perfmon counters).
  2. Identify queries contributing to CPU usage.
  3. Update statistics.
  4. Add missing indexes.
  5. Investigate and resolve parameter-sensitive issues.
  6. Investigate and resolve SARGability issues.
  7. Disable heavy tracing.
  8. Fix SOS_CACHESTORE spinlock contention.
  9. Configure your virtual machine.
  10. Scale up the system by adding more CPUs.

For detailed troubleshooting steps, see Troubleshoot high-CPU-usage issues in SQL Server.

Step 5: Troubleshoot excessive I/O causing slowness in SQL Server

Another common reason for the perceived overall slowness of SQL Server workloads is I/O issues. I/O slowness can affect most or all queries on the system. Use the following methods to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Check for hardware issues:

    • SAN misconfiguration (switch, cables, HBA, storage).
    • Exceeded I/O capacity (unbalanced throughout the entire SAN network, not just back-end storage, check I/O throughput of all servers sharing the SAN).
    • Drivers or firmware issues or updates.
  • Check for suboptimal SQL Server queries that are causing lots of I/O and saturating disk volumes with I/O requests.

    • Find the queries that are causing a high number of logical reads (or writes) and tune those queries to minimize disk I/O-using appropriate indexes is the first step.
    • Keep statistics updated as they provide the query optimizer with sufficient information to choose the best plan.
    • Redesigning queries and sometimes tables might help with improved I/O.
  • Filter drivers: The SQL Server I/O response can be severely impacted if file-system filter drivers process heavy I/O traffic.

    • Exclude data folders from anti-virus scanning and have filter driver issues corrected by software vendors to prevent an impact on I/O performance.
  • Other application(s): Another application on the same machine with SQL Server can saturate the I/O path with excessive read or write requests. This situation may push the I/O subsystem beyond capacity limits and cause I/O slowness for SQL Server. Identify the application and tune it or move it elsewhere to eliminate its effect on the I/O stack. This problem can also be caused by applications running on other machines but sharing the same SAN with this SQL Server machine. Work with your SAN administrator to balance I/O traffic (see Check for hardware issues).

For detailed troubleshooting of I/O-related issues with SQL Server, see Troubleshoot slow SQL Server performance caused by I/O issues.

Step 6: Troubleshoot memory issues

Low memory on the system overall or inside SQL Server can lead to slowness when queries are waiting for memory grants (RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE) or compile memory (RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE_QUERY_COMPILE). Use the following methods to troubleshoot the issue:

  • Check for external memory at the OS level by using Perfmon counters:

    • Memory\Available MBytes
    • Process(*)\Working Set (all instances)
    • Process(*)\Private Bytes (all instances)
  • For internal memory pressure, use SQL Server queries to query sys.dm_os_memory_clerks or use DBCC MEMORYSTATUS.

  • Check the SQL Server error log for 701 errors.

For detailed troubleshooting steps, see Troubleshoot an out of memory or low memory issues in SQL Server.

Step 7: Troubleshoot blocking issues

Lock acquisition is used to protect resources in a database system. If locks are acquired for a long time, and other sessions end up waiting for those locks, you're faced with a blocking scenario.

Short blocking happens on database systems like SQL Server all the time. But prolonged blocking, especially when most or all queries are waiting for a lock, might result in the entire server being perceived as not responding.

Use the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Identify the head blocking session by looking at the column blocking_session_id in sys.dm_exec_requests DMV output or the column BlkBy in sp_who2 stored procedure output.

  2. Find the query(s) that the head blocking chain executes (what is holding locks for a prolonged period).

    If no queries are actively running on the head blocking session, there could have been an orphaned transaction due to application issues.

  3. Redesign or tune the head blocking query to run faster, or reduce the number of queries inside a transaction.

  4. Examine the transaction isolation used in the query and adjust.

For detailed troubleshooting of blocking scenarios, see Understand and resolve SQL Server blocking problems.

Step 8: Troubleshoot scheduler issues (non-yielding, deadlocked scheduler, non-yielding IOCP listener, resource monitor)

SQL Server uses a cooperative scheduling mechanism (Schedulers) to expose its threads to the OS for scheduling on the CPU. If there are issues related to SQL schedulers, SQL Server threads might stop processing queries, logins, logouts, and so on. As a result, SQL Server might seem unresponsive, partially or completely, depending on how many schedulers are affected. Scheduler issues might result from a wide range of problems, including product bugs, external and filter drivers, and hardware issues.

Follow these steps to troubleshoot these issues:

  1. Check your SQL Server Error log for errors like the following ones at the time of the reported lack of response from SQL Server:

    • ***********************************************
      * 03/10/22 21:16:35 spid 22548
      * Non-yielding Scheduler
    • **********************************************
      * 03/25/22 08:50:29 spid 355
      * Deadlocked Schedulers
      * ********************************************
    • * *******************************************************************************                                
      * BEGIN STACK DUMP:                                                                                              
      * 09/07/22 23:01:04 spid 0                                                                                     
      * Non-yielding IOCP Listener                                                                                     
      * *******************************************************************************   
    • * ********************************************
      * 07/25/22 11:44:21 spid 2013
      * Non-yielding Resource Monitor
      * ********************************************
  2. If you locate one of these errors, identify which version Cumulative Update (CU) of SQL Server you are using. Check if there are any fixed issues in CUs shipped after your current CU. For the SQL Server fixes, see Latest updates available for currently supported versions of SQL Server. For a detailed fix list, you can download this Excel file.

  3. Use Troubleshooting SQL Server Scheduling and Yielding for more ideas.

  4. Check for heavy blocking scenarios or massive parallelism queries that can lead to deadlock schedulers. For detailed information, see The Tao of a Deadlocked Scheduler.

  5. For a non-yielding IOCP listener, check if your system is low on memory and SQL Server is being paged out. Another reason could be anti-virus or intrusion prevention software intercepts I/O API calls and slows the thread activity down. For more information, see Is the IOCP listener actually listening? and Performance and consistency issues when certain modules or filter drivers are loaded.

  6. For Resource Monitor issues, you might not necessarily be concerned with this issue in some cases. For more information, see Resource Monitor enters a non-yielding condition on a server running SQL Server.

  7. If these resources don't help, locate the memory dump created in the \LOG subdirectory and open a support ticket with Microsoft CSS by uploading the memory dump for analysis.

Step 9: Look for resource intensive Profiler or XEvent Traces

Look for active Extended Events or SQL Server Profiler traces, especially those with filtering on text columns (database name, login name, query text, and so on). If possible, disable the traces and see if query performance improves. Depending on the event selected, each thread might consume additional CPU causing overall slowness. To identify the active traces for Extended Events, see sys.dm_xe_sessions and for Profiler traces, see sys.traces.

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_xe_sessions
SELECT * FROM sys.traces