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NetworkOperatorTetheringManager Class


This interface exposes the methods and properties used to control and configure tethering capabilities for a specific network account.

public ref class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Threading(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ThreadingModel.Both)]
class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 65536)]
public sealed class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager
Public NotInheritable Class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager
Object Platform::Object IInspectable NetworkOperatorTetheringManager

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10 (introduced in 10.0.10240.0 - for Xbox, see UWP features that aren't yet supported on Xbox)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v1.0)
App capabilities


Version history

Windows version SDK version Value added
1607 14393 CreateFromConnectionProfile(ConnectionProfile,NetworkAdapter)
2004 19041 DisableNoConnectionsTimeout
2004 19041 DisableNoConnectionsTimeoutAsync
2004 19041 EnableNoConnectionsTimeout
2004 19041 EnableNoConnectionsTimeoutAsync
2004 19041 IsNoConnectionsTimeoutEnabled



Gets the current number of connected clients on the tethering network.


Gets the maximum number of client connections over a tethered network.


Gets the current operational state of the tethering feature. Possible values are defined by TetheringOperationalState



Use this method to provide tethering network configuration details for the tethering network.

CreateFromConnectionProfile(ConnectionProfile, NetworkAdapter)

Creates a NetworkOperatorTetheringManager using the given profile as the public interface, and on the given NetworkAdapter as the private interface.


Creates a NetworkOperatorTetheringManager using the given profile as the public interface and Wi-Fi as the private interface.


Creates an instance of NetworkOperatorTetheringManager for a specific network account using the provided network account ID for the mobile broadband device.

A network account is one of the mobile operator accounts available on the device (configured when the user inserts a SIM). You can retrieve a list of the IDs of the network accounts available on a device by accessing the MobileBroadbandAccount.AvailableNetworkAccountIds property.


Disables the NoConnections timeout.


Asynchronously disables the NoConnections timeout.


Enables the NoConnections timeout. This means that tethering turns off automatically in 5 minutes after the last peer of the tethering connection goes away.


Asynchronously enables the NoConnections timeout. This means that tethering turns off automatically in 5 minutes after the last peer of the tethering connection goes away.


Gets the current access point configuration for a network account as defined by a NetworkOperatorTetheringAccessPointConfiguration object.


Indicates if a device is capable of creating a tethering network. Possible values are defined by TetheringCapability.


Gets tethering capabilities, based on the given connection profile.


Retrieves a list of tethering clients for this NetworkOperatorTetheringManager.


Gets a value indicating whether the NoConnections timeout is enabled. If enabled, tethering turns off automatically in 5 minutes after the last peer of the tethering connection goes away.


Establishes the tethering network.

We recommended that you first call StopTetheringAsync in order to ensure that the tethering hotspot is off.


Starts the mobile hotspot using a specified per-session configuration.

This overload allows you to start a tethering session without having to pre-configure it via ConfigureAccessPointAsync. The configuration passed as a parameter is valid only for the current session, and will be lost once the session has ended.

Starting a new session via this overload of StartTetheringAsync also allows you to configure per-session-only parameters that can't be persistently set via ConfigureAccessPointAsync. Parameters that can be persisted are the network SSID, the network password, the network wireless frequency band, and the network authentication algorithm.

We recommended that you first call StopTetheringAsync in order to ensure that the tethering hotspot is off.


Shuts down the tethering network.

Applies to