Since the new Visual Studio extensibility model is entirely in a separate process, and communication between the extension process and the Visual Studio process occurs through a stream, all APIs have to at some level operate with serializable data types. Typically, extensions can ignore these implementation details. In some scenarios, an extension may need to interface directly with RPC services acquired from this.Extensibility.ServiceBroker.
Serializable RPC types
To facilitate interactions with RPC services, the object model exposes RpcContract properties on most core types, and the following serializable RPC types:
VersionedTextDocumentRange - 1:1 serializable version of Span, which you can access through the RpcContract property. This type should be used in most RPC contracts between processes.
VersionedTextDocumentPosition - 1:1 serializable version of Position, which you can access through the RpcContract property. This type should be used in most RPC contracts between processes.
Range - Serializable version of Span, omitting the Uri and version number.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Utilities.Position - Serializable version of Position, omitting the Uri and version number.
TextView - 1:1 serialized form of ITextView, which you can access through the RpcContract property.
TextDocument - 1:1 serialized form of ITextDocument through the RpcContract property.
As opposed to VersionedTextDocumentRange and VersionedTextDocumentPosition, Range and Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Utilities.Position omit the Uri and document version, making for a smaller serializable representation. This type should be used in RPC contracts that contain lots of span/range equivalents that need to reduce their payload size for performance. These RPC contracts need to pass the document Uri and version for the spans or range to be instantiated into Span and Position objects by the IEditorHostService. IEditorHostService interfaces with extension-local copies of the text buffer, and manages opening and closing of documents described by the RPC types.
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