_BRB_L2CA_REGISTER_SERVER structure (bthddi.h)

A profile driver uses the _BRB_L2CA_REGISTER_SERVER structure to register itself as a server capable of receiving L2CAP connections from remote Bluetooth devices.


  BRB_HEADER                     Hdr;
  BTH_ADDR                       BtAddress;
  USHORT                         PSM;
  ULONG                          IndicationFlags;
  PVOID                          IndicationCallbackContext;
  PVOID                          ReferenceObject;
  OUT L2CAP_SERVER_HANDLE        ServerHandle;



A BRB_HEADER structure that contains information about the current BRB.


The address of the remote Bluetooth device to receive notifications for. Specify BTH_ADDR_NULL to receive notification for any incoming connections.


The Protocol/Service Multiplexer (PSM) that accepts connection requests.


An optional flag or combination of flags that indicates whether the profile driver will accept pairing notifications in addition to connection notifications. The following table lists the possible flag settings.

Flag Description
INDICATION_PAIR_DEVICE The profile driver will accept notifications when a device is paired.
INDICATION_UNPAIR_DEVICE The profile driver will accept notifications when a device is unpaired.
INDICATION_UNPERSONALIZE_DEVICE The profile driver will accept notifications when a device is unpersonalized.


A L2CAP Callback Function, implemented by the profile driver, that the Bluetooth driver stack should call to notify the profile driver about incoming L2CAP connections.


The context to be passed to the callback function that is specified in the IndicationCallback member.


A pointer to an object to pass to the ObReferenceObject and ObDereferenceObject functions to maintain a reference count. Profile drivers should provide this object in such a way that the Bluetooth driver stack can increase the count of the object for as long as the driver stack can call the callback function specified in the IndicationCallback member. The Bluetooth driver stack will decrease the reference count of the object when the profile driver builds and sends a BRB_L2CA_UNREGISTER_SERVER request.


Handle to the L2CAP server, if successfully returned. When the profile driver should no longer receive remote connect indications it should pass this handle to BRB_L2CA_UNREGISTER_SERVER.


To register itself as a L2CAP server, a profile driver should build and send a BRB_L2CA_REGISTER_SERVER request.

After the profile driver registers itself, it should then build and send a BRB_REGISTER_PSM request so the Bluetooth driver stack will accept connections from the PSM.

If successful, the Bluetooth driver stack can then notify the profile driver when remote devices attempt to create a L2CAP connection to the profile driver on a particular PSM.

A profile driver can specify zero the Psm member of the _BRB_L2CA_REGISTER_SERVER structure--which means that the PSM is unspecified--and the profile driver will subsequently issue a BRB_REGISTER_PSM BRB to obtain a dynamic PSM to register for connection notifications. For more information about PSMs, see _BRB_PSM.

After the profile driver has registered itself, the Bluetooth driver stack can notify it when a remote device attempts to connect to it by calling the L2CAP Callback Function that the profile driver implements and specifies in the IndicationCallback member.

For more information about L2CAP servers and PSMs, see Accepting L2CAP Connections in a Bluetooth Profile Driver.

When the profile driver receives notification of a connection attempt, it should build and send a BRB_L2CA_OPEN_CHANNEL_RESPONSE BRB to either accept or reject the connection attempt. For more information about accepting or rejecting L2CAP connection attempts, see the _BRB_L2CA_OPEN_CHANNEL structure.

After a connection is established, the profile driver can issue other BRBs to communicate with the remote device.

To stop receiving remote connection notifications, a profile driver should build and send a BRB_L2CA_UNREGISTER_SERVER request.

While this procedure allows a profile driver to accept incoming connection requests, it does not automatically advertise a service using SDP. To advertise a service using SDP, a profile driver must submit an SDP record using the SDP APIs. For more information about advertising services with SDP, see Communicating with SDP Servers.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Versions:_Supported in Windows Vista, and later.
Header bthddi.h (include Bthddi.h)

See also




L2CAP Callback Function

