FwpmTransactionBegin0 function (fwpmk.h)

The FwpmTransactionBegin0 function begins an explicit transaction within the current session.


NTSTATUS FwpmTransactionBegin0(
  [in] HANDLE engineHandle,
  [in] UINT32 flags


[in] engineHandle

Handle for an open session to the filter engine. Call FwpmEngineOpen0 to open a session to the filter engine.

[in] flags

Possible values:

Transaction flag Meaning
0 Begin read/write transaction.
FWPM_TXN_READ_ONLY Begin read-only transaction.

Return value

Return code/value Description
The transaction was started successfully.
FWP_E_* error code
A Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) specific error. See WFP Error Codes for details.
RPC_* error code
Failure to communicate with the remote or local firewall engine.
Other NTSTATUS codes An error occurred.


This function cannot be called from within a transaction. It will fail with FWP_E_TXN_IN_PROGRESS. See Object Management for more information about transactions.

For a read-only transaction, the caller needs FWPM_ACTRL_BEGIN_READ_TXN access to the filter engine. For a read/write transaction, the caller needs FWPM_ACTRL_BEGIN_WRITE_TXN access to the filter engine. See Access Control for more information.

FwpmTransactionBegin0 is a specific implementation of FwpmTransactionBegin. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows Vista.
Target Platform Universal
Header fwpmk.h
Library fwpkclnt.lib

See also