KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure (ks.h)

The KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure describes the characteristics of a filter created by a given filter factory.


typedef struct _KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR {
  const KSFILTER_DISPATCH     *Dispatch;
  const KSAUTOMATION_TABLE    *AutomationTable;
  ULONG                       Version;
  ULONG                       Flags;
  const GUID                  *ReferenceGuid;
  ULONG                       PinDescriptorsCount;
  ULONG                       PinDescriptorSize;
  const KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX   *PinDescriptors;
  ULONG                       CategoriesCount;
  const GUID                  *Categories;
  ULONG                       NodeDescriptorsCount;
  ULONG                       NodeDescriptorSize;
  const KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR     *NodeDescriptors;
  ULONG                       ConnectionsCount;
  const KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION *Connections;
  const KSCOMPONENTID         *ComponentId;



A pointer to a KSFILTER_DISPATCH structure for this type of filter. This member is optional and need only be provided by clients that wish to receive notifications about filter creations, deletions, and so on. Drivers that are interested in the processing of data (transforms) typically provide this dispatch table and a processing function. Providing a filter-processing function instead of individual pin-processing functions is what makes a driver filter-centric instead of pin-centric.


A pointer to a KSAUTOMATION_TABLE structure for this type of filter. The automation table is what describes the properties, methods, and events supported by this filter. This automation table is merged with the automation table supplied by AVStream for all filters. Should the client supply a property, method, or event handler already implemented by AVStream, the client's implementation supersedes AVStream's.


This member specifies the version of the filter descriptor. This member should be set to KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR_VERSION.


Flags describing the behavior of the filter. Specify flags using a bitwise OR, with the exception of KSFILTER_FLAG_CRITICAL_PROCESSING and KSFILTER_FLAG_HYPERCRITICAL_PROCESSING, which are mutually exclusive:

Flag Description
KSFILTER_FLAG_DISPATCH_LEVEL_PROCESSING Indicates that the filter processes at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL as opposed to PASSIVE_LEVEL. This applies to the filter process callback as described in KSFILTER_DISPATCH.
KSFILTER_FLAG_CRITICAL_PROCESSING If asynchronous processing has been specified or if the system is running at PASSIVE_LEVEL and a process call comes in at DISPATCH_LEVEL, processing is done in a queued work item. This flag indicates that the work item should be placed on the critical work queue as opposed to the delayed work queue.
KSFILTER_FLAG_RECEIVE_ZERO_LENGTH_SAMPLES Set this flag if a filter-centric filter needs to receive zero-length samples (stream headers with flags but no data). If this flag is not set, zero length samples are passed on to downstream pins, with automatic propagation of necessary flags. Note that this is identical to default behavior in DX8 and prior. If this happens, these samples bypass the minidriver. Set the Terminate flag in KSPROCESSPIN to "turn off" this flag. Also see Filter-Centric Processing.
KSFILTER_FLAG_DENY_USERMODE_ACCESS This flag prevents user-mode access to a specific filter and all pins instantiated on this filter.
KSFILTER_FLAG_HYPERCRITICAL_PROCESSING If asynchronous processing has been specified or if the system is running at PASSIVE_LEVEL and a process call comes in at DISPATCH_LEVEL, AVStream processes a queued work item. This flag indicates that the work item should be placed on the hypercritical work queue as opposed to the delayed work queue or critical work queue.


A pointer to a GUID that is the binary representation of the Unicode reference string identifying this filter type. If multiple filter factories exist, each must have a unique GUID. Also note that other methods of supplying a reference string require that the filter descriptor be registered using KsCreateFilterFactory. The value specified in ReferenceGuid must match the filter-specific reference GUID in the driver's INF file. See Initializing an AVStream Minidriver.


This member specifies the number of pin descriptors that are provided for this filter type in the PinDescriptors member. On Windows XP and later, PinDescriptorsCount may be zero if the driver creates pins dynamically.


This member specifies the size of each individual descriptor in the descriptor table. This value must be a multiple of eight and must be at least sizeof (KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX). Larger values allow client-specific descriptor information to be appended to pin descriptors. See additional information in Remarks.


A pointer to an array of KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX structures that describe the pins supported by this filter type. If PinDescriptorsCount is zero, set this member to NULL..


This member specifies the number of category GUIDs that are provided in the Categories member for this filter type. Zero is a legal value for this member.


A pointer to an array of category GUIDs for this filter type. If required, a device interface is registered for each category. This member may be null if and only if CategoriesCount is zero.


This member specifies the number of topology node descriptors provided in NodeDescriptors. Zero is a legal value for this member.


This member specifies the size in bytes of each individual descriptor in the descriptor table. This value must be a multiple of eight and at least sizeof(KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR). Larger values allow client-specific descriptor information to be appended to node descriptors. See additional information in Remarks.


A pointer to an array of KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR structures describing the topology nodes for this filter type. This member may be null if and only if NodeDescriptorsCount is zero.


This member specifies the number of topology connections present in Connections. This member may be zero indicating that the default connection set is used. Using default connections means that the topology of the filter is described with a single topology node where each pin on the filter is connected to the corresponding ID on the topology node. The direction of each connection is determined by pin data flow.


A pointer to an array of KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION structures present in this filter type. This member is optional; it may be NULL if and only if ConnectionsCount is zero (in which case, the default topology is used).


A pointer to the KSCOMPONENTID structure for this filter type. This is used for the component ID property that provides identification information. This member is optional.


In laying out the filter descriptor, there are a number of macros that the caller may find useful. Instead of specifying count, size, and a table for pin descriptors, categories, node descriptors, and connections, there are a number of useful macros:

Macro Description
DEFINE_KSFILTER_PIN_DESCRIPTORS(Table) Automatically inserts the number of items in table, the size of each item in the table, and the table of pin descriptors itself into the filter descriptor.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_CATEGORIES(Table) Automatically inserts the number of categories in the table and the table itself into the filter descriptor.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_CATEGORIES_NULL Automatically fills in the category members for a filter that defines no categories.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_NODE_DESCRIPTORS(Table) Automatically inserts the number of items in the table, the size of each item in the table, and the table of node descriptors itself into the filter descriptor.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_NODE_DESCRIPTORS_NULL Automatically fills in the node descriptor members for a filter that defines no topology nodes.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_CONNECTIONS(Table) Automatically inserts the number of connections in the table and the table itself into the filter descriptor.
DEFINE_KSFILTER_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS Automatically fills in the connections table for a filter that defines no explicit connections.

If you do not use DEFINE_KS_FILTER_PIN_DESCRIPTORS to set PinDescriptorSize, then you must set PinDescriptorSize to sizeof(KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX).

Similarly, if you do not use DEFINE_KS_FILTER_NODE_DESCRIPTORS to set NodeDescriptorSize, then you must set NodeDescriptorSize to sizeof(KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR).


Requirement Value
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)

See also





