This article describes how a WDDM driver can support cross-adapter resource scan-out (CASO), reducing the number of copies between GPUs and cross-adapter resources from two to one. This feature is available starting in Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11.
Pre-CASO performance (two-copy path)
Starting in Windows 8.1 (WDDM 1.3), D3D9 and DXGI applications were able to use cross-adapter presentation support on multi-adapter configurations such as hybrid systems. With this support, the rendering is done on a render adapter (typically the discrete GPU), and then two copies are done to get the contents to the display adapter (typically the integrated GPU) for scanning-out to the display.
Copy 1 is from the render adapter resource to a cross-adapter resource.
Copy 2 is from the cross-adapter resource to the display adapter resource.
These copies can limit the performance of apps, especially for apps optimized for low-latency.
Using CASO to optimize flip presentation model (one-copy path)
Windows Server 2022 (WDDM 2.9) and later drivers can declare support for an appropriate cross-adapter resource tier, allowing the system's presentation stack to optimize cross-adapter presents. Drivers must declare support for this feature based on their own adapter capability, regardless of device configuration, such that the feature value scales across all applicable hardware configurations. This scaling includes, but isn't limited to, a single GPU device with dynamic attaching of other external GPUs.
If the display adapter supports CASO, the system only does the first copy from the render adapter surface to the cross-adapter surface, and then scans out from the cross-adapter surface directly. This feature results in reduced processing, bandwidth, power, and latency.
The CASO feature is implemented for the DXGI runtime for the flip presentation model.
DDI changes and additions for CASO
Indicating tier support for cross-adapter resources
DXGI implements three tiers of support for cross-adapter resources:
Copying to and from cross-adapter resources (lowest tier)
Texturing from cross-adapter resources
Scan-out of cross-adapter resources (highest tier)
Each higher tier of support must guarantee the support of the tier(s) below it. For example, to claim support for scan-out of cross-adapter resources, the driver must also support texturing and copy.
Drivers declare support for each tier by setting the following DXGK_VIDMMCAPS bit field values in DXGK_DRIVERCAPS.MemoryManagementCaps:
Tier Meaning
Tier 1
Copy support: Copy to and from cross-adapter resources
CrossAdapterResource (Exposed to user mode by graphics kernel via the SupportCrossAdapterResource bit in D3DKMT_WDDM_1_3_CAPS
Tier 2
Texture support: Texture from cross-adapter resources)
CrossAdapterResourceTexture (includes support for shader resource view, unordered access view, and render target)
Tier 3
CASO support: Scan-out from cross-adapter resources
The graphics kernel fails the adapter start if it doesn't indicate support in a superset manner for the three tiers. For example, CrossAdapterResource must be set if CrossAdapterResourceTexture is set.
The requirements are similar to the D3D12 user-mode driver CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported capability (cap); that is, the device supports shader resource views, unordered access views, and render target views of cross-adapter row-major textures. However, while D3D12's CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported requires support of all relevant texture formats, this tier 2 cap only requires support on the DisplayScanOut formats listed in Tier 3 support requirements, at minimum.
Since D3D12's cap is a superset of this tier 2 cap, D3D12CreateDevice also verifies that the kernel driver's CrossAdapterResourceTexture cap is set if its CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported cap is set, and fails the device creation if it isn't.
Tier 3 support requirements
The system must be able to perform the supported flipping capabilities, as declared by the driver in DXGK_FLIPCAPS, for cross-adapter resources of the following minimum specifications:
A cross-adapter primary buffer size of 1920 x 1080 or smaller
A buffer pixel format of any of the supported DisplayScanOut formats. As of Windows 10 version 20H1, these formats are:
If the driver supports scanning out cross-adapter resources of more texture formats, then it must also support texturing from those formats, per the tier support requirements.
Both of these tiers have accompanying HLK tests for verification.
The StaticCheck flag was added to DXGK_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS in WDDM 3.0. This flag expands the use of the DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT3 DDI for CASO support. This flag allows DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT3 to query a driver to determine whether the plane marked with the StaticCheck flag is capable of scan-out. This call is a one-off call and shouldn't affect real presentation behavior. Hence, drivers that perform any caching of present information from DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT3 shouldn't include the information from DDI calls with a StaticCheck plane. They should just perform the support determination in a standalone or static manner.
A call to DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT3 with the StaticCheck flag set is used from the app process from DXGI during buffer creation, such as during swapchain creation or ResizeBuffers, as a best effort attempt to determine whether CASO is supported for the current hardware configuration.
HybridIntegrated special case
It's important to note that HybridIntegrated drivers are designed to have tier 3 scan-out support. Starting in WDDM 3.0, HybridIntegrated drivers are required to declare support for CrossAdapterResourceScanout. An HLK test verifies this requirement.
Existing hybrid caps might be considered for deprecation in the future. Therefore, it's key that the CrossAdapterResourceScanout cap is decoupled to allow for greater flexibility to evolve in this space going forward. Hence, even drivers that aren't HybridIntegrated can set the cross-adapter support tier as appropriate.
Graphics Kernel changes
Starting in WDDM 2.9, the following additions/changes were made for cross-adapter resource support:
On the one-copy CASO path, DXGI creates the cross-adapter resource as primary on the display adapter, via pfnCreateResource. The driver should evaluate based on the resource properties whether it can scan out from that resource.
If the driver supports scan-out based on the resource properties, DXGI continues with the one-copy CASO path. Otherwise, the driver should opt out of scan-outs by returning DXGI_DDI_PRIMARY_DRIVER_FLAG_NO_SCANOUT. In this case, DXGI falls back to the two-copy path. This fallback should happen only if the resource properties are beyond the minimum requirements as listed in Tier 3 support requirements.
Per current behavior, the Desktop Windows Manager (DWM) calls the display driver's pfnCheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport DDI to accurately determine whether the primary surface can be scanned out. If supported by the driver, the scan-out occurs. Otherwise, DWM falls back to DWM composition mode.
DWM-composed presents are likely to be less desirable than Independent Flip (iFlip) via the two-copy path or iFlip via the one-copy CASO path. Hence, there might be common display scenarios where presentation bandwidth is limited, such as rotated or multiple displays, where drivers might consistently fail pfnCheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport support in DWM, likely resulting in a poorer experience than the two-copy path.
To mitigate the negative fallback experience, DXGI calls pfnCheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport during buffer creation with the cross-adapter resource as a plane marked with the StaticCheck flag, to verify with high accuracy whether the driver can perform scan-out given the existing known bandwidth characteristics. If supported, DXGI continues with the one-copy CASO path; otherwise, it falls back to the two-copy path.
HLK Testing
A WDDM 3.0 HLK requirement and feature, with its corresponding HLK tests, were added. This requirement is tied to the DXGK_VIDMMCAPS support that drivers can declare; specifically, CrossAdapterResourceTexture and CrossAdapterResourceScanout.
An HLK test was added to verify shader resource view (SRV) operations on cross-adapter resources.
For D3D12, the existing HLK "D3D12 - Cross Adapter Resource DX12" for Device.Graphics.AdapterRender.D3D12Core.CoreRequirement test was added to; specifically, the CrossAdapterResource::CrossAdapterTextureSRV test case.
Added to this HLK test case is verification of the superset relationship between the CrossAdapterResourceTexture KMD cap and D3D12 UMD CrossAdapterRowMajorTextureSupported cap. Similarly, logic was added in D3D12CreateDevice to ensure that if its UMD cap is set, then the kernel tier 2 driver cap must be set too, and fail the device creation if it doesn't.
For D3D11, the same test case was added to the HLK test for Device.Graphics.WDDM30.Render.CrossAdapterScanOut; specifically, D3DConf_11_CrossAdapterResource::CrossAdapterResourceSRV.
Cross-Adapter Resource Scan-out
The following HLK tests were added:
An HLK test to verify that drivers can create cross-adapter primary resources successfully without opting out of scan-out behavior via the DXGI_DDI_PRIMARY_DRIVER_FLAG_NO_SCANOUT flag.
An HLK test to verify that these drivers support the DXGKDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT3 DDI.
A manual HLK test for a tester to manually verify that:
The scanned out cross-adapter surface is free of visual corruption/artifacts or unexpected tearing
The cross-adapter surface is directly scanned out without any prior internal transformations or copies.
These end-to-end tests also naturally verify that the CheckMultiplaneOverlaySupport and Present DDIs are supported for cross-adapter resources. The manual test app has some specific hardware requirements such as a high resolution and high refresh rate monitor. For more information, see the reference document accompanying the test.
An HLK test to verify that drivers that declare HybridIntegrated cap also declare the CrossAdapterResourceScanout cap.
A system-based HLK test to enable OEMs to run these tests on their hybrid devices capable of exercising DXGI's one-copy path as part of end-to-end system validation.
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