The GUID_DISPLAY_DEVICE_ARRIVAL device interface class is defined for display adapters.

Attribute Setting
Class GUID {1CA05180-A699-450A-9A0C-DE4FBE3DDD89}


The system-supplied components of the Windows Display Driver Model register instances of this device interface class to notify the operating system and applications of the presence of display adapters.

A device that registers this interface can be of any type supported by the Windows graphics stack. That is, it can be Display Only, Render Only, Display + Render, Compute Only (MCDM), and so forth. After a device is enumerated, applications need to check the device capabilities before using it for some purpose. For example, an application can call D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromDeviceName to get a handle to the adapter object and call D3DKMTQueryAdapterInfo to get various device capabilities.

The better way for applications to enumerate WDDM adapters is to use DXGI or DXCore APIs.

For information about the device interface class for display views that are supported by display adapters, see GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISPLAY_ADAPTER.



Available in Windows Vista and later versions of Windows.


Ntddvdeo.h (include Ntddvdeo.h)

See also