Custom error messages for AD FS sign-in page
You can configure custom error messages that can be tailored to your organization. The following illustration shows a customized error page description and a generic error message. Use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlets to customize your error messages.
To customize the error page description, use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet and syntax.
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -ErrorPageDescriptionText "This is Contoso's error page description"
To customize the generic error message, use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet and syntax.
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -ErrorPageGenericErrorMessage "This is a generic error message. Contact Contoso IT for assistance."
To customize the authorization error message, use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet and syntax.
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -ErrorPageAuthorizationErrorMessage "You have received an Authorization error. Contact Contoso IT for assistance."
To customize the device authentication error message, use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet and syntax.
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -ErrorPageDeviceAuthenticationErrorMessage "Your device is not authorized. Contact Contoso IT for assistance."
You can configure a support email address in AD FS. If configured, AD FS automatically shows a link for end users to email the error details.
To customize the support email error message, use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet and syntax.
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -ErrorPageSupportEmail ""
You can configure a relying party authorization error message in AD FS.
To customize the relying party error message, use the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet and syntax.
Set-AdfsRelyingPartyWebContent -Name fedpassive -ErrorPageAuthorizationErrorMessage "<p> You need to be a member of Security Auditors to access this site. Click <A href='http://accessrequest/'>here</A> for more information.</p>"