NPS Extensions Functions


Internet Authentication Service (IAS) was renamed Network Policy Server (NPS) starting with Windows Server 2008. The content of this topic applies to both IAS and NPS. Throughout the text, NPS is used to refer to all versions of the service, including the versions originally referred to as IAS.


Application Defined

The architecture for NPS Extension DLLs supports the following exported functions:

The RadiusExtensionInit and RadiusExtensionTerm functions are optional.

The Extension DLL may export RadiusExtensionProcess2 instead of RadiusExtensionProcess or RadiusExtensionProcessEx.

If the Extension DLL exports RadiusExtensionProcessEx, then it must also export RadiusExtensionFreeAttributes.

System Defined

When NPS calls an implementation of RadiusExtensionProcess2, NPS passes the function a pointer to a RADIUS_EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK structure.

The RADIUS_EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK structure contains function pointers to the following functions provided by NPS:

The functions GetRequest and GetResponse return pointers to a structure of type RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY.

The RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY structure contains function pointers to the following functions provided by NPS: