IInkRecognitionResult::SetResultOnStrokes method (msinkaut.h)

Assigns the recognition results to the strokes that were used to create the results.


HRESULT SetResultOnStrokes();

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
Unexpected parameter or property type.
An exception occurred while processing.


System performance suffers if recognition results are automatically assigned to every InkStrokes collection. Therefore results are not attached to an InkStrokes collection by default. To assign results to an InkStrokes collection, you must call SetResultOnStrokes. To return the recognition results for a InkStrokes collection, use the IInkRecognitionResult property of the InkStrokes collection. After you assign results to a InkStrokes collection, you can then store the strokes in a IInkCustomStrokes collection. These custom strokes, as well as the IInkRecognitionResult, can be persisted and retrieved for later use.

To return the recognition results of a collection of strokes, use the RecognitionResult property.

After you assign results to a collection of strokes, you can then store the strokes in an IInkCustomStrokes collection. These custom strokes, as well as the IInkRecognitionResult, can be persisted and retrieved for later use.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h
Library InkObj.dll

See also

IInkRecognitionResult Interface

InkStrokes Collection

RecognitionResult Property