IInkRecognitionResult interface (msinkaut.h)

Represents the result of the recognition. The results of recognizing handwritten ink are returned in an IInkRecognitionResult object.


The IInkRecognitionResult interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IInkRecognitionResult also has these types of members:


The IInkRecognitionResult interface has these methods.


Gets the collection of strokes that are contained in an object or used to create an object. (IInkRecognitionResult.get_Strokes)

Gets the top alternate of the recognition result. (IInkRecognitionResult.get_TopAlternate)

Gets the top alternate of the recognition result. (IInkRecognitionResult.get_TopConfidence)

Gets the result text for the TopAlternate property.

Changes the top alternate of a recognition result by using the specified alternate.

Assigns the recognition results to the strokes that were used to create the results.


IInkRecognitionAlternate objects, or alternates, are created from the result. The best, or top, alternate is the one that is used by the default in the result. However, you can use the methods of the IInkRecognitionResult object to specify which alternates to use in the result.

System performance can suffer if recognition results are automatically assigned to every collection of stroke. Therefore, by default, results are not attached to a collection of strokes. You must call the SetResultOnStrokes method to assign results to a collection of strokes.

The only way to persist recognition results is to call SetResultOnStrokes and then add this collection of strokes to the CustomStrokes collection on the InkDisp object.

Not all recognizers set the TopConfidence property. When an application attempts to access a property that is not set by the recognizer, an argument exception is thrown.

If you define a class that implements this interface, the new class will not interact correctly with the Tablet PC application programming interfaces (APIs).

Note  The various handwriting recognizers shipped from Microsoft in both Latin characters and East Asian languages can sometimes produce the Unicode value 0xFFFF as the recognition result. This occurs when the recognizer is unable to match a piece of ink with any valid character. The 0xFFFF code point is valid UCS-2, but not allowed in UTF-8. An application that converts recognition results to UTF-8, should replace 0xFFFF with some other code point, for example, 0xFFFD.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header msinkaut.h

See also

CustomStrokes Property [InkDisp Class]

IInkCustomStrokes Interface

IInkRecognizer Interface

InkDisp Class

InkRecognizerContext Class

InkStrokes Collection