FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs function (winddi.h)

The FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs function is a service to the font consumer that translates glyph handles into pointers to glyph data, which are valid until the next call to FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs.


       FONTOBJ *pfo,
  [in] ULONG   iMode,
       ULONG   cGlyph,
       HGLYPH  *phg,
       PVOID   *ppvGlyph



Pointer to a FONTOBJ structure containing the glyph handles to be translated.

[in] iMode

Specifies whether data will be written as bitmaps or as outline objects. This parameter can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
FO_GLYPHBITS Data will consist of GLYPHBITS structures that define the bitmaps of the glyphs.
FO_PATHOBJ Data will consist of PATHOBJ structures that define the outlines of the glyphs.

To determine whether the path should be filled or stroked, the font consumer should check the flInfo member of the IFIMETRICS structure. If the FM_INFO_RETURNS_STROKES flag is set, the path should be stroked; otherwise, the path should be filled.


Specifies the number of glyphs to be translated. The only acceptable value is 1 (the code assumes 1, regardless of the value specified).


Pointer to an array of cGlyph HGLYPH structures supplied by the driver.


Pointer to a memory location that receives the address of a GLYPHDATA structure. The first member of this structure is a GLYPHDEF union, which contains a pointer to either a GLYPHBITS structure or a PATHOBJ structure, depending on the value of the iMode parameter. If the value of iMode is FO_GLYPHBITS, (ppvGlyph)->gdf contains the address of a GLYPHBITS structure. If the value of iMode is FO_PATHOBJ, (ppvGlyph)->gdf contains the address of a PATHOBJ structure.

Return value

The return value is the count of pointers passed to the driver if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero, and an error code is logged.


This function should be used if the driver is caching fonts.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows 2000 and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Universal
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)
Library Win32k.lib
DLL Win32k.sys

See also


