Quickstart Playground in Dev Home

Quickstart Playground is an experimental feature in Dev Home, designed to create ready-to-use app development projects through the use of natural language prompts. You can, for example, enter the prompt: “Create a project to develop the game Snake using Python”, select Generate, and then open up that project inside of Visual Studio Code. Quickstart Playground in Dev Home streamlines the development process, offering a user-friendly interface for creating starter project templates.

This feature is powered by the 'Dev containers with OpenAI' extension in Dev Home.


To use this feature, you will need to install:

This tool will create a Dev Container, which fully defines a development-ready environment. Learn more: Dev Containers tutorial (VS Code docs).

Enable the feature

As this feature is currently experimental, you first need to open Dev Home and turn the feature on:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Experimental Features -> Quickstart Playground and turn this feature on. When you enable this feature, the Dev Home Azure Extension will automatically be installed, since it is an extension that can provide functionality for this feature.

  2. Navigate to the Machine configuration page from the main navigation menu, you will see the Quickstart Playground option in the menu.

Dev Home screenshot of machine config page

Create your first Quickstart Playground project

To create your first Quickstart Playground project:

  1. Select the Dev Container using OpenAI extension (other extensions are supported as well, but for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use OpenAI).
  2. Select Quickstart Playground.
  3. Complete the set-up steps. Follow instructions to install any required software and input your OpenAI API key (or any required permissions for other extensions).
  4. Once set-up steps are complete, you can select from the example prompts at the top, or input your own.
  5. Select Generate to create the project and view its output.

Dev Home screenshot of generate page

  1. Select Open in VS Code to open the project in Visual Studio Code. You'll then need to select Reopen in container to open the project fully as a Dev Container.

VS Code screenshot of reopen in container

  1. Explore and run your code. Check Readme files for additional instructions.

VS Code screenshot of project

Responsible use of AI

Carefully review the output before opening any project generated by AI. It is possible for AI to make mistakes. See the OpenAI Privacy Policy and OpenAI Terms of Use for guidance on AI use in the Dev Home Quickstart Playground feature.


If you use this feature and see an error API key quota exceeded, that means you do not have credits in your OpenAI account and would need to purchase them.

Sending feedback

This is an experimental feature and your feedback can help improve it! Contribute feedback by:

  • Use the thumbs up or thumbs down following the Generate result, indicating whether the response was useful or incorrect. This will help improve accuracy in the future.
  • Open Dev Home and select Settings -> Feedback. Provide feedback as bug reports or feature requests.


How do I remove an incorrect OpenAI API key?

  • Navigate to the 'Extensions' page in Dev Home. Find the Dev Home Azure Extension and select it to open the drop-down menu. Select the arrow beside the 'On' button to access the extension settings page. There you will see a Clear OpenAI API key button.