Process Snapshotting
Overview of the Process Snapshotting technology.
To develop Process Snapshotting, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS Flags that specify what PssCaptureSnapshot captures. |
PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS Duplication flags for use by PssDuplicateSnapshot. |
PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS Flags to specify what parts of a PSS_HANDLE_ENTRY structure are valid. |
PSS_OBJECT_TYPE Specifies the object type in a PSS_HANDLE_ENTRY structure. |
PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS Flags that describe a process. |
PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS Specifies what information PssQuerySnapshot function returns. |
PSS_THREAD_FLAGS Flags that describe a thread. |
PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS Specifies what information the PssWalkSnapshot function returns. |
PssCaptureSnapshot Captures a snapshot of a target process. |
PssDuplicateSnapshot Duplicates a snapshot handle from one process to another. |
PssFreeSnapshot Frees a snapshot. |
PssQuerySnapshot Queries the snapshot. |
PssWalkMarkerCreate Creates a walk marker. |
PssWalkMarkerFree Frees a walk marker created by PssWalkMarkerCreate. |
PssWalkMarkerGetPosition Returns the current position of a walk marker. |
PssWalkMarkerSeekToBeginning Rewinds a walk marker back to the beginning. |
PssWalkMarkerSetPosition Sets the position of a walk marker. |
PssWalkSnapshot Returns information from the current walk position and advanced the walk marker to the next position. |
PSS_ALLOCATOR Specifies custom functions which the Process Snapshotting functions use to allocate and free the internal walk marker structures. |
PSS_AUXILIARY_PAGE_ENTRY Holds auxiliary page entry information returned by PssWalkSnapshot. |
PSS_AUXILIARY_PAGES_INFORMATION Holds auxiliary pages information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_HANDLE_ENTRY Holds information about a handle returned by PssWalkSnapshot. |
PSS_HANDLE_INFORMATION Holds handle information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_HANDLE_TRACE_INFORMATION Holds handle trace information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS Holds performance counters returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_PROCESS_INFORMATION Holds process information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_THREAD_ENTRY Holds thread information returned by PssWalkSnapshotPssWalkSnapshot. |
PSS_THREAD_INFORMATION Holds thread information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_VA_CLONE_INFORMATION Holds virtual address (VA) clone information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |
PSS_VA_SPACE_ENTRY Holds the MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION returned by PssWalkSnapshot for a virtual address (VA) region. |
PSS_VA_SPACE_INFORMATION Holds virtual address (VA) space information returned by PssQuerySnapshot. |