bits1_5.h header
This header is used by Background Intelligent Transfer Service. For more information, see:
bits1_5.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IBackgroundCopyJob2 Retrieve reply data from an upload-reply job, determine the progress of the reply data transfer to the client, request command line execution, and provide credentials for proxy and remote server authentication requests. |
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS Identifies the target (proxy or server), authentication scheme, and the user's credentials to use for user authentication requests. The structure is passed to the IBackgroundCopyJob2::SetCredentials method. |
BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS_UNION Identifies the credentials to use for the authentication scheme specified in the BG_AUTH_CREDENTIALS structure. |
BG_BASIC_CREDENTIALS The BG_BASIC_CREDENTIALS structure identifies the user name and password to authenticate. |
BG_JOB_REPLY_PROGRESS Provides progress information related to the reply portion of an upload-reply job. |
BG_AUTH_SCHEME Defines constants that specify the authentication scheme to use when a proxy or server requests user authentication. |
BG_AUTH_TARGET Defines constants that specify whether the credentials are used for proxy or server user authentication requests. |