ctffunc.h header
This header is used by Text Services Framework. For more information, see:
ctffunc.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IEnumTfCandidates The IEnumTfCandidates interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of candidate string objects. |
IEnumTfLatticeElements The IEnumTfLatticeElements interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of lattice elements. |
ITfCandidateList The ITfCandidateList interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager or a client (application or other text service) to obtain and manipulate candidate string objects. |
ITfCandidateString The ITfCandidateString interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager or a client to obtain information about a candidate string object. |
ITfFnAdviseText The ITfFnAdviseText interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to supply notifications when the text or lattice element in a context changes. |
ITfFnBalloon The ITfFnBalloon interface is implemented by a text service and is used by an application or other text service to update the balloon item that the text service adds to the language bar. |
ITfFnConfigure The ITfFnConfigure interface is implemented by a text service to enable the Text Services control panel application to allow the text service to display a configuration dialog box. |
ITfFnConfigureRegisterEudc The ITfFnConfigureRegisterEudc interface is implemented by a text service to provide the UI to register the key sequence for the given EUDC. |
ITfFnConfigureRegisterWord The ITfFnConfigureRegisterWord interface is implemented by a text service to enable the Active Input Method Editor (IME) to cause the text service to display a word registration dialog box. |
ITfFnGetLinguisticAlternates The ITfFnGetLinguisticAlternates interface is implemented by a text service and/or by the TSF manager to provide linguistic alternates for the text within a given range passed as a parameter. |
ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout The ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout interface is implemented by a text service to specify the use of a particular keyboard layout supported by the inbox Windows 8 touch keyboard. |
ITfFnGetSAPIObject The ITfFnGetSAPIObject interface is implemented by the Speech API (SAPI) text service. This interface is used by the TSF manager or a client (application or other text service) to obtain various SAPI objects. |
ITfFnLangProfileUtil The ITfFnLangProfileUtil interface is implemented by the speech text service and used to provide utility methods for the speech text service. |
ITfFnLMInternal The ITfFnLMInternal interface is not used. |
ITfFnLMProcessor The ITfFnLMProcessor interface is implemented by the language model text service and is used by an application or text service to enable alternate language model processing. |
ITfFnPlayBack The ITfFnPlayBack interface is implemented by the Speech API (SAPI) text service. This interface is used by the TSF manager or a client (application or other text service) to control the audio data for speech input text. |
ITfFnPropertyUIStatus The ITfFnPropertyUIStatus interface is implemented by a text service and used by an application or text service to obtain and set the status of the text service property UI. |
ITfFnReconversion The ITfFnReconversion interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager or a client to support reconversion of text provided by the text service. |
ITfFnSearchCandidateProvider Enables an integrated search experience in an Input Method Editor (IME). |
ITfFnShowHelp The ITfFnShowHelp interface is implemented by a text service to enable the language bar to place a help command for the text service in the language bar help menu. |
ITfIntegratableCandidateListUIElement Enables text services and Input Method Editors (IMEs) to adjust UI-less mode behavior. |
ITfLMLattice The ITfLMLattice interface is implemented by the speech text service to provide information about lattice element properties and is used by a client (application or other text service). |
IUIManagerEventSink The IUIManagerEventSink interface is implemented by an app supporting IME UI integration to receive notifications of IME UI appearance. |
TF_LMLATTELEMENT The TF_LMLATTELEMENT structure contains information about a lattice element. A lattice element is used in speech recognition. This structure is used with the IEnumTfLatticeElements::Next method. |
TfCandidateResult Elements of the TfCandidateResult enumeration are used with the ITfCandidateList::SetResult method to specify the result of a reconversion operation performed on a given candidate string. |
TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle Elements of the TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle enumeration specify the integratable candidate list selection styles. |
TfSapiObject Elements of the TfSapiObject enumeration are used with the ITfFnGetSAPIObject::Get method to specify a specific type of Speech API (SAPI) object. |
TKBLayoutType Elements of the TKBLayoutType enumeration are passed by an IME in a call to ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout::GetLayout to specify the type of layout. |