Text Services Framework
Overview of the Text Services Framework technology.
To develop Text Services Framework, you need these headers:
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
InputScope The InputScope enumeration contains values that specify which input scopes are applied to a given field. |
TF_DA_ATTR_INFO Elements of the TF_DA_ATTR_INFO enumeration are used to specify text conversion data in the TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE structure. |
TF_DA_COLORTYPE Elements of the TF_DA_COLORTYPE enumeration specify the format of the color contained in the TF_DA_COLOR structure. |
TF_DA_LINESTYLE Elements of the TF_DA_LINESTYLE enumeration specify the underline style of a display attribute in the TF_DA_COLOR structure. |
TfActiveSelEnd Elements of the TfActiveSelEnd enumeration specify which end of a selected range of text is active. |
TfAnchor Elements of the TfAnchor enumeration specify the start anchor or end anchor of an ITfRange object. |
TfCandidateResult Elements of the TfCandidateResult enumeration are used with the ITfCandidateList::SetResult method to specify the result of a reconversion operation performed on a given candidate string. |
TfGravity Elements of the TfGravity enumeration specify the type of gravity associated with the anchor of an ITfRange object. |
TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle Elements of the TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle enumeration specify the integratable candidate list selection styles. |
TfLayoutCode Elements of the TfLayoutCode enumeration specify the type of layout change in an ITfTextLayoutSink::OnLayoutChange notification. |
TfLBBalloonStyle Elements of the TfLBBalloonStyle enumeration are used to specify a language bar balloon style. |
TfLBIClick Elements of the TfLBIClick enumeration specify which mouse button was used to click a toolbar item. |
TfSapiObject Elements of the TfSapiObject enumeration are used with the ITfFnGetSAPIObject::Get method to specify a specific type of Speech API (SAPI) object. |
TfShiftDir Elements of the TfShiftDir enumeration specify which direction a range anchor is moved. |
TKBLayoutType Elements of the TKBLayoutType enumeration are passed by an IME in a call to ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout::GetLayout to specify the type of layout. |
TsActiveSelEnd Elements of the TsActiveSelEnd enumeration specify which end of a text store selection is active. |
TsGravity Elements of the TsGravity enumeration specify the gravity type associated with an IAnchor object. |
TsLayoutCode Elements of the TsLayoutCode enumeration are used to specify the type of layout change in an ITextStoreACPSink::OnLayoutChange or ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnLayoutChange notification. |
TsRunType Elements of the TsRunType enumeration specify if a text run is visible, hidden, or is a private data type embedded in the text run. |
TsShiftDir Elements of the TsShiftDir enumeration specify which direction an anchor is moved. |
Abort The ITfCandidateListUIElementBehavior::Abort method closes the candidate list. There is no guarantee that the current selection will be finalized. |
Activate ITfTextInputProcessor::Activate method |
Activate ITfThreadMgr::Activate method |
Activate Activates TSF for the calling thread. |
ActivateEx The ITfTextInputProcessorEx::ActivateEx method activates a text service when a user session starts. If the text service implements ITfTextInputProcessorEx and ActivateEx is called, ITfTextInputProcessor::Activate will not be called. |
ActivateEx Initializes and activates TSF for the calling thread with a flag that specifies how TSF is activated. |
ActivateEx The ITfThreadMgrEx::ActivateEx method is used by an application to initialize and activate TSF for the calling thread. Unlike ITfThreadMgr::Activate, ITfThreadMgrEx::ActivateEx can take a flag to specify how TSF is activated. |
ActivateLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::ActivateLanguageProfile method |
ActivateProfile The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::ActivateProfile method activates the specified text service's profile or keyboard layout. |
AddItem ITfLangBarItemMgr::AddItem method |
AddLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::AddLanguageProfile method |
AddMenuItem ITfMenu::AddMenuItem method |
AdjustForInsert The ITfRange::AdjustForInsert method expands or contracts a range of text to adjust for text insertion. |
AdviseEventSink The ITfLangBarMgr::AdviseEventSink method advises a sink about a language bar event. |
AdviseItemSink ITfLangBarItemMgr::AdviseItemSink method |
AdviseItemsSink ITfLangBarItemMgr::AdviseItemsSink method |
AdviseKeyEventSink ITfKeystrokeMgr::AdviseKeyEventSink method |
AdviseMouseSink ITfMouseTracker::AdviseMouseSink method |
AdviseMouseSink ITfMouseTrackerACP::AdviseMouseSink method |
AdviseSingleSink ITfSourceSingle::AdviseSingleSink method |
AdviseSink The ITextStoreACP::AdviseSink method installs a new advise sink from the ITextStoreACPSink interface or modifies an existing advise sink. The sink interface is specified by the punk parameter. |
AdviseSink Installs a new advise sink from the ITextStoreACPSink interface or modifies an existing advise sink. The sink interface is specified by the punk parameter. |
AdviseSink The ITextStoreAnchor::AdviseSink method installs a new advise sink from the ITextStoreAnchorSink interface or modifies an existing advise sink. |
AdviseSink ITfSource::AdviseSink method |
AssociateFocus ITfThreadMgr::AssociateFocus method |
BeginUIElement The ITfUIElementMgr::BeginUIElement method is called by a text service before showing UI. The value returned determines whether the UI for the text service should be shown or not. |
BeginUIElement The ITfUIElementSink::BeginUIElement method is called when the UIElement started. This sink can let the textservice to draw or not to draw the UI element. |
ChangeCurrentLanguage ITfInputProcessorProfiles::ChangeCurrentLanguage method |
Clear ITfProperty::Clear method |
ClearChangeHistory The IAnchor::ClearChangeHistory method clears the anchor change history flags. |
ClearCompartment ITfCompartmentMgr::ClearCompartment method |
Clone The IAnchor::Clone method produces a new anchor object positioned at the same location, and with the same gravity, as the current anchor. |
Clone IEnumITfCompositionView::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfContexts::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfDocumentMgrs::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfFunctionProviders::Clone method |
Clone The IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles::Clone method creates a copy of the enumerator object. |
Clone IEnumTfLanguageProfiles::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfProperties::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfPropertyValue::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfRanges::Clone method |
Clone The IEnumTfUIElements::Clone method creates a copy of the enumerator object. |
Clone ITfPropertyStore::Clone method |
Clone The ITfRange::Clone method duplicates this range of text. |
Clone IEnumTfCandidates::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfLatticeElements::Clone method |
Clone IEnumTfLangBarItems::Clone method |
Collapse The ITfRange::Collapse method clears the range of text by moving its start anchor and end anchor to the same position. |
Compare The IAnchor::Compare method compares the relative position of two anchors within a text stream. |
CompareEnd The ITfRange::CompareEnd method compares the end anchor position of this range of text to an anchor in another range. |
CompareStart The ITfRange::CompareStart method compares the start anchor position of this range of text to an anchor in another range. |
CreateContext ITfDocumentMgr::CreateContext method |
CreateDocumentMgr ITfThreadMgr::CreateDocumentMgr method |
CreateDocumentMgr Creates a document manager object. |
CreatePropertyStore ITfCreatePropertyStore::CreatePropertyStore method |
CreateRange ITextStoreACPServices::CreateRange method |
CreateRange The ITfContextOwnerServices::CreateRange method creates a new ranged based upon a specified character position. |
CreateRangeBackup ITfContext::CreateRangeBackup method |
Deactivate ITfTextInputProcessor::Deactivate method |
Deactivate ITfThreadMgr::Deactivate method |
Deactivate Deactivates TSF for the calling thread. |
DeactivateProfile The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::DeactivateProfile method deactivates the specified text service's profile or keyboard layout. |
DisableSystemKeystrokeFeed ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed::DisableSystemKeystrokeFeed method |
Divide ITfPropertyStore::Divide method |
DoEditSession ITfEditSession::DoEditSession method |
DoReverseConversion Performs a reverse conversion of the specified string. |
DrawBitmap ITfLangBarItemBitmap::DrawBitmap method |
DrawBitmap ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton::DrawBitmap method |
EnableLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::EnableLanguageProfile method |
EnableLanguageProfileByDefault ITfInputProcessorProfiles::EnableLanguageProfileByDefault method |
EnableSystemKeystrokeFeed ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed::EnableSystemKeystrokeFeed method |
EndComposition ITfComposition::EndComposition method |
EndUIElement The ITfUIElementMgr::EndUIElement method is called by a text service when the element of UI is hidden. |
EndUIElement The ITfUIElementSink::EndUIElement method is called when the UIElement is finished. |
EnumCandidates ITfCandidateList::EnumCandidates method |
EnumCategoriesInItem ITfCategoryMgr::EnumCategoriesInItem method |
EnumCompartments The ITfCompartmentMgr::EnumCompartments method obtains an enumerator that contains the GUID of the compartments within the compartment manager. |
EnumCompositions ITfContextComposition::EnumCompositions method |
EnumContexts ITfDocumentMgr::EnumContexts method |
EnumDisplayAttributeInfo ITfDisplayAttributeMgr::EnumDisplayAttributeInfo method |
EnumDisplayAttributeInfo ITfDisplayAttributeProvider::EnumDisplayAttributeInfo method |
EnumDocumentMgrs ITfThreadMgr::EnumDocumentMgrs method |
EnumDocumentMgrs Returns an enumerator for all the document managers within the calling thread. |
EnumFunctionProviders ITfThreadMgr::EnumFunctionProviders method |
EnumFunctionProviders Obtains an enumerator for all of the function providers registered for the calling thread. |
EnumInputProcessorInfo ITfInputProcessorProfiles::EnumInputProcessorInfo method |
EnumItems ITfLangBarItemMgr::EnumItems method |
EnumItemsInCategory ITfCategoryMgr::EnumItemsInCategory method |
EnumLanguageProfiles ITfInputProcessorProfiles::EnumLanguageProfiles method |
EnumLatticeElements ITfLMLattice::EnumLatticeElements method |
EnumProfiles The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::EnumProfiles method returns profiles to be enumerated. |
EnumProperties ITfContext::EnumProperties method |
EnumRanges ITfReadOnlyProperty::EnumRanges method |
EnumUIElements The ITfUIElementMgr::EnumUIElements method returns IEnumTfUIElements interface pointer to enumerate the ITfUIElement. |
EnumWordList ITfInputScope2::EnumWordList method |
Finalize The ITfCandidateListUIElementBehavior::Finalize method finalizes the current selection and close the candidate list. |
FinalizeExactCompositionString Finalizes the current composition with the value currently shown to the user. |
FindClosestCategory ITfCategoryMgr::FindClosestCategory method |
FindComposition ITfContextComposition::FindComposition method |
FindNextAttrTransition The ITextStoreACP::FindNextAttrTransition method determines the character position where a transition occurs in an attribute value. The specified attribute to check is application-dependent. |
FindNextAttrTransition Determines the character position where a transition occurs in an attribute value. The specified attribute to check is application-dependent. |
FindNextAttrTransition The ITextStoreAnchor::FindNextAttrTransition method finds the location in the text stream where a transition occurs in an attribute value. The specified attribute to check is application-dependent. |
FindRange ITfProperty::FindRange method |
ForceLoadProperty ITextStoreACPServices::ForceLoadProperty method |
ForceLoadProperty ITfContextOwnerServices::ForceLoadProperty method |
Get ITfFnGetSAPIObject::Get method |
GetACPFromPoint The ITextStoreACP::GetACPFromPoint method converts a point in screen coordinates to an application character position. |
GetACPFromPoint Converts a point in screen coordinates to an application character position. |
GetACPFromPoint The ITfContextOwner::GetACPFromPoint method converts a point in screen coordinates to an application character position. |
GetActiveFlags Gets the active flags of the calling thread. |
GetActiveFlags The ITfThreadMgrEx::GetActiveFlags method returns the flags TSF is active with. |
GetActiveLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::GetActiveLanguageProfile method |
GetActiveProfile This method returns the current active profile. |
GetActiveView The ITextStoreACP::GetActiveView method returns a TsViewCookie data type that specifies the current active view. |
GetActiveView Gets a TsViewCookie that represents the current active view. |
GetActiveView The ITextStoreAnchor::GetActiveView method returns a TsViewCookie data type that specifies the current active view. TSF supports only a single active view, so a given text store should always return the same TsViewCookie data type. |
GetActiveView ITfContext::GetActiveView method |
GetAlternates Returns a list of alternate strings for a given text range. |
GetAnchorFromPoint The ITextStoreAnchor::GetAnchorFromPoint method converts a point in screen coordinates to an anchor positioned at a corresponding location. |
GetAppProperty ITfContext::GetAppProperty method |
GetAttribute The ITfContextOwner::GetAttribute method returns the value of a supported attribute. If the attribute is unsupported, the pvarValue parameter is set to VT_EMPTY. |
GetAttributeInfo ITfDisplayAttributeInfo::GetAttributeInfo method |
GetBalloonInfo ITfLangBarItemBalloon::GetBalloonInfo method |
GetBase ITfDocumentMgr::GetBase method |
GetCandidate ITfCandidateList::GetCandidate method |
GetCandidateNum ITfCandidateList::GetCandidateNum method |
GetChangeHistory The IAnchor::GetChangeHistory method gets the history of deletions that have occurred immediately preceding or following the anchor. |
GetClientId ITfClientId::GetClientId method |
GetCompartment ITfCompartmentMgr::GetCompartment method |
GetContext ITfRange::GetContext method |
GetContext This method returns the target ITfContext of this reading information UI. |
GetContext ITfReadOnlyProperty::GetContext method |
GetCount The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetCount method returns the count of the candidate strings. |
GetCurrentLanguage ITfInputProcessorProfiles::GetCurrentLanguage method |
GetCurrentPage The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetCurrentPage method returns the current page. |
GetData ITfPropertyStore::GetData method |
GetDataType ITfPropertyStore::GetDataType method |
GetDefaultLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::GetDefaultLanguageProfile method |
GetDescription ITfDisplayAttributeInfo::GetDescription method |
GetDescription ITfFunctionProvider::GetDescription method |
GetDescription The ITfUIElement::GetDescription method returns the description of the UI element. |
GetDisplayAttributeInfo ITfDisplayAttributeMgr::GetDisplayAttributeInfo method |
GetDisplayAttributeInfo ITfDisplayAttributeProvider::GetDisplayAttributeInfo method |
GetDisplayName ITfFunction::GetDisplayName method |
GetDocumentMgr The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetDocumentMgr method returns the target document manager of this UI. |
GetDocumentMgr ITfContext::GetDocumentMgr method |
GetDocumentMgr The ITfTransitoryExtensionUIElement::GetDocumentMgr method returns the pointer of the transitory document manager. |
GetEmbedded Gets an embedded document. (ITextStoreACP.GetEmbedded) |
GetEmbedded Gets an embedded document. (ITextStoreACP2.GetEmbedded) |
GetEmbedded The ITextStoreAnchor::GetEmbedded method obtains an embedded object from a text stream. |
GetEmbedded The ITfRange::GetEmbedded method obtains content that corresponds to a TS_CHAR_EMBEDDED character in the text stream. The start anchor of the range of text is positioned just before the character of interest. |
GetEnd The ITextStoreAnchor::GetEnd method returns an anchor positioned at the end of the text stream. |
GetEnd ITfContext::GetEnd method |
GetEndACP The ITextStoreACP::GetEndACP method returns the number of characters in a document. |
GetEndACP Gets the number of characters in a document. |
GetErrorIndex This method returns the char index where the typing error occurs. |
GetExtent ITfRangeACP::GetExtent method |
GetFocus ITfThreadMgr::GetFocus method |
GetFocus Returns the document manager that has the input focus. |
GetForeground ITfKeystrokeMgr::GetForeground method |
GetFormattedText The ITextStoreACP::GetFormattedText method returns formatted text data about a specified text string. The caller must have a read/write lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetFormattedText Gets formatted text data about a specified text string. The caller must have a read/write lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetFormattedText The ITextStoreAnchor::GetFormattedText method returns formatted text information from a text stream. |
GetFormattedText The ITfRange::GetFormattedText method obtains formatted content contained within a range of text. The content is packaged in an object that supports the IDataObject interface. |
GetFunction ITfFunctionProvider::GetFunction method |
GetFunctionProvider ITfThreadMgr::GetFunctionProvider method |
GetFunctionProvider Obtains the specified function provider object. |
GetGlobalCompartment ITfThreadMgr::GetGlobalCompartment method |
GetGlobalCompartment Obtains the global compartment manager object. |
GetGravity The IAnchor::GetGravity method retrieves the gravity of the anchor in an IAnchor object. |
GetGravity ITfRange::GetGravity method |
GetGUID ITfCategoryMgr::GetGUID method |
GetGUID ITfDisplayAttributeInfo::GetGUID method |
GetGUID The ITfUIElement::GetGUID method returns the unique id of this UI element. |
GetGUIDDescription ITfCategoryMgr::GetGUIDDescription method |
GetGUIDDWORD ITfCategoryMgr::GetGUIDDWORD method |
GetIcon ITfLangBarItemButton::GetIcon method |
GetIconMode ITfSystemDeviceTypeLangBarItem::GetIconMode method |
GetIndex ITfCandidateString::GetIndex method |
GetInfo ITfLangBarItem::GetInfo method |
GetInputProcessorProfiles ITfLangBarMgr::GetInputProcessorProfiles method |
GetInputScopes ITfInputScope::GetInputScopes method |
GetItem ITfLangBarItemMgr::GetItem method |
GetItemFloatingRect ITfLangBarEventSink::GetItemFloatingRect method |
GetItemFloatingRect ITfLangBarItemMgr::GetItemFloatingRect method |
GetItemNum ITfLangBarItemMgr::GetItemNum method |
GetItems ITfLangBarItemMgr::GetItems method |
GetItemsStatus ITfLangBarItemMgr::GetItemsStatus method |
GetItemText The ITfSystemLangBarItemText::GetItemText method obtains the text displayed for the system language bar menu. |
GetLanguageList ITfInputProcessorProfiles::GetLanguageList method |
GetLanguageProfileDescription ITfInputProcessorProfiles::GetLanguageProfileDescription method |
GetLayout Obtains the touch keyboard layout identifier of the layout that the IME directs the touch keyboard to show while the IME is active. |
GetLength Retrieves the number of keystroke sequences in the list. |
GetMaxReadingStringLength The ITfReadingInformationUIElement::GetMaxReadingStringLength method returns the max string count of the reading information UI. |
GetMessageA ITfMessagePump::GetMessageA method |
GetMessageW ITfMessagePump::GetMessageW method |
GetOwnerClsid ITfCompositionView::GetOwnerClsid method |
GetPageIndex The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetPageIndex method returns the page index of the list. |
GetPhrase ITfInputScope::GetPhrase method |
GetPreferredSize ITfLangBarItemBalloon::GetPreferredSize method |
GetPreferredSize ITfLangBarItemBitmap::GetPreferredSize method |
GetPreferredSize ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton::GetPreferredSize method |
GetPreservedKey ITfKeystrokeMgr::GetPreservedKey method |
GetPreservedKeyDescription ITfKeystrokeMgr::GetPreservedKeyDescription method |
GetProfile The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::GetProfile method returns the information of the specified text service's profile or keyboard layout in TF_INPUTPROCESSORPROFILE structure. |
GetProperty ITfContext::GetProperty method |
GetPropertyRangeCreator ITfPropertyStore::GetPropertyRangeCreator method |
GetRange ITfComposition::GetRange method |
GetRange ITfCompositionView::GetRange method |
GetRangeFromPoint The ITfContextView::GetRangeFromPoint method converts a point, in screen coordinates, to an empty range of text positioned at a corresponding location. |
GetReconversion ITfFnLMProcessor::GetReconversion method |
GetReconversion ITfFnReconversion::GetReconversion method |
GetRegularExpression ITfInputScope::GetRegularExpression method |
GetReverseConversion Retrieves an ITfReverseConversion object that can perform reverse conversions. |
GetScreenExt The ITextStoreACP::GetScreenExt method returns the bounding box screen coordinates of the display surface where the text stream is rendered. |
GetScreenExt Gets the bounding box screen coordinates of the display surface where the text stream is rendered. |
GetScreenExt The ITextStoreAnchor::GetScreenExt method returns the bounding box screen coordinates of the display surface where the text stream is rendered. |
GetScreenExt The ITfContextOwner::GetScreenExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of the display surface where the text stream is rendered. |
GetScreenExt The ITfContextView::GetScreenExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of the document display. |
GetSearchCandidates Gets a list of conversion candidates for a given string without generating any IME-related messages or events. |
GetSelection The ITextStoreACP::GetSelection method returns the character position of a text selection in a document. This method supports multiple text selections. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetSelection Gets the character position of a text selection in a document. This method supports multiple text selections. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetSelection The ITextStoreAnchor::GetSelection method returns the offset of a text selection in a text stream. This method supports multiple text selections. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetSelection The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetSelection method returns the current selection of the candidate list. |
GetSelection ITfContext::GetSelection method |
GetSelectionStatus ITfEditRecord::GetSelectionStatus method |
GetSelectionStyle Retrieves the selection style. |
GetShowFloatingStatus ITfLangBarMgr::GetShowFloatingStatus method |
GetSRGS ITfInputScope::GetSRGS method |
GetStart The ITextStoreAnchor::GetStart method returns an anchor positioned at the start of the text stream. |
GetStart ITfContext::GetStart method |
GetStatus The ITextStoreACP::GetStatus method obtains the document status. The document status is returned through the TS_STATUS structure. |
GetStatus Gets the document status. The document status is returned through the TS_STATUS structure. |
GetStatus The ITextStoreAnchor::GetStatus method obtains the document status. The document status is returned through the TS_STATUS structure. |
GetStatus ITfContext::GetStatus method |
GetStatus The ITfContextOwner::GetStatus method obtains the status of a document. The document status is returned through the TS_STATUS structure. |
GetStatus ITfFnPropertyUIStatus::GetStatus method |
GetStatus ITfLangBarItem::GetStatus method |
GetString The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetString method returns the string of the index. |
GetString This method returns the string on the reading information UI. |
GetString Retrieves the keystroke sequence at the specified index. |
GetString Returns the string of the tooltip. |
GetString ITfCandidateString::GetString method |
GetSubstituteKeyboardLayout ITfInputProcessorProfileSubstituteLayout::GetSubstituteKeyboardLayout method |
GetText The ITextStoreACP::GetText method returns information about text at a specified character position. This method returns the visible and hidden text and indicates if embedded data is attached to the text. |
GetText Gets info about text at a specified character position. This method returns the visible and hidden text and indicates if embedded data is attached to the text. |
GetText The ITextStoreAnchor::GetText method returns information about text at a specified anchor position. This method returns the visible and hidden text and indicates if embedded data is attached to the text. |
GetText The ITfRange::GetText method obtains the content covered by this range of text. |
GetText ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton::GetText method |
GetText ITfLangBarItemButton::GetText method |
GetTextAndPropertyUpdates ITfEditRecord::GetTextAndPropertyUpdates method |
GetTextExt The ITextStoreACP::GetTextExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of the text at a specified character position. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetTextExt Gets the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of the text at a specified character position. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetTextExt The ITextStoreAnchor::GetTextExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of a range of text. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetTextExt The ITfContextOwner::GetTextExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of the text at a specified character position. The caller must have a read-only lock on the document before calling this method. |
GetTextExt The ITfContextView::GetTextExt method returns the bounding box, in screen coordinates, of a range of text. |
GetThreadLangBarItemMgr ITfLangBarMgr::GetThreadLangBarItemMgr method |
GetThreadMarshalInterface ITfLangBarMgr::GetThreadMarshalInterface method |
GetTooltipString ITfLangBarItem::GetTooltipString method |
GetTop ITfDocumentMgr::GetTop method |
GetType ITfFunctionProvider::GetType method |
GetType ITfPropertyStore::GetType method |
GetType ITfReadOnlyProperty::GetType method |
GetUIElement The ITfUIElementMgr::GetUIElement method gets the ITfUIElement interface of the element id. |
GetUpdatedFlags The ITfCandidateListUIElement::GetUpdatedFlags method returns the flag that tells which part of this element was updated. |
GetUpdatedFlags This method returns the flag that tells which part of this element was updated. |
GetValue ITfCompartment::GetValue method |
GetValue ITfReadOnlyProperty::GetValue method |
GetWnd The ITextStoreACP::GetWnd method returns the handle to a window that corresponds to the current document. |
GetWnd The ITextStoreAnchor::GetWnd method returns the handle to a window that corresponds to the current text stream. |
GetWnd The ITfContextOwner::GetWnd method returns the handle to a window that corresponds to the current document. |
GetWnd The ITfContextView::GetWnd method returns the handle to a window that corresponds to the current document. |
GetXML ITfInputScope::GetXML method |
Initialize ITfSpeechUIServer::Initialize method |
InitLocalMsCtfMonitor The InitLocalMsCtfMonitor function initializes TextServicesFramework on the current desktop and prepares the floating language bar, if necessary. This function must be called on the app's desktop. |
InitMenu This method is not used if the button item does not have the TF_LBI_STYLE_BTN_MENU style. (ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton.InitMenu) |
InitMenu This method is not used if the button item does not have the TF_LBI_STYLE_BTN_MENU style. (ITfLangBarItemButton.InitMenu) |
InitMenu ITfSystemLangBarItemSink::InitMenu method |
InsertEmbedded Inserts an embedded object at the specified character. (ITextStoreACP.InsertEmbedded) |
InsertEmbedded Inserts an embedded object at the specified character. (ITextStoreACP2.InsertEmbedded) |
InsertEmbedded ITextStoreAnchor::InsertEmbedded method |
InsertEmbedded The ITfRange::InsertEmbedded method inserts an object at the location of the start anchor of the range of text. |
InsertEmbeddedAtSelection The ITextStoreACP::InsertEmbeddedAtSelection method inserts an IDataObject object at the insertion point or selection. The client that calls this method must have a read/write lock before inserting an IDataObject object into the document. |
InsertEmbeddedAtSelection Inserts an IDataObject at the insertion point or selection. The client that calls this method must have a read/write lock before inserting an IDataObject object into the document. |
InsertEmbeddedAtSelection The ITextStoreAnchor::InsertEmbeddedAtSelection method inserts an IDataObject object at the insertion point or selection. The client that calls this method must have a read/write lock before inserting an IDataObject into the text stream. |
InsertEmbeddedAtSelection The ITfInsertAtSelection::InsertEmbeddedAtSelection method inserts an IDataObject object at the selection or insertion point. |
InsertTextAtSelection The ITextStoreACP::InsertTextAtSelection method inserts text at the insertion point or selection. A caller must have a read/write lock on the document before inserting text. |
InsertTextAtSelection Inserts text at the insertion point or selection. A caller must have a read/write lock on the document before inserting text. |
InsertTextAtSelection ITextStoreAnchor::InsertTextAtSelection method |
InsertTextAtSelection ITfInsertAtSelection::InsertTextAtSelection method |
InvokeFunc ITfFnLMProcessor::InvokeFunc method |
InvokeKey ITfFnLMProcessor::InvokeKey method |
InWriteSession ITfContext::InWriteSession method |
IsEmpty The ITfRange::IsEmpty method verifies that the range of text is empty because the start and end anchors occupy the same position. |
IsEnabledLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::IsEnabledLanguageProfile method |
IsEqual The IAnchor::IsEqual method evaluates two anchors within a text stream and returns a Boolean value that specifies the equality or inequality of the anchor positions. |
IsEqualEnd The ITfRange::IsEqualStart method verifies that the end anchor of this range of text matches an anchor of another specified range. |
IsEqualStart The ITfRange::IsEqualStart method verifies that the start anchor of this range of text matches an anchor of another specified range. |
IsEqualTfGuidAtom ITfCategoryMgr::IsEqualTfGuidAtom method |
IsPreservedKey ITfKeystrokeMgr::IsPreservedKey method |
IsProfileAvailableForLang ITfFnLangProfileUtil::IsProfileAvailableForLang method |
IsShown The ITfUIElement::IsShown method returns true if the UI is currently shown by a text service; otherwise false. |
IsStoreSerializable ITfCreatePropertyStore::IsStoreSerializable method |
IsThreadFocus ITfThreadMgr::IsThreadFocus method |
IsThreadFocus Determines if the calling thread has the TSF input focus. |
IsVerticalOrderPreferred This method returns if the UI prefers to be shown in vertical order. |
KeyDown ITfKeystrokeMgr::KeyDown method |
KeyUp ITfKeystrokeMgr::KeyUp method |
LoadProperty ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderACP::LoadProperty method |
Next IEnumITfCompositionView::Next method |
Next IEnumTfContexts::Next method |
Next IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo::Next method |
Next IEnumTfDocumentMgrs::Next method |
Next IEnumTfFunctionProviders::Next method |
Next The IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles::Next method obtains, from the current position, the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. |
Next IEnumTfLanguageProfiles::Next method |
Next IEnumTfProperties::Next method |
Next IEnumTfPropertyValue::Next method |
Next IEnumTfRanges::Next method |
Next The IEnumTfUIElements::Next method obtains, from the current position, the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. |
Next IEnumTfCandidates::Next method |
Next IEnumTfLatticeElements::Next method |
Next IEnumTfLangBarItems::Next method |
OnActivated ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink::OnActivated method |
OnActivated The ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink::OnActivated method is a callback that is called when an input processor profile is activated or deactivated. |
OnAttributeChange ITfContextOwnerServices::OnAttributeChange method |
OnAttrsChange ITextStoreACPSink::OnAttrsChange method |
OnAttrsChange The ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnAttrsChange method is called when the value of one or more text attributes changes. |
OnChange ITfCompartmentEventSink::OnChange method |
OnCleanupContext ITfCleanupContextSink::OnCleanupContext method |
OnClick ITfLangBarItemBalloon::OnClick method |
OnClick ITfLangBarItemBitmap::OnClick method |
OnClick This method is not used if the button item does not have the TF_LBI_STYLE_BTN_BUTTON style. (ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton.OnClick) |
OnClick This method is not used if the button item does not have the TF_LBI_STYLE_BTN_BUTTON style. (ITfLangBarItemButton.OnClick) |
OnCompositionTerminated ITfCompositionSink::OnCompositionTerminated method |
OnEndCleanupContext ITfCleanupContextDurationSink::OnEndCleanupContext method |
OnEndComposition ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink::OnEndComposition method |
OnEndEdit ITfTextEditSink::OnEndEdit method |
OnEndEditTransaction ITextStoreACPSink::OnEndEditTransaction method |
OnEndEditTransaction ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnEndEditTransaction method |
OnEndEditTransaction ITfEditTransactionSink::OnEndEditTransaction method |
OnInitDocumentMgr ITfThreadMgrEventSink::OnInitDocumentMgr method |
OnKeyDown ITfContextKeyEventSink::OnKeyDown method |
OnKeyDown ITfKeyEventSink::OnKeyDown method |
OnKeyDown Processes a key press. |
OnKeyTraceDown ITfKeyTraceEventSink::OnKeyTraceDown method |
OnKeyTraceUp ITfKeyTraceEventSink::OnKeyTraceUp method |
OnKeyUp ITfContextKeyEventSink::OnKeyUp method |
OnKeyUp ITfKeyEventSink::OnKeyUp method |
OnKillThreadFocus ITfThreadFocusSink::OnKillThreadFocus method |
OnLanguageChange ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink::OnLanguageChange method |
OnLanguageChanged ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink::OnLanguageChanged method |
OnLatticeUpdate ITfFnAdviseText::OnLatticeUpdate method |
OnLayoutChange ITextStoreACPSink::OnLayoutChange method |
OnLayoutChange The ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnLayoutChange method is called when the layout (on-screen representation) of the document changes. |
OnLayoutChange The ITfContextOwnerServices::OnLayoutChange method is called by the context owner when the on-screen representation of the text stream is updated during a composition. |
OnLayoutChange ITfTextLayoutSink::OnLayoutChange method |
OnLockGranted ITextStoreACPSink::OnLockGranted method |
OnLockGranted ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnLockGranted method |
OnMenuSelect This method is not used if the button item does not have the TF_LBI_STYLE_BTN_MENU style. (ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton.OnMenuSelect) |
OnMenuSelect This method is not used if the button item does not have the TF_LBI_STYLE_BTN_MENU style. (ITfLangBarItemButton.OnMenuSelect) |
OnMenuSelect ITfSystemLangBarItemSink::OnMenuSelect method |
OnModalInput ITfLangBarEventSink::OnModalInput method |
OnMouseEvent ITfMouseSink::OnMouseEvent method |
OnPopContext ITfThreadMgrEventSink::OnPopContext method |
OnPreservedKey ITfKeyEventSink::OnPreservedKey method |
OnPushContext ITfThreadMgrEventSink::OnPushContext method |
OnSelectionChange ITextStoreACPSink::OnSelectionChange method |
OnSelectionChange The ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnSelectionChange method is called when the selection within the text stream changes. This method should be called whenever the return value of a potential call to ITextStoreAnchor::GetSelection has changed. |
OnSetFocus ITfKeyEventSink::OnSetFocus method |
OnSetFocus ITfThreadMgrEventSink::OnSetFocus method |
OnSetFocus ITfLangBarEventSink::OnSetFocus method |
OnSetThreadFocus ITfThreadFocusSink::OnSetThreadFocus method |
OnStartCleanupContext ITfCleanupContextDurationSink::OnStartCleanupContext method |
OnStartComposition ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink::OnStartComposition method |
OnStartEditTransaction ITextStoreACPSink::OnStartEditTransaction method |
OnStartEditTransaction ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnStartEditTransaction method |
OnStartEditTransaction ITfEditTransactionSink::OnStartEditTransaction method |
OnStatusChange ITextStoreACPSink::OnStatusChange method |
OnStatusChange ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnStatusChange method |
OnStatusChange The ITfContextOwnerServices::OnStatusChange method is called by the context owner when the dwDynamicFlags member of the TS_STATUS structure returned by the ITfContextOwner::GetStatus method changes. |
OnStatusChange ITfStatusSink::OnStatusChange method |
OnTestKeyDown ITfContextKeyEventSink::OnTestKeyDown method |
OnTestKeyDown ITfKeyEventSink::OnTestKeyDown method |
OnTestKeyUp ITfContextKeyEventSink::OnTestKeyUp method |
OnTestKeyUp ITfKeyEventSink::OnTestKeyUp method |
OnTextChange ITextStoreACPSink::OnTextChange method |
OnTextChange ITextStoreAnchorSink::OnTextChange method |
OnTextUpdate ITfFnAdviseText::OnTextUpdate method |
OnTextUpdated ITfPropertyStore::OnTextUpdated method |
OnThreadItemChange ITfLangBarEventSink::OnThreadItemChange method |
OnThreadTerminate ITfLangBarEventSink::OnThreadTerminate method |
OnTransitoryExtensionUpdated ITfTransitoryExtensionSink::OnTransitoryExtensionUpdated method |
OnUninitDocumentMgr ITfThreadMgrEventSink::OnUninitDocumentMgr method |
OnUpdate ITfLangBarItemSink::OnUpdate method |
OnUpdateComposition ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink::OnUpdateComposition method |
OnUpdated ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink::OnUpdated method |
OnUpdateInfo ITfDisplayAttributeMgr::OnUpdateInfo method |
OnUpdateInfo ITfDisplayAttributeNotifySink::OnUpdateInfo method |
OnWindowClosed Called by the TSF after closing the IME UI. |
OnWindowClosing Called by the TSF before closing the IME UI. |
OnWindowOpened Called by the TSF after opening an IME UI. |
OnWindowOpening Called by the TSF before opening an IME UI. |
OnWindowUpdated Called by the TSF after resizing and/or relocating the opened IME UI. |
OnWindowUpdating Called by the TSF before resizing and/or relocating the opened IME UI. |
PeekMessageA ITfMessagePump::PeekMessageA method |
PeekMessageW ITfMessagePump::PeekMessageW method |
Play ITfFnPlayBack::Play method |
Pop ITfDocumentMgr::Pop method |
PreserveKey ITfKeystrokeMgr::PreserveKey method |
ProcessLattice ITfFnLMInternal::ProcessLattice method |
Push ITfDocumentMgr::Push method |
QueryInsert The ITextStoreACP::QueryInsert method determines whether the specified start and end character positions are valid. |
QueryInsert Determines whether the specified start and end character positions are valid. Use this method to adjust an edit to a document before executing the edit. The method must not return values outside the range of the document. |
QueryInsert The ITextStoreAnchor::QueryInsert method determines whether the specified start and end anchors are valid. Use this method to adjust an edit to a document before you execute the edit. The method must not return values outside the range of the document. |
QueryInsertEmbedded Gets a value indicating whether the specified object can be inserted into the document. (ITextStoreACP.QueryInsertEmbedded) |
QueryInsertEmbedded Gets a value indicating whether the specified object can be inserted into the document. (ITextStoreACP2.QueryInsertEmbedded) |
QueryInsertEmbedded ITextStoreAnchor::QueryInsertEmbedded method |
QueryInsertEmbedded ITfQueryEmbedded::QueryInsertEmbedded method |
QueryKey ITfFnLMProcessor::QueryKey method |
QueryLangID ITfFnLMProcessor::QueryLangID method |
QueryRange ITfFnLMProcessor::QueryRange method |
QueryRange ITfFnPlayBack::QueryRange method |
QueryRange The ITfFnReconversion::QueryRange method obtains the range of text that the reconversion applies to. |
QueryType ITfLMLattice::QueryType method |
Reconvert ITfFnLMProcessor::Reconvert method |
Reconvert ITfFnReconversion::Reconvert method |
Register ITfInputProcessorProfiles::Register method |
RegisterActiveProfiles ITfFnLangProfileUtil::RegisterActiveProfiles method |
RegisterCategory ITfCategoryMgr::RegisterCategory method |
RegisterGUID ITfCategoryMgr::RegisterGUID method |
RegisterGUIDDescription ITfCategoryMgr::RegisterGUIDDescription method |
RegisterGUIDDWORD ITfCategoryMgr::RegisterGUIDDWORD method |
RegisterProfile The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::RegisterProfile method registers the text service and the profile. |
ReleaseInputProcessor The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::ReleaseInputProcessor method deactivates the profiles belonging to the text services of the specified CLSID and releases the instance of ITfTextInputProcessorEx interface. |
RemoveItem ITfLangBarItemMgr::RemoveItem method |
RemoveLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::RemoveLanguageProfile method |
RequestAttrsAtPosition Gets text attributes at the specified character position. (ITextStoreACP.RequestAttrsAtPosition) |
RequestAttrsAtPosition Gets text attributes at the specified character position. (ITextStoreACP2.RequestAttrsAtPosition) |
RequestAttrsAtPosition ITextStoreAnchor::RequestAttrsAtPosition method |
RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition Gets text attributes transitioning at the specified character position. (ITextStoreACP.RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition) |
RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition Gets text attributes transitioning at the specified character position. (ITextStoreACP2.RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition) |
RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition ITextStoreAnchor::RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition method |
RequestEditSession ITfContext::RequestEditSession method |
RequestLock The ITextStoreACP::RequestLock method is called by the TSF manager to provide a document lock in order to modify the document. This method calls the ITextStoreACPSink::OnLockGranted method to create the document lock. |
RequestLock Called by the TSF manager to provide a document lock in order to modify the document. This method calls the OnLockGranted method to create the document lock. |
RequestLock ITextStoreAnchor::RequestLock method |
RequestSupportedAttrs Get the attributes that are supported in the document. (ITextStoreACP.RequestSupportedAttrs) |
RequestSupportedAttrs Get the attributes that are supported in the document. (ITextStoreACP2.RequestSupportedAttrs) |
RequestSupportedAttrs ITextStoreAnchor::RequestSupportedAttrs method |
Reset IEnumITfCompositionView::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfContexts::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfDocumentMgrs::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfFunctionProviders::Reset method |
Reset The IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles::Reset method resets the enumerator object by moving the current position to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. |
Reset IEnumTfLanguageProfiles::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfProperties::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfPropertyValue::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfRanges::Reset method |
Reset The IEnumTfUIElements::Reset method resets the enumerator object by moving the current position to the beginning of the enumeration sequence. |
Reset ITfDisplayAttributeInfo::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfCandidates::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfLatticeElements::Reset method |
Reset IEnumTfLangBarItems::Reset method |
Restore ITfRangeBackup::Restore method |
RestoreLastFocus ITfLangBarMgr::RestoreLastFocus method |
ResumeKeystrokeHandling Resumes suspended keystroke handling. |
RetrieveRequestedAttrs Gets the attributes returned by a call to an attribute request method. (ITextStoreACP.RetrieveRequestedAttrs) |
RetrieveRequestedAttrs Gets the attributes returned by a call to an attribute request method. (ITextStoreACP2.RetrieveRequestedAttrs) |
RetrieveRequestedAttrs ITextStoreAnchor::RetrieveRequestedAttrs method |
Serialize ITextStoreACPServices::Serialize method |
Serialize The ITfContextOwnerServices::Serialize method obtains a property from a range of text and writes the property data into a stream object. This enables an application to store property data, for example, when writing the data to a file. |
Serialize ITfPropertyStore::Serialize method |
SetAttributeInfo ITfDisplayAttributeInfo::SetAttributeInfo method |
SetChangeHistoryMask This method has not been implemented. |
SetDefaultLanguageProfile ITfInputProcessorProfiles::SetDefaultLanguageProfile method |
SetExtent ITfRangeACP::SetExtent method |
SetFocus ITfThreadMgr::SetFocus method |
SetFocus Sets the input focus to the specified document manager. |
SetGravity IAnchor::SetGravity method |
SetGravity ITfRange::SetGravity method |
SetIcon ITfSystemLangBarItem::SetIcon method |
SetIconMode ITfSystemDeviceTypeLangBarItem::SetIconMode method |
SetInputScope Sets an input scope for the specified window. |
SetInputScopes Sets a combination of one input scope, multiple input scopes, one phrase list, a regular expression, and/or Speech Recognition Grammar Specification (SRGS) rules for the specified window. |
SetInputScopes2 The application must call SetInputScope with IS_DEFAULT before a window is destroyed to clear the reference of the interface. |
SetInputScopeXML Do not use. (SetInputScopeXML) |
SetIntegrationStyle Sets the integration style. |
SetItemText The ITfSystemLangBarItemText::SetItemText method modifies the text displayed for the system language bar menu. |
SetLanguageProfileDisplayName Redistributable:_Requires TSF 1.0 on Windows 2000. |
SetModalInput ITfLangBarMgr::SetModalInput method |
SetPageIndex The ITfCandidateListUIElement::SetPageIndex method sets the page index. |
SetPreservedKeyDescription ITfKeystrokeMgr::SetPreservedKeyDescription method |
SetResult ITfCandidateList::SetResult method |
SetResult Provides a text Service or IME with history data when a candidate is chosen by the user. |
SetSelection The ITextStoreACP::SetSelection method selects text within the document. The application must have a read/write lock on the document before calling this method. |
SetSelection Selects text within the document. The application must have a read/write lock on the document before calling this method. |
SetSelection ITextStoreAnchor::SetSelection method |
SetSelection The ITfCandidateListUIElementBehavior::SetSelection method set the selection of the candidate list. |
SetSelection ITfContext::SetSelection method |
SetStatus ITfFnPropertyUIStatus::SetStatus method |
SetText The ITextStoreACP::SetText method sets the text selection to the supplied character positions. |
SetText Sets the text selection to the supplied character positions. |
SetText The ITextStoreAnchor::SetText method sets the text selection between two supplied anchor locations. |
SetText The ITfRange::SetText method replaces the content covered by the range of text. |
SetTooltipString ITfSystemLangBarItem::SetTooltipString method |
SetValue ITfCompartment::SetValue method |
SetValue ITfProperty::SetValue method |
SetValueStore ITfProperty::SetValueStore method |
Shift The IAnchor::Shift method shifts the anchor forward or backward within a text stream. |
ShiftEnd ITfComposition::ShiftEnd method |
ShiftEnd ITfRange::ShiftEnd method |
ShiftEndRegion ITfRange::ShiftEndRegion method |
ShiftEndToRange ITfRange::ShiftEndToRange method |
ShiftRegion IAnchor::ShiftRegion method |
ShiftStart ITfComposition::ShiftStart method |
ShiftStart ITfRange::ShiftStart method |
ShiftStartRegion ITfRange::ShiftStartRegion method |
ShiftStartToRange ITfRange::ShiftStartToRange method |
ShiftTo The IAnchor::ShiftTo method shifts the current anchor to the same position as another anchor. |
Show The ITfUIElement::Show method shows the text service's UI of this UI element. |
Show ITfFnConfigure::Show method |
Show The ITfFnConfigureRegisterEudc::Show method shows the EUDC key sequence register UI. |
Show ITfFnConfigureRegisterWord::Show method |
Show ITfFnShowHelp::Show method |
Show ITfLangBarItem::Show method |
ShowCandidateNumbers Specifies whether candidate numbers should be shown. |
ShowFloating ITfLangBarEventSink::ShowFloating method |
ShowFloating ITfLangBarMgr::ShowFloating method |
ShowUI ITfSpeechUIServer::ShowUI method |
Shrink ITfPropertyStore::Shrink method |
SimulatePreservedKey ITfKeystrokeMgr::SimulatePreservedKey method |
Skip IEnumITfCompositionView::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfContexts::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfDocumentMgrs::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfFunctionProviders::Skip method |
Skip The IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles::Skip method moves the current position forward in the enumeration sequence by the specified number of elements. |
Skip IEnumTfLanguageProfiles::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfProperties::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfPropertyValue::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfRanges::Skip method |
Skip The IEnumTfUIElements::Skip method obtains, from the current position, the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence. |
Skip IEnumTfCandidates::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfLatticeElements::Skip method |
Skip IEnumTfLangBarItems::Skip method |
StartComposition ITfContextComposition::StartComposition method |
SubstituteKeyboardLayout ITfInputProcessorProfiles::SubstituteKeyboardLayout method |
SuspendKeystrokeHandling Suspends handling keystrokes. |
SystemDisableMSAA ITfMSAAControl::SystemDisableMSAA method |
SystemEnableMSAA ITfMSAAControl::SystemEnableMSAA method |
TakeOwnership ITfContextComposition::TakeOwnership method |
TerminateComposition ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices::TerminateComposition method |
TestKeyDown ITfKeystrokeMgr::TestKeyDown method |
TestKeyUp ITfKeystrokeMgr::TestKeyUp method |
TF_CreateCategoryMgr The TF_CreateCategoryMgr function creates a category manager object without having to initialize COM. Usage must be done carefully because the calling thread must maintain the reference count on an object that is owned by MSCTF.DLL. |
TF_CreateDisplayAttributeMgr The TF_CreateDisplayAttributeMgr function is used to create a display attribute manager object without having to initialize COM. |
TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles The TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles function is used to create a input processor profile object without having to initialize COM. |
TF_CreateLangBarItemMgr The TF_CreateLangBarItemMgr function is used to create a language bar item manager object without having to initialize COM. |
TF_CreateLangBarMgr The TF_CreateLangBarMgr function creates a language bar manager object without having to initialize COM. Usage of this method is not recommended, because the calling process must maintain a proper reference count on an object that is owned by Msctf.dll. |
TF_CreateThreadMgr The TF_CreateThreadMgr function creates a thread manager object without having to initialize COM. Usage of this method is not recommended, because the calling process must maintain a proper reference count on an object that is owned by Msctf.dll. |
TF_GetThreadMgr The TF_GetThreadMgr function obtains a copy of a thread manager object previously created within the calling thread. |
TrackProperties ITfContext::TrackProperties method |
UnadviseEventSink ITfLangBarMgr::UnadviseEventSink method |
UnadviseItemSink ITfLangBarItemMgr::UnadviseItemSink method |
UnadviseItemsSink ITfLangBarItemMgr::UnadviseItemsSink method |
UnadviseKeyEventSink ITfKeystrokeMgr::UnadviseKeyEventSink method |
UnadviseMouseSink ITfMouseTracker::UnadviseMouseSink method |
UnadviseMouseSink ITfMouseTrackerACP::UnadviseMouseSink method |
UnadviseSingleSink ITfSourceSingle::UnadviseSingleSink method |
UnadviseSink The ITextStoreACP::UnadviseSink method is called by an application to indicate that it no longer requires notifications from the TSF manager. The TSF manager will release the sink interface and stop notifications. |
UnadviseSink Called by an application to indicate that it no longer requires notifications from the TSF manager. The TSF manager will release the sink interface and stop notifications. |
UnadviseSink ITextStoreAnchor::UnadviseSink method |
UnadviseSink ITfSource::UnadviseSink method |
UninitLocalMsCtfMonitor The UninitLocalMsCtfMonitor function uninitializes TextServicesFramework on the current desktop. |
UnpreserveKey ITfKeystrokeMgr::UnpreserveKey method |
Unregister ITfInputProcessorProfiles::Unregister method |
UnregisterCategory ITfCategoryMgr::UnregisterCategory method |
UnregisterGUIDDescription ITfCategoryMgr::UnregisterGUIDDescription method |
UnregisterGUIDDWORD ITfCategoryMgr::UnregisterGUIDDWORD method |
UnregisterProfile The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::UnregisterProfile method unregisters the text service and the profile. |
Unserialize ITextStoreACPServices::Unserialize method |
Unserialize ITfContextOwnerServices::Unserialize method |
UpdateBalloon ITfFnBalloon::UpdateBalloon method |
UpdateBalloon ITfSpeechUIServer::UpdateBalloon method |
UpdateUIElement The ITfUIElementMgr::UpdateUIElement method is called by a text service when the UI element must be updated. |
UpdateUIElement The ITfUIElementSink::UpdateUIElement method is called when the contents of the UIElement is updated. |
IAnchor The IAnchor interface is implemented by the TSF manager. Clients of Microsoft Active Accessibility use IAnchor anchor objects to delimit a range of text within a text stream. |
IEnumITfCompositionView The IEnumITfCompositionView interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of composition view objects. |
IEnumTfCandidates The IEnumTfCandidates interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of candidate string objects. |
IEnumTfContexts The IEnumTfContexts interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of context objects. |
IEnumTfContextViews Not implemented. (IEnumTfContextViews) |
IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo The IEnumTfDisplayAttributeInfo interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of display attribute information objects. |
IEnumTfDocumentMgrs The IEnumTfDocumentMgrs interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of document manager objects. |
IEnumTfFunctionProviders The IEnumTfFunctionProviders interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of function provider objects. |
IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles The IEnumTfInputProcessorProfiles interface is implemented by TSF manager and used by applications or textservices. This interface can be retrieved by ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr::EnumProfiles and enumerates the registered profiles. |
IEnumTfLangBarItems The IEnumTfLangBarItems interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of language bar item objects. |
IEnumTfLanguageProfiles The IEnumTfLanguageProfiles interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of language profiles. |
IEnumTfLatticeElements The IEnumTfLatticeElements interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of lattice elements. |
IEnumTfProperties The IEnumTfProperties interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of property objects. |
IEnumTfPropertyValue The IEnumTfPropertyValue interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of property values. |
IEnumTfRanges The IEnumTfRanges interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide an enumeration of range objects. |
IEnumTfUIElements The IEnumTfUIElements interface is implemented by TSF manager and used by applications or textservices. This interface can be retrieved by ITfUIElementMgr::EnumUIElements and enumerates the registered UI elements. |
ITextStoreACP The ITextStoreACP interface is implemented by the application and is used by the TSF manager to manipulate text streams or text stores in TSF. |
ITextStoreACP2 The ITextStoreACP2 interface is implemented by the application and is used by the TSF manager to manipulate text streams or text stores in TSF. |
ITextStoreACPServices The ITextStoreACPServices interface is implemented by the TSF manager to provide various services to an ACP-based application. |
ITextStoreACPSink The ITextStoreACPSink interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an ACP-based application to notify the manager when certain events occur. The manager installs this advise sink by calling ITextStoreACP::AdviseSink. |
ITextStoreAnchor The ITextStoreAnchor interface is implemented by a Microsoft Active Accessibility client and is used by the TSF manager to manipulate text streams. |
ITextStoreAnchorSink The ITextStoreAnchorSink interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an anchor-based application to notify the manager when certain events occur. The manager installs this advise sink by calling ITextStoreAnchor::AdviseSink. |
ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink The ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink interface is implemented by an application to receive a notification when the active language or text service changes. |
ITfCandidateList The ITfCandidateList interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager or a client (application or other text service) to obtain and manipulate candidate string objects. |
ITfCandidateListUIElement The ITfCandidateListUIElement interface is implemented by a text service that has the candidate list UI. |
ITfCandidateListUIElementBehavior This interface is implemented by a text service that has a candidate list UI and its UI can be controlled by the application. The application QI this interface from ITfUIElement and controls the candidate list behavior. |
ITfCandidateString The ITfCandidateString interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager or a client to obtain information about a candidate string object. |
ITfCategoryMgr The ITfCategoryMgr interface manages categories of objects for text services. The TSF manager implements this interface. |
ITfCleanupContextDurationSink The ITfCleanupContextDurationSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive notifications when a context cleanup operation is performed. |
ITfCleanupContextSink The ITfCleanupContextSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive notifications when a context cleanup operation occurs. This notification sink is installed by calling ITfSourceSingle::AdviseSingleSink with IID_ITfCleanupContextSink. |
ITfClientId The ITfClientId interface is implemented by the TSF manager. This interface is used to obtain a client identifier for TSF objects. An instance of this interface is obtained by querying the thread manager with IID_ITfClientId. |
ITfCompartment The ITfCompartment interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by clients (applications and text services) to obtain and set data in a TSF compartment. |
ITfCompartmentEventSink The ITfCompartmentEventSink interface is implemented by a client (application or text service) and used by the TSF manager to notify the client when compartment data changes. |
ITfCompartmentMgr The ITfCompartmentMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by clients (applications and text services) to obtain and manipulate TSF compartments. |
ITfComposition The ITfComposition interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to obtain data about and terminate a composition. An instance of this interface is provided by the ITfContextComposition::StartComposition method. |
ITfCompositionSink The ITfCompositionSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive a notification when a composition is terminated. |
ITfCompositionView The ITfCompositionView interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application to obtain data about a composition view. An instance of this interface is provided by one of the ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink methods. |
ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed The ITfConfigureSystemKeystrokeFeed interface is implemented by the TSF manager to enable and disable the processing of keystrokes. |
ITfContext The ITfContext interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by applications and text services to access an edit context. |
ITfContextComposition The ITfContextComposition interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to create and manipulate compositions. An instance of this interface is provided by ITfContext::QueryInterface with IID_ITfContextComposition. |
ITfContextKeyEventSink The ITfContextKeyEventSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive keyboard event notifications that occur in an input context. |
ITfContextOwner The ITfContextOwner interface is implemented by an application or a text service to receive text input without having a text store. An instance of this interface is obtained when the application calls the ITfSource::AdviseSink method. |
ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices The ITfContextOwnerCompositionServices interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a context owner to manipulate compositions created by a text service. |
ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink The ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink interface is implemented by an application to receive composition-related notifications. |
ITfContextOwnerServices The ITfContextOwnerServices interface is implemented by the manager and used by a text service or application acting as context owners. |
ITfContextView The ITfContextView interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a client (application or text service) to obtain information about a context view. |
ITfCreatePropertyStore The ITfCreatePropertyStore interface is implemented by a text service to support persistence of property store data. |
ITfDisplayAttributeInfo The ITfDisplayAttributeInfo interface is implemented by a text service to provide display attribute data. This interface is used by any component, most often an application, that must determine how text displays. |
ITfDisplayAttributeMgr The ITfDisplayAttributeMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application to obtain and enumerate display attributes. Individual display attributes are accessed through the ITfDisplayAttributeInfo interface. |
ITfDisplayAttributeNotifySink The ITfDisplayAttributeNotifySink interface is implemented by an application to receive a notification when display attribute information is updated. |
ITfDisplayAttributeProvider The ITfDisplayAttributeProvider interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager to enumerate and obtain individual display attribute information objects. |
ITfDocumentMgr The ITfDocumentMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to create and manage text contexts. To obtain an instance of this interface call ITfThreadMgr::CreateDocumentMgr. |
ITfEditRecord The ITfEditRecord interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text edit sink to determine what was changed during an edit session. |
ITfEditSession The ITfEditSession interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to read and/or modify the text and properties of a context. |
ITfEditTransactionSink The ITfEditTransactionSink interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to support edit transactions. |
ITfFnAdviseText The ITfFnAdviseText interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to supply notifications when the text or lattice element in a context changes. |
ITfFnBalloon The ITfFnBalloon interface is implemented by a text service and is used by an application or other text service to update the balloon item that the text service adds to the language bar. |
ITfFnConfigure The ITfFnConfigure interface is implemented by a text service to enable the Text Services control panel application to allow the text service to display a configuration dialog box. |
ITfFnConfigureRegisterEudc The ITfFnConfigureRegisterEudc interface is implemented by a text service to provide the UI to register the key sequence for the given EUDC. |
ITfFnConfigureRegisterWord The ITfFnConfigureRegisterWord interface is implemented by a text service to enable the Active Input Method Editor (IME) to cause the text service to display a word registration dialog box. |
ITfFnGetLinguisticAlternates The ITfFnGetLinguisticAlternates interface is implemented by a text service and/or by the TSF manager to provide linguistic alternates for the text within a given range passed as a parameter. |
ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout The ITfFnGetPreferredTouchKeyboardLayout interface is implemented by a text service to specify the use of a particular keyboard layout supported by the inbox Windows 8 touch keyboard. |
ITfFnGetSAPIObject The ITfFnGetSAPIObject interface is implemented by the Speech API (SAPI) text service. This interface is used by the TSF manager or a client (application or other text service) to obtain various SAPI objects. |
ITfFnLangProfileUtil The ITfFnLangProfileUtil interface is implemented by the speech text service and used to provide utility methods for the speech text service. |
ITfFnLMInternal The ITfFnLMInternal interface is not used. |
ITfFnLMProcessor The ITfFnLMProcessor interface is implemented by the language model text service and is used by an application or text service to enable alternate language model processing. |
ITfFnPlayBack The ITfFnPlayBack interface is implemented by the Speech API (SAPI) text service. This interface is used by the TSF manager or a client (application or other text service) to control the audio data for speech input text. |
ITfFnPropertyUIStatus The ITfFnPropertyUIStatus interface is implemented by a text service and used by an application or text service to obtain and set the status of the text service property UI. |
ITfFnReconversion The ITfFnReconversion interface is implemented by a text service and is used by the TSF manager or a client to support reconversion of text provided by the text service. |
ITfFnSearchCandidateProvider Enables an integrated search experience in an Input Method Editor (IME). |
ITfFnShowHelp The ITfFnShowHelp interface is implemented by a text service to enable the language bar to place a help command for the text service in the language bar help menu. |
ITfFunction The ITfFunction interface is the base interface for the individual function interfaces. |
ITfFunctionProvider The ITfFunctionProvider interface is implemented by an application or text service to provide various function objects. |
ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink The ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink interface is implemented by an application to receive notifications when the profile changes. |
ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr The ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to manipulate the language profile of one or more text services. |
ITfInputProcessorProfiles The ITfInputProcessorProfiles interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to manipulate the language profile of one or more text services. |
ITfInputProcessorProfilesEx This interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a text service or application to set the display description of the language profile. |
ITfInputProcessorProfileSubstituteLayout This interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an application or text service to manipulate the substitute input locale identifier (keyboard layout) of a text service profile. |
ITfInputScope The ITfInputScope interface is used by the text input processors to get the InputScope value that represents a document context associated with a window. |
ITfInputScope2 The ITfInputScope2 interface is used by the text input processors to get the IEnumString interface pointer and this IEnumString interface enumerates the word list that the application specified for this context. |
ITfInsertAtSelection The ITfInsertAtSelection interface is implemented by the manager and is used by a text service to insert text or an embedded object in a context. The text service obtains this interface by calling ITfContext::QueryInterface. |
ITfIntegratableCandidateListUIElement Enables text services and Input Method Editors (IMEs) to adjust UI-less mode behavior. |
ITfKeyEventSink The ITfKeyEventSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive keyboard and focus event notifications. To install this event sink, call ITfKeystrokeMgr::AdviseKeyEventSink. |
ITfKeystrokeMgr The ITfKeystrokeMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by applications and text services to interact with the keyboard manager. |
ITfKeyTraceEventSink The ITfKeyTraceEventSink interface is implemented by an application or text service to receive key stroke event notifications before the event is processed by the target. |
ITfLangBarEventSink The ITfLangBarEventSink interface is implemented by an application or text service and used by the language bar to supply notifications of certain events that occur in the language bar. |
ITfLangBarItem The ITfLangBarItem interface is implemented by a language bar item provider and used by the language bar manager to obtain detailed information about the language bar item. |
ITfLangBarItemBalloon The ITfLangBarItemBalloon interface is implemented by an application or text service and is used by the language bar manager to obtain information specific to a balloon item on the language bar. |
ITfLangBarItemBitmap The ITfLangBarItemBitmap interface is implemented by an application or text service and used by the language bar manager to obtain information specific to a bitmap item on the language bar. |
ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton The ITfLangBarItemBitmapButton interface is implemented by a language bar bitmap button provider and is used by the language bar manager to obtain information specific to a bitmap button item on the language bar. |
ITfLangBarItemButton The ITfLangBarItemButton interface is implemented by a language bar button provider and used by the language bar manager to obtain information about a button item on the language bar. |
ITfLangBarItemMgr The ITfLangBarItemMgr interface is implemented by the language bar and used by a text service to manage items in the language bar. |
ITfLangBarItemSink The ITfLangBarItemSink interface is implemented by the language bar and used by a language bar item provider to notify the language bar of changes to a language bar item. |
ITfLangBarMgr The ITfLangBarMgr interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by text services to manage event sink notification and configure floating language bar display settings. The interface ID is IID_ITfLangBarMgr. |
ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink The ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink interface is implemented by an application to receive notifications when the language profile changes. |
ITfLMLattice The ITfLMLattice interface is implemented by the speech text service to provide information about lattice element properties and is used by a client (application or other text service). |
ITfMenu The ITfMenu interface is implemented by the language bar and used by a language bar button provider to add items to the menu that the language bar will display for the button. |
ITfMessagePump The ITfMessagePump interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an application to obtain messages from the application message queue. |
ITfMouseSink The ITfMouseSink interface is implemented by a text service to receive mouse event notifications. A mouse event sink is installed with the ITfMouseTracker::AdviseMouseSink method of one of the ITfMouseTracker interfaces. |
ITfMouseTracker The ITfMouseTracker interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to manage mouse event notification sinks. An instance of this interface is obtained by querying an ITfContext object for IID_ITfMouseTracker. |
ITfMouseTrackerACP The ITfMouseTrackerACP interface is implemented by an application to support mouse event sinks. |
ITfMSAAControl The ITfMSAAControl interface is used by Microsoft Active Accessibility to add or remove a document from TSF control, to avoid unnecessary overhead in TSF. This interface is not recommended for use by other applications. |
ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderACP The ITfPersistentPropertyLoaderACP interface is implemented by an application and used by the TSF manager to load properties asynchronously. |
ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink The ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink interface is implemented by an application or TSF text service to receive notifications when keys are preserved, unpreserved, or when a preserved key description changes. |
ITfProperty The ITfProperty interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a client (application or text service) to modify a property value. |
ITfPropertyStore The ITfPropertyStore interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to provide non-static property values. An instance of this interface is passed to ITfProperty::SetValueStore. |
ITfQueryEmbedded The ITfQueryEmbedded interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by a text service to determine if a context can accept an embedded object. |
ITfRange The ITfRange interface is used by text services and applications to reference and manipulate text within a given context. The interface ID is IID_ITfRange. |
ITfRangeACP The ITfRangeACP interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by an application character position (ACP)-based application to access and manipulate range objects. |
ITfRangeBackup The ITfRangeBackup interface is implemented by the TSF manager and is used by a text service to create a backup copy of the data contained in a range object. |
ITfReadingInformationUIElement The ITfCandidateListUIElement interface is implemented by a text service that has a UI for reading information UI at the near caret. |
ITfReadOnlyProperty The ITfReadOnlyProperty interface is implemented by the TSF manager and used by an application or text service to obtain property data. |
ITfReverseConversion Performs a reverse conversion of a specified string. |
ITfReverseConversionList Represents a list of the keystroke sequences required to create a specified string. |
ITfReverseConversionMgr Provides access to ITfReverseConversion objects, which are used to perform reverse conversions. |
ITfSource The ITfSource interface is implemented by the TSF manager. It is used by applications and text services to install and uninstall advise sinks. |
ITfSourceSingle The ITfSourceSingle interface is implemented by the TSF manager. |
ITfSpeechUIServer The ITfSpeechUIServer interface manages the speech-related user interface on the TSF language bar. |
ITfStatusSink The ITfStatusSink interface supports changes to the global document status. This advise sink is installed by calling ITfSource::AdviseSink with IID_ITfStatusSink. A text service can optionally implement this interface. |
ITfSystemDeviceTypeLangBarItem The ITfSystemDeviceTypeLangBarItem interface is implemented by a system language bar item and used by an application or text service to control how the system item displays its icon. |
ITfSystemLangBarItem The ITfSystemLangBarItem interface is implemented by a system language bar menu and is used by a system language bar extension to modify the icon and/or tooltip string displayed for the menu. |
ITfSystemLangBarItemSink The ITfSystemLangBarItemSink interface is implemented by a system language bar menu extension and used by a system language bar menu (host) to allow menu items to be added to an existing system language bar menu. |
ITfSystemLangBarItemText The ITfSystemLangBarItemText interface is implemented by a system language bar and is used by a system language bar extension to modify the description displayed for the menu. |
ITfTextEditSink The ITfTextEditSink interface supports completion of an edit session that involves read/write access. |
ITfTextInputProcessor The ITfTextInputProcessor interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to activate and deactivate the text service. |
ITfTextInputProcessorEx The ITfTextInputProcessorEx interface is implemented by a text service and used by the TSF manager to activate and deactivate the text service. |
ITfTextLayoutSink The ITfTextLayoutSink interface supports the context layout change by an application. Install this advise sink by calling ITfSource::AdviseSink with IID_ITfTextLayoutSink. A text service can optionally implement this interface. |
ITfThreadFocusSink The ITfThreadFocusSink interface is implemented by an application or TSF text service to receive notifications when the thread receives or loses the UI focus. |
ITfThreadMgr The ITfThreadMgr defines the primary object implemented by the TSF manager. ITfThreadMgr is used by applications and text services to activate and deactivate text services, create document managers, and maintain the document context focus. |
ITfThreadMgr2 The ITfThreadMgr2 defines the primary object implemented by the TSF manager. ITfThreadMgr2 is used by applications and text services to activate and deactivate text services, create document managers, and maintain the document context focus. |
ITfThreadMgrEventSink The ITfThreadMgrEventSink interface is implemented by an application or TSF text service to receive notifications of certain thread manager events. Call the TSF manager ITfSource::AdviseSink with IID_ITfThreadMgrEventSink to install this advise sink. |
ITfThreadMgrEx The ITfThreadMgrEx interface is used by the application to activate the textservices with some flags. ITfThreadMgrEx can be obtained by QI from ITfThreadMgr. |
ITfToolTipUIElement The ITfToolTipUIElement interface is implemented by a text service that wants to show a tooltip on its UI. |
ITfTransitoryExtensionSink The ITfTransitoryExtensionSink interface is implemented by the application that uses Transitory Extension dim. The application can track the changes that happened in the transitory extension by using this sink interface. |
ITfTransitoryExtensionUIElement The ITfTransitoryExtensionUIElement interface is implemented by TSF manager which provides the UI of transitory extension. |
ITfUIElement The ITfUIElement interface is a base interface of the UIElement object and is implemented by a text service. |
ITfUIElementMgr The ITfUIElementMgr interface is implemented by TSF manager and used by an application or a text service. An application and a text service can obtain this interface by ITfThreadMgr::QueryInterface with IID_ITfUIElementMgr. |
ITfUIElementSink The ITfUIElementSink interface is implemented by an application to receive notifications when the UI element is changed. |
IUIManagerEventSink The IUIManagerEventSink interface is implemented by an app supporting IME UI integration to receive notifications of IME UI appearance. |
TF_DA_COLOR The TF_DA_COLOR structure contains color data used in the display attributes for a range of text. |
TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE The TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE structure contains display attribute data for rendering text. |
TF_HALTCOND The TF_HALTCOND structure is used to contain conditions of a range shift. |
TF_INPUTPROCESSORPROFILE This structure contains data for the input processor profile. |
TF_LANGBARITEMINFO The TF_LANGBARITEMINFO structure is used to hold information about a language bar item. |
TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE The TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE structure contains information about a language profile. |
TF_LBBALLOONINFO The TF_LBBALLOONINFO structure contains information about a language bar balloon item. |
TF_LMLATTELEMENT The TF_LMLATTELEMENT structure contains information about a lattice element. A lattice element is used in speech recognition. This structure is used with the IEnumTfLatticeElements::Next method. |
TF_PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_HEADER_ACP The TF_PERSISTENT_PROPERTY_HEADER_ACP structure is used to provide property header data. |
TF_PRESERVEDKEY The TF_PRESERVEDKEY structure represents a preserved key. |
TF_PROPERTYVAL The TF_PROPERTYVAL structure contains property value data. This structure is used with the IEnumTfPropertyValue::Next method. |
TF_SELECTION The TF_SELECTION structure contains text selection data. |
TF_SELECTIONSTYLE The TF_SELECTIONSTYLE structure represents the style of a selection. |
TS_ATTRVAL The TS_ATTRVAL structure contains document attribute values. |
TS_RUNINFO The TS_RUNINFO structure specifies the properties of text run data. |
TS_SELECTION_ACP The TS_SELECTION_ACP structure contains ACP-based text selection data. |
TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR The TS_SELECTION_ANCHOR structure contains anchor-based text selection data. |
TS_SELECTIONSTYLE The TS_SELECTIONSTYLE structure represents the style of a selection. |
TS_STATUS The TS_STATUS structure contains document status data. |
TS_TEXTCHANGE The TS_TEXTCHANGE structure contains text change data. |