ID3D11Device5 interface (d3d11_4.h)
The device interface represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create resources. ID3D11Device5 adds new methods to those in ID3D11Device4.
Note This interface, introduced in the Windows 10 Creators Update, is the latest version of the ID3D11Device interface. Applications targetting Windows 10 Creators Update should use this interface instead of earlier versions.
The ID3D11Device5 interface inherits from ID3D11Device4. ID3D11Device5 also has these types of members:
The ID3D11Device5 interface has these methods.
ID3D11Device5::CreateFence Creates a fence object. (ID3D11Device5.CreateFence) |
ID3D11Device5::OpenSharedFence Opens a handle for a shared fence by using HANDLE and REFIID. |
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d11_4.h |