ID3D11Device5::OpenSharedFence method (d3d11_4.h)
Opens a handle for a shared fence by using HANDLE and REFIID.
This member function is a limited version of the Direct3D 12 ID3D12Device::OpenSharedHandle member function, and applies between Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 in interop scenarios. Unlike ID3D12Device::OpenSharedHandle which operates on resources, heaps, and fences, the ID3D11Device5::OpenSharedFence function only operates on fences; in Direct3D 11, shared resources are opened with the ID3D11Device::OpenSharedResource1 member function.
HRESULT OpenSharedFence(
[in] HANDLE hFence,
REFIID ReturnedInterface,
[out, optional] void **ppFence
[in] hFence
The handle that was returned by a call to ID3D11Fence::CreateSharedHandle or ID3D12Device::CreateSharedHandle.
The globally unique identifier (GUID) for the ID3D11Fence interface. The REFIID, or GUID, of the interface can be obtained by using the __uuidof() macro. For example, __uuidof(ID3D11Fence) will get the GUID of the interface to the fence.
[out, optional] ppFence
Type: void**
A pointer to a memory block that receives a pointer to the ID3D11Fence interface.
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d11_4.h |
Library | D3d11.lib |