ID3D12CommandQueue interface (d3d12.h)
Provides methods for submitting command lists, synchronizing command list execution, instrumenting the command queue, and updating resource tile mappings.
The ID3D12CommandQueue interface inherits from ID3D12Pageable. ID3D12CommandQueue also has these types of members:
The ID3D12CommandQueue interface has these methods.
ID3D12CommandQueue::BeginEvent Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command queue. (ID3D12CommandQueue.BeginEvent) |
ID3D12CommandQueue::CopyTileMappings Copies mappings from a source reserved resource to a destination reserved resource. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::EndEvent Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command queue. (ID3D12CommandQueue.EndEvent) |
ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists Submits an array of command lists for execution. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::GetClockCalibration This method samples the CPU and GPU timestamp counters at the same moment in time. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::GetDesc Gets the description of the command queue. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::GetTimestampFrequency This method is used to determine the rate at which the GPU timestamp counter increments. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::SetMarker Not intended to be called directly. Use the PIX event runtime to insert events into a command queue. (ID3D12CommandQueue.SetMarker) |
ID3D12CommandQueue::Signal Updates a fence to a specified value. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::UpdateTileMappings Updates mappings of tile locations in reserved resources to memory locations in a resource heap. |
ID3D12CommandQueue::Wait Queues a GPU-side wait, and returns immediately. A GPU-side wait is where the GPU waits until the specified fence reaches or exceeds the specified value. |
Use ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue to create a command queue object.
The D3D12nBodyGravity sample uses ID3D12CommandQueue as follows:
Header file declarations.
// Compute objects.
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> m_computeAllocator[ThreadCount];
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> m_computeCommandQueue[ThreadCount];
ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> m_computeCommandList[ThreadCount];
Asynchronous compute thread.
DWORD D3D12nBodyGravity::AsyncComputeThreadProc(int threadIndex)
ID3D12CommandQueue* pCommandQueue = m_computeCommandQueue[threadIndex].Get();
ID3D12CommandAllocator* pCommandAllocator = m_computeAllocator[threadIndex].Get();
ID3D12GraphicsCommandList* pCommandList = m_computeCommandList[threadIndex].Get();
ID3D12Fence* pFence = m_threadFences[threadIndex].Get();
while (0 == InterlockedGetValue(&m_terminating))
// Run the particle simulation.
// Close and execute the command list.
ID3D12CommandList* ppCommandLists[] = { pCommandList };
pCommandQueue->ExecuteCommandLists(1, ppCommandLists);
// Wait for the compute shader to complete the simulation.
UINT64 threadFenceValue = InterlockedIncrement(&m_threadFenceValues[threadIndex]);
ThrowIfFailed(pCommandQueue->Signal(pFence, threadFenceValue));
ThrowIfFailed(pFence->SetEventOnCompletion(threadFenceValue, m_threadFenceEvents[threadIndex]));
WaitForSingleObject(m_threadFenceEvents[threadIndex], INFINITE);
// Wait for the render thread to be done with the SRV so that
// the next frame in the simulation can run.
UINT64 renderContextFenceValue = InterlockedGetValue(&m_renderContextFenceValues[threadIndex]);
if (m_renderContextFence->GetCompletedValue() < renderContextFenceValue)
ThrowIfFailed(pCommandQueue->Wait(m_renderContextFence.Get(), renderContextFenceValue));
InterlockedExchange(&m_renderContextFenceValues[threadIndex], 0);
// Swap the indices to the SRV and UAV.
m_srvIndex[threadIndex] = 1 - m_srvIndex[threadIndex];
// Prepare for the next frame.
ThrowIfFailed(pCommandList->Reset(pCommandAllocator, m_computeState.Get()));
return 0;
Refer to the Example Code in the D3D12 Reference.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d12.h |