ID3D12Device interface (d3d12.h)
Represents a virtual adapter; it is used to create command allocators, command lists, command queues, fences, resources, pipeline state objects, heaps, root signatures, samplers, and many resource views.
The ID3D12Device interface inherits from ID3D12Object. ID3D12Device also has these types of members:
The ID3D12Device interface has these methods.
ID3D12Device::CheckFeatureSupport Gets information about the features that are supported by the current graphics driver. (ID3D12Device.CheckFeatureSupport) |
ID3D12Device::CopyDescriptors Copies descriptors from a source to a destination. (ID3D12Device.CopyDescriptors) |
ID3D12Device::CopyDescriptorsSimple Copies descriptors from a source to a destination. (ID3D12Device.CopyDescriptorsSimple) |
ID3D12Device::CreateCommandAllocator Creates a command allocator object. |
ID3D12Device::CreateCommandList Creates a command list. |
ID3D12Device::CreateCommandQueue Creates a command queue. |
ID3D12Device::CreateCommandSignature This method creates a command signature. |
ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource Creates both a resource and an implicit heap, such that the heap is big enough to contain the entire resource, and the resource is mapped to the heap. |
ID3D12Device::CreateComputePipelineState Creates a compute pipeline state object. |
ID3D12Device::CreateConstantBufferView Creates a constant-buffer view for accessing resource data. |
ID3D12Device::CreateDepthStencilView Creates a depth-stencil view for accessing resource data. |
ID3D12Device::CreateDescriptorHeap Creates a descriptor heap object. |
ID3D12Device::CreateFence Creates a fence object. (ID3D12Device.CreateFence) |
ID3D12Device::CreateGraphicsPipelineState Creates a graphics pipeline state object. |
ID3D12Device::CreateHeap Creates a heap that can be used with placed resources and reserved resources. |
ID3D12Device::CreatePlacedResource Creates a resource that is placed in a specific heap. Placed resources are the lightest weight resource objects available, and are the fastest to create and destroy. |
ID3D12Device::CreateQueryHeap Creates a query heap. A query heap contains an array of queries. |
ID3D12Device::CreateRenderTargetView Creates a render-target view for accessing resource data. (ID3D12Device.CreateRenderTargetView) |
ID3D12Device::CreateReservedResource Creates a resource that is reserved, and not yet mapped to any pages in a heap. |
ID3D12Device::CreateRootSignature Creates a root signature layout. |
ID3D12Device::CreateSampler Create a sampler object that encapsulates sampling information for a texture. |
ID3D12Device::CreateShaderResourceView Creates a shader-resource view for accessing data in a resource. (ID3D12Device.CreateShaderResourceView) |
ID3D12Device::CreateSharedHandle Creates a shared handle to a heap, resource, or fence object. |
ID3D12Device::CreateUnorderedAccessView Creates a view for unordered accessing. |
ID3D12Device::Evict Enables the page-out of data, which precludes GPU access of that data. |
ID3D12Device::GetAdapterLuid Gets a locally unique identifier for the current device (adapter). |
ID3D12Device::GetCopyableFootprints Gets a resource layout that can be copied. Helps the app fill-in D3D12_PLACED_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT and D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_FOOTPRINT when suballocating space in upload heaps. |
ID3D12Device::GetCustomHeapProperties Divulges the equivalent custom heap properties that are used for non-custom heap types, based on the adapter's architectural properties. |
ID3D12Device::GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize Gets the size of the handle increment for the given type of descriptor heap. This value is typically used to increment a handle into a descriptor array by the correct amount. |
ID3D12Device::GetDeviceRemovedReason Gets the reason that the device was removed. |
ID3D12Device::GetNodeCount Reports the number of physical adapters (nodes) that are associated with this device. |
ID3D12Device::GetResourceAllocationInfo Gets the size and alignment of memory required for a collection of resources on this adapter. |
ID3D12Device::GetResourceTiling Gets info about how a tiled resource is broken into tiles. (ID3D12Device.GetResourceTiling) |
ID3D12Device::MakeResident Makes objects resident for the device. |
ID3D12Device::OpenSharedHandle Opens a handle for shared resources, shared heaps, and shared fences, by using HANDLE and REFIID. |
ID3D12Device::OpenSharedHandleByName Opens a handle for shared resources, shared heaps, and shared fences, by using Name and Access. |
ID3D12Device::SetStablePowerState A development-time aid for certain types of profiling and experimental prototyping. |
Use D3D12CreateDevice to create a device.
For Windows 10 Anniversary some additional functionality is available through ID3D12Device1.
The D3D1211on12 sample uses ID3D12Device as follows:
Header file declarations.
// Pipeline objects.
D3D12_VIEWPORT m_viewport;
ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain3> m_swapChain;
ComPtr<ID3D12Device> m_device;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> m_renderTargets[FrameCount];
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> m_depthStencil;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> m_commandAllocator;
ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> m_commandList;
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> m_commandQueue;
ComPtr<ID3D12RootSignature >m_rootSignature;
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> m_rtvHeap;
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> m_cbvSrvHeap;
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> m_dsvHeap;
ComPtr<ID3D12DescriptorHeap> m_samplerHeap;
ComPtr<ID3D12PipelineState> m_pipelineState1;
ComPtr<ID3D12PipelineState> m_pipelineState2;
D3D12_RECT m_scissorRect;
Checking supported features.
inline UINT8 D3D12GetFormatPlaneCount(
_In_ ID3D12Device* pDevice,
D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_INFO formatInfo = {Format};
if (FAILED(pDevice->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_FORMAT_INFO, &formatInfo, sizeof(formatInfo))))
return 0;
return formatInfo.PlaneCount;
Refer to the Example Code in the D3D12 Reference.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | d3d12.h |