XMLoadFloat4x3A function (directxmath.h)

Loads an XMFLOAT4X3A into an XMVECTOR.


  [in] const XMFLOAT4X3A *pSource
) noexcept;


[in] pSource

Address of the XMFLOAT4X3A structure to load.

Return value

Returns an XMMATRIX loaded with the data from the pSource parameter.

This function performs a partial load of the returned XMMATRIX. See Getting Started for more information.


XMFLOAT4X3A is a row-major form of the matrix. This function cannot be used to read column-major data since it assumes the last column is 0 0 0 1.

The members of the XMFLOAT4X4A structure (_11, _12, _13, and so on) are loaded into the corresponding members of the XMMATRIX. The remaining members of the returned XMMATRIX are 0.0f, except for _44, which is 1.0f.

Platform Requirements

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 with the Windows SDK for Windows 8. Supported for Win32 desktop apps, Windows Store apps, and Windows Phone 8 apps.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header directxmath.h

See also

DirectXMath Library Vector Load Functions