dsgetdc.h header
This header is used by Active Directory Domain Services. For more information, see:
dsgetdc.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DsAddressToSiteNamesA Obtains the site names corresponding to the specified addresses. (ANSI) |
DsAddressToSiteNamesExA Obtains the site and subnet names corresponding to the addresses specified. (ANSI) |
DsAddressToSiteNamesExW Obtains the site and subnet names corresponding to the addresses specified. (Unicode) |
DsAddressToSiteNamesW Obtains the site names corresponding to the specified addresses. (Unicode) |
DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsA The DsDeregisterDnsHostRecords function deletes DNS entries, except for type A records registered by a domain controller. Only an administrator, account operator, or server operator may call this function. (ANSI) |
DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsW The DsDeregisterDnsHostRecords function deletes DNS entries, except for type A records registered by a domain controller. Only an administrator, account operator, or server operator may call this function. (Unicode) |
DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA Obtains domain trust data for a specified domain. (ANSI) |
DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW Obtains domain trust data for a specified domain. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcCloseW Closes a domain controller enumeration operation. |
DsGetDcNameA Returns the name of a domain controller in a specified domain. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcNameW Returns the name of a domain controller in a specified domain. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcNextA Retrieves the next domain controller in a domain controller enumeration operation. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcNextW Retrieves the next domain controller in a domain controller enumeration operation. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcOpenA Opens a new domain controller enumeration operation. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcOpenW Opens a new domain controller enumeration operation. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcSiteCoverageA The DsGetDcSiteCoverage function returns the site names of all sites covered by a domain controller. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcSiteCoverageW The DsGetDcSiteCoverage function returns the site names of all sites covered by a domain controller. (Unicode) |
DsGetForestTrustInformationW Obtains forest trust data for a specified domain. |
DsGetSiteNameA The DsGetSiteName function returns the name of the site where a computer resides. (ANSI) |
DsGetSiteNameW The DsGetSiteName function returns the name of the site where a computer resides. (Unicode) |
DsMergeForestTrustInformationW Merges the changes from a new forest trust data structure with an old forest trust data structure. |
DsValidateSubnetNameA The DsValidateSubnetName function validates a subnet name in the form (ANSI) |
DsValidateSubnetNameW The DsValidateSubnetName function validates a subnet name in the form (Unicode) |
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOA Used with the DsGetDcName function to receive data about a domain controller. (ANSI) |
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOW Used with the DsGetDcName function to receive data about a domain controller. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSA Used with the DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function to contain trust data for a domain. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW Used with the DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function to contain trust data for a domain. (Unicode) |