Active Directory Domain Services
Overview of the Active Directory Domain Services technology.
To develop Active Directory Domain Services, you need these headers:
- adsprop.h
- cmnquery.h
- dsadmin.h
- dsclient.h
- dsgetdc.h
- dsparse.h
- dsquery.h
- dsrole.h
- ntdsapi.h
- objsel.h
- schedule.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
DS_KCC_TASKID Specifies tasks that Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) can execute. |
DS_MANGLE_FOR The DS_MANGLE_FOR enumeration is used to define whether a relative distinguished name is mangled (encoded) and in what form the mangling occurs. |
DS_NAME_ERROR The DS_NAME_ERROR enumeration defines the errors returned by the status member of the DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structure. These are potential errors that may be encountered while a name is converted by the DsCrackNames function. |
DS_NAME_FLAGS The DS_NAME_FLAGS enumeration is used to define how the name syntax will be cracked. These flags are used by the DsCrackNames function. |
DS_NAME_FORMAT The DS_NAME_FORMAT enumeration provides formats to use for input and output names for the DsCrackNames function. |
DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE The DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE enumeration is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to specify the type of replication data to retrieve. |
DS_REPL_OP_TYPE Used to indicate the type of replication operation that a given entry in the replication queue represents. |
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR The DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR enumeration is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO structure to indicate where in the replication process an error occurred. |
DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT The DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT enumeration is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure to define which event the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure represents. |
DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE The DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE enumeration is used by the DsGetSPN function to identify the format for composing SPNs. |
DS_SPN_WRITE_OP The DS_SPN_WRITE_OP enumeration identifies the type of write operation that should be performed by the DsWriteAccountSpn function. |
DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE Used with the MachineRole member of the DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC structure to specify the computer role. |
DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE Used with the DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE_INFO structure to indicate the operational state of a computer. |
DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL Used with the DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation function to specify the type of data to retrieve. |
DSROLE_SERVER_STATE Used with the DSROLE_UPGRADE_STATUS_INFO structure to indicate the role of a server. |
AddForms Called to allow a query form extension object to add forms to the query dialog box. |
AddPages Called to allow a query form object to add pages to an existing form. |
AddPages The IDsAdminNewObjExt::AddPages method is called to enable the object creation wizard extension to add the desired pages to the wizard. |
ADsPropCheckIfWritable The ADsPropCheckIfWritable function determines if an attribute can be written. |
ADsPropCreateNotifyObj The ADsPropCreateNotifyObj function is used to create, or obtain, a notification object for use by an Active Directory Domain Services property sheet extension. |
ADsPropGetInitInfo Used to obtain directory object data that an Active Directory Domain Services property sheet extension applies to. |
ADsPropSendErrorMessage The ADsPropSendErrorMessage function adds an error message to a list of error messages displayed by calling the ADsPropShowErrorDialog function. |
ADsPropSetHwnd Used to notify the notification object of the property page window handle. (ADsPropSetHwnd) |
ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle Used to notify the notification object of the property page window handle. (ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle) |
ADsPropShowErrorDialog The ADsPropShowErrorDialog function displays a dialog box that contains the error messages accumulated through calls to the ADsPropSendErrorMessage function or the WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_ERROR. |
Begin The IDsAdminNotifyHandler::Begin method is called when an event that the notification handler has requested is occurring. The notification handler specifies the events to receive notifications for when IDsAdminNotifyHandler::Initialize is called. |
BFFCALLBACK Receives event notifications from the Active Directory Domain Services container browser dialog box. |
BrowseTo The IDsBrowseDomainTree::BrowseTo method displays a dialog box used to browse for a domain. |
Clear Empties the contents of the query store. |
Commit The IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite::Commit method causes a single-page primary object creation extension's IDsAdminNewObjExt::WriteData method to be called and writes the temporary object to persistent memory. |
CreateModal The IDsAdminCreateObj::CreateModal method displays the object creation wizard and returns the newly created object. The IDsAdminCreateObj::Initialize method must be called before IDsAdminCreateObj::CreateModal can be called. |
CreateNew The IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite::CreateNew method enables a primary object creation extension to create a temporary directory service object in Active Directory Domain Services. |
DsAddressToSiteNamesA Obtains the site names corresponding to the specified addresses. (ANSI) |
DsAddressToSiteNamesExA Obtains the site and subnet names corresponding to the addresses specified. (ANSI) |
DsAddressToSiteNamesExW Obtains the site and subnet names corresponding to the addresses specified. (Unicode) |
DsAddressToSiteNamesW Obtains the site names corresponding to the specified addresses. (Unicode) |
DsAddSidHistoryA Retrieves the primary account security identifier (SID) of a security principal from one domain and adds it to the sIDHistory attribute of a security principal in another domain in a different forest. (ANSI) |
DsAddSidHistoryW Retrieves the primary account security identifier (SID) of a security principal from one domain and adds it to the sIDHistory attribute of a security principal in another domain in a different forest. (Unicode) |
DsBindA Binds to a domain controller. (ANSI) |
DsBindingSetTimeout The DsBindingSetTimeout function sets the timeout value that is honored by all RPC calls that use the specified binding handle. RPC calls that required more time than the timeout value are canceled. |
DsBindToISTGA Binds to the computer that holds the Inter-Site Topology Generator (ISTG) role in the domain of the local computer. (ANSI) |
DsBindToISTGW Binds to the computer that holds the Inter-Site Topology Generator (ISTG) role in the domain of the local computer. (Unicode) |
DsBindW Binds to a domain controller. (Unicode) |
DsBindWithCredA Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials. (ANSI) |
DsBindWithCredW Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials. (Unicode) |
DsBindWithSpnA Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnA) |
DsBindWithSpnExA Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnExA) |
DsBindWithSpnExW Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnExW) |
DsBindWithSpnW Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnW) |
DsBrowseForContainerA Displays a dialog box used to browse for container objects in Active Directory Domain Services. (ANSI) |
DsBrowseForContainerW Displays a dialog box used to browse for container objects in Active Directory Domain Services. (Unicode) |
DsClientMakeSpnForTargetServerA Constructs a service principal name (SPN) that identifies a specific server to use for authentication. (ANSI) |
DsClientMakeSpnForTargetServerW Constructs a service principal name (SPN) that identifies a specific server to use for authentication. (Unicode) |
DsCrackNamesA Converts an array of directory service object names from one format to another. (ANSI) |
DsCrackNamesW Converts an array of directory service object names from one format to another. (Unicode) |
DsCrackSpnA Parses a service principal name (SPN) into its component strings. (ANSI) |
DsCrackSpnW Parses a service principal name (SPN) into its component strings. (Unicode) |
DsCrackUnquotedMangledRdnA The DsCrackUnquotedMangledRdn function unmangles (unencodes) a given relative distinguished name and returns both the decoded GUID and the mangling type used. (ANSI) |
DsCrackUnquotedMangledRdnW The DsCrackUnquotedMangledRdn function unmangles (unencodes) a given relative distinguished name and returns both the decoded GUID and the mangling type used. (Unicode) |
DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsA The DsDeregisterDnsHostRecords function deletes DNS entries, except for type A records registered by a domain controller. Only an administrator, account operator, or server operator may call this function. (ANSI) |
DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsW The DsDeregisterDnsHostRecords function deletes DNS entries, except for type A records registered by a domain controller. Only an administrator, account operator, or server operator may call this function. (Unicode) |
DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA Obtains domain trust data for a specified domain. (ANSI) |
DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW Obtains domain trust data for a specified domain. (Unicode) |
DsFreeDomainControllerInfoA The DsFreeDomainControllerInfo function frees memory that is allocated by DsGetDomainControllerInfo for data about the domain controllers in a domain. (ANSI) |
DsFreeDomainControllerInfoW The DsFreeDomainControllerInfo function frees memory that is allocated by DsGetDomainControllerInfo for data about the domain controllers in a domain. (Unicode) |
DsFreeNameResultA Frees the memory held by a DS_NAME_RESULT structure. (ANSI) |
DsFreeNameResultW Frees the memory held by a DS_NAME_RESULT structure. (Unicode) |
DsFreePasswordCredentials Frees memory allocated for a credentials structure by the DsMakePasswordCredentials function. |
DsFreeSchemaGuidMapA Frees memory that the DsMapSchemaGuids function has allocated for a DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAP structure. (ANSI) |
DsFreeSchemaGuidMapW Frees memory that the DsMapSchemaGuids function has allocated for a DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAP structure. (Unicode) |
DsFreeSpnArrayA Frees an array returned from the DsGetSpn function. (ANSI) |
DsFreeSpnArrayW Frees an array returned from the DsGetSpn function. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcCloseW Closes a domain controller enumeration operation. |
DsGetDcNameA Returns the name of a domain controller in a specified domain. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcNameW Returns the name of a domain controller in a specified domain. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcNextA Retrieves the next domain controller in a domain controller enumeration operation. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcNextW Retrieves the next domain controller in a domain controller enumeration operation. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcOpenA Opens a new domain controller enumeration operation. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcOpenW Opens a new domain controller enumeration operation. (Unicode) |
DsGetDcSiteCoverageA The DsGetDcSiteCoverage function returns the site names of all sites covered by a domain controller. (ANSI) |
DsGetDcSiteCoverageW The DsGetDcSiteCoverage function returns the site names of all sites covered by a domain controller. (Unicode) |
DsGetDomainControllerInfoA Retrieves data about the domain controllers in a domain. (ANSI) |
DsGetDomainControllerInfoW Retrieves data about the domain controllers in a domain. (Unicode) |
DsGetForestTrustInformationW Obtains forest trust data for a specified domain. |
DsGetFriendlyClassName Retrieves the localized name for an object class. |
DsGetIcon Obtains the icon for a given object class. |
DsGetRdnW Retrieves the key and value of the first relative distinguished name and a pointer to the next relative distinguished name from a distinguished name string. |
DsGetSiteNameA The DsGetSiteName function returns the name of the site where a computer resides. (ANSI) |
DsGetSiteNameW The DsGetSiteName function returns the name of the site where a computer resides. (Unicode) |
DsGetSpnA The DsGetSpn function constructs an array of one or more service principal names (SPNs). Each name in the array identifies an instance of a service. These SPNs may be registered with the directory service (DS) using the DsWriteAccountSpn function. (ANSI) |
DsGetSpnW The DsGetSpn function constructs an array of one or more service principal names (SPNs). Each name in the array identifies an instance of a service. These SPNs may be registered with the directory service (DS) using the DsWriteAccountSpn function. (Unicode) |
DsInheritSecurityIdentityA Appends the objectSid and sidHistory attributes of SrcPrincipal to the sidHistory of DstPrincipal and then deletes SrcPrincipal, all in a single transaction. (ANSI) |
DsInheritSecurityIdentityW Appends the objectSid and sidHistory attributes of SrcPrincipal to the sidHistory of DstPrincipal and then deletes SrcPrincipal, all in a single transaction. (Unicode) |
DsIsMangledDnA The DsIsMangledDn function determines if the first relative distinguished name (RDN) in a distinguished name (DN) is a mangled name of a given type. (ANSI) |
DsIsMangledDnW The DsIsMangledDn function determines if the first relative distinguished name (RDN) in a distinguished name (DN) is a mangled name of a given type. (Unicode) |
DsIsMangledRdnValueA Determines if a given relative distinguished name value is a mangled name of the given type. (ANSI) |
DsIsMangledRdnValueW Determines if a given relative distinguished name value is a mangled name of the given type. (Unicode) |
DsListDomainsInSiteA Lists all the domains in a site. (ANSI) |
DsListDomainsInSiteW Lists all the domains in a site. (Unicode) |
DsListInfoForServerA The DsListInfoForServer function lists miscellaneous data for a server. (ANSI) |
DsListInfoForServerW The DsListInfoForServer function lists miscellaneous data for a server. (Unicode) |
DsListRolesA The DsListRoles function lists roles recognized by the server. (ANSI) |
DsListRolesW The DsListRoles function lists roles recognized by the server. (Unicode) |
DsListServersForDomainInSiteA Lists all the servers in a domain in a site. (ANSI) |
DsListServersForDomainInSiteW Lists all the servers in a domain in a site. (Unicode) |
DsListServersInSiteA Lists all the servers in a site. (ANSI) |
DsListServersInSiteW Lists all the servers in a site. (Unicode) |
DsListSitesA Lists all the sites in the enterprise forest. (ANSI) |
DsListSitesW Lists all the sites in the enterprise forest. (Unicode) |
DsMakePasswordCredentialsA Constructs a credential handle suitable for use with the DsBindWithCred function. (ANSI) |
DsMakePasswordCredentialsW Constructs a credential handle suitable for use with the DsBindWithCred function. (Unicode) |
DsMakeSpnA Constructs a service principal name (SPN) that identifies a service instance. (ANSI) |
DsMakeSpnW Constructs a service principal name (SPN) that identifies a service instance. (Unicode) |
DsMapSchemaGuidsA Converts GUIDs of directory service schema objects to their display names. (ANSI) |
DsMapSchemaGuidsW Converts GUIDs of directory service schema objects to their display names. (Unicode) |
DsMergeForestTrustInformationW Merges the changes from a new forest trust data structure with an old forest trust data structure. |
DsQuerySitesByCostA Gets the communication cost between one site and one or more other sites. (ANSI) |
DsQuerySitesByCostW Gets the communication cost between one site and one or more other sites. (Unicode) |
DsQuerySitesFree Frees the memory allocated by the DsQuerySitesByCost function. |
DsQuoteRdnValueA Converts an RDN into a quoted RDN value, if the RDN value contains characters that require quotes. (ANSI) |
DsQuoteRdnValueW Converts an RDN into a quoted RDN value, if the RDN value contains characters that require quotes. (Unicode) |
DsRemoveDsDomainA Removes all traces of a domain naming context from the global area of the directory service. (ANSI) |
DsRemoveDsDomainW Removes all traces of a domain naming context from the global area of the directory service. (Unicode) |
DsRemoveDsServerA The DsRemoveDsServer function removes all traces of a directory service agent (DSA) from the global area of the directory service. (ANSI) |
DsRemoveDsServerW The DsRemoveDsServer function removes all traces of a directory service agent (DSA) from the global area of the directory service. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaAddA Adds a replication source reference to a destination naming context. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaAddW Adds a replication source reference to a destination naming context. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaConsistencyCheck Invokes the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to verify the replication topology. |
DsReplicaDelA Removes a replication source reference from a destination naming context (NC). (ANSI) |
DsReplicaDelW Removes a replication source reference from a destination naming context (NC). (Unicode) |
DsReplicaFreeInfo Frees the replication state data structure allocated by the DsReplicaGetInfo or DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DsReplicaGetInfo2W Retrieves replication state data from the directory service. This function allows paging of results in cases where there are more than 1000 entries to retrieve. |
DsReplicaGetInfoW Retrieves replication state data from the directory service. |
DsReplicaModifyA Modifies an existing replication source reference for a destination naming context. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaModifyW Modifies an existing replication source reference for a destination naming context. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaSyncA Synchronizes a destination naming context (NC) with one of its sources. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaSyncAllA Synchronizes a server with all other servers, using transitive replication, as necessary. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaSyncAllW Synchronizes a server with all other servers, using transitive replication, as necessary. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaSyncW Synchronizes a destination naming context (NC) with one of its sources. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaUpdateRefsA Adds or removes a replication reference for a destination from a source naming context. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaUpdateRefsW Adds or removes a replication reference for a destination from a source naming context. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaVerifyObjectsA Verifies all objects for a naming context with a source. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaVerifyObjectsW Verifies all objects for a naming context with a source. (Unicode) |
DsRoleFreeMemory Frees memory allocated by the DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation function. |
DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation Retrieves state data for the computer. |
DsServerRegisterSpnA The DsServerRegisterSpn function composes two SPNs for a host-based service. (ANSI) |
DsServerRegisterSpnW The DsServerRegisterSpn function composes two SPNs for a host-based service. (Unicode) |
DsUnBindA The DsUnBind function finds an RPC session with a domain controller and unbinds a handle to the directory service (DS). (ANSI) |
DsUnBindW The DsUnBind function finds an RPC session with a domain controller and unbinds a handle to the directory service (DS). (Unicode) |
DsUnquoteRdnValueA The DsUnquoteRdnValue function is a client call that converts a quoted RDN value back to an unquoted RDN value. (ANSI) |
DsUnquoteRdnValueW The DsUnquoteRdnValue function is a client call that converts a quoted RDN value back to an unquoted RDN value. (Unicode) |
DsValidateSubnetNameA The DsValidateSubnetName function validates a subnet name in the form (ANSI) |
DsValidateSubnetNameW The DsValidateSubnetName function validates a subnet name in the form (Unicode) |
DsWriteAccountSpnA Writes an array of service principal names (SPNs) to the servicePrincipalName attribute of a specified user or computer account object in Active Directory Domain Services. (ANSI) |
DsWriteAccountSpnW Writes an array of service principal names (SPNs) to the servicePrincipalName attribute of a specified user or computer account object in Active Directory Domain Services. (Unicode) |
End The IDsAdminNotifyHandler::End method is called after the notification event has occurred. This method is called even if the notification process is canceled. |
EnumClassAttributes Enumerates the attributes for a given object class. |
FlushCachedDomains The IDsBrowseDomainTree::FlushCachedDomains method frees the cached domain list. |
FreeDomains The IDsBrowseDomainTree::FreeDomains method frees the memory allocated by the IDsBrowseDomainTree::GetDomains method. |
GetAttributeADsType Retrieves the attribute type for a given attribute. |
GetClassCreationInfo Retrieves data about the class creation wizard objects for a given object class. |
GetDisplaySpecifier The IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetDisplaySpecifier method binds to the display specifier object for a given class in Active Directory Domain Services. |
GetDomains The IDsBrowseDomainTree::GetDomains method retrieves the trust domains of the current computer. The current computer is set using the IDsBrowseDomainTree::SetComputer method. |
GetFriendlyAttributeName The IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetFriendlyAttributeName method retrieves from the localized name of an attribute of a given object class. |
GetFriendlyClassName The IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetFriendlyClassName method retrieves the localized name for an object class. |
GetIcon The IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetIcon method obtains the icon for a given object class. |
GetIconLocation Obtains the icon location for a given object class. |
GetPageCounts The IDsAdminNewObj::GetPageCounts method obtains the total number of pages in the wizard as well as the index of the first page of the extension. |
GetSummaryInfo The IDsAdminNewObjExt::GetSummaryInfo method obtains a string that contains a summary of the data gathered by the new object wizard extension page. This string is displayed in the wizard Finish page. |
Initialize Initializes the query form extension object. |
Initialize The IDsObjectPicker::Initialize method initializes the object picker dialog box with data about the scopes, filters, and options used by the object picker dialog box. |
Initialize The IDsAdminCreateObj::Initialize method initializes an IDsAdminCreateObj object with data about the container where the object will be created, the class of the object to be created and, possibly, the source object to copy from. |
Initialize The IDsAdminNewObjExt::Initialize method initializes an object creation wizard extension. |
Initialize Called to initialize the notification handler. |
InvokeDialog Displays a modal object picker dialog box and returns the user selections. |
IsClassContainer Determines if a given object class is a container. |
LPCQADDFORMSPROC Called by a query form extension to add a form to the query dialog box. |
LPCQADDPAGESPROC Called by a query form extension to add a page to a query form in the query dialog box. |
LPCQPAGEPROC Called by the query dialog box to notify the query form extension of events that occur in a query page. |
LPDSENUMATTRIBUTES The DSEnumAttributesCallback function is an application-defined callback function that is called once for each attribute enumerated by the IDsDisplaySpecifier::EnumClassAttributes method. |
Notify Called for each object after the confirmation dialog box has been displayed and the notification handler is selected in the confirmation dialog box. |
OnError Called when an error has occurred in the wizard pages. |
OpenQueryWindow The ICommonQuery::OpenQueryWindow method displays the directory service query dialog. This method does not return until the dialog box has been closed by the user. |
ReadInt Reads an integer value from the query store. |
ReadString Reads a string from the query store. |
ReadStruct Reads a structure from the query store. |
SetButtons The IDsAdminNewObj::SetButtons method enables or disables the "Next" command button in the wizard for a specific page. |
SetComputer Specifies the computer and credentials to be used by this instance of the IDsBrowseDomainTree interface. |
SetCredentials Use this method to override the user credentials, passing new credentials for the account profile to be used. |
SetLanguageID Changes the locale used by the IDsDisplaySpecifier object to a specified language. |
SetObject The IDsAdminNewObjExt::SetObject method provides the object creation extension with a pointer to the directory object created. |
SetServer Specifies the server from which display specifier data is obtained. |
WriteData Enables the object creation wizard extension to write its data into an object in Active Directory Domain Services. |
WriteInt Writes an integer value to the query store. |
WriteString Writes a string to the query store. |
WriteStruct Writes a structure to the query store. |
ICommonQuery Used to programmatically display the system-supplied directory service query dialog box. |
IDsAdminCreateObj Used by an application or component to programmatically start a creation wizard for a specified object class. |
IDsAdminNewObj The IDsAdminNewObj interface is used by a primary or secondary object creation wizard extension to obtain page count data and to control the command buttons in the wizard. |
IDsAdminNewObjExt The IDsAdminNewObjExt interface is implemented by an object creation wizard extension. |
IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite The IDsAdminNewObjPrimarySite interface is implemented by the system and is used by a primary object creation extension to create a new temporary object in Active Directory Domain Services and then commit the object to persistent memory. |
IDsAdminNotifyHandler The IDsAdminNotifyHandler interface is implemented by an Active Directory administrative notification handler. |
IDsBrowseDomainTree The IDsBrowseDomainTree interface is used by an application to display a domain browser dialog box and/or obtain a list of trust domains related to a given computer. |
IDsDisplaySpecifier Provides access to Active Directory Domain Service objects of the displaySpecifier class. |
IDsObjectPicker The IDsObjectPicker interface is used by an application to initialize and display an object picker dialog box. To create an instance of this interface, call CoCreateInstance with the CLSID_DsObjectPicker class identifier as shown below. |
IDsObjectPickerCredentials The IDsObjectPickerCredentials interface allows you to override credentials for the IDsObjectPicker object implementing this interface. |
IPersistQuery Used to store and retrieve query parameters to and from persistent storage. |
IQueryForm Implemented by a query form extension object to allow the form object to add forms and pages to the system-supplied directory service query dialog box. |
ADSPROPERROR The ADSPROPERROR structure is used to pass error data to the notification object with the ADsPropSendErrorMessage function or the WM_ADSPROP_NOTIFY_ERROR message. |
ADSPROPINITPARAMS Used with the ADsPropGetInitInfo function to obtain object data that a display specifier applies to. |
CQFORM Used to define a query form added to the query dialog box with the CQAddFormsProc callback function. |
CQPAGE Used to define a query page added to a form in the query dialog box with the CQAddPagesProc callback function. |
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOA Used with the DsGetDcName function to receive data about a domain controller. (ANSI) |
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFOW Used with the DsGetDcName function to receive data about a domain controller. (Unicode) |
DOMAIN_DESC Contains data about an element in a domain tree obtained with the IDsBrowseDomainTree::GetDomains method. |
DOMAIN_TREE The DOMAINTREE structure contains data about a node in a domain tree obtained with the IDsBrowseDomainTree::GetDomains method. Each of the domains in the tree node are represented by a DOMAINDESC structure. |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1A The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1W The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2A The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2W The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3A The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3W The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSA Used with the DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function to contain trust data for a domain. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW Used with the DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function to contain trust data for a domain. (Unicode) |
DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEMA The DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structure contains a name converted by the DsCrackNames function, along with associated error and domain data. (ANSI) |
DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEMW The DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structure contains a name converted by the DsCrackNames function, along with associated error and domain data. (Unicode) |
DS_NAME_RESULTA The DS_NAME_RESULT structure is used with the DsCrackNames function to contain the names converted by the function. (ANSI) |
DS_NAME_RESULTW The DS_NAME_RESULT structure is used with the DsCrackNames function to contain the names converted by the function. (Unicode) |
DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA The DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to contain replication state data for an object attribute. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_2 The DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_2 structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to contain replication state data for an object attribute. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_BLOB The DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_BLOB structure is used to contain replication state data for an object attribute. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA The DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide metadata for a collection of attribute values. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_2 Used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide metadata for a collection of attribute values. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_EXT Provides metadata for a collection of attribute replication values. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR The DS_REPL_CURSOR structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR_2 The DS_REPL_CURSOR_2 structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. This structure is an enhanced version of the DS_REPL_CURSOR structure. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR_3W The DS_REPL_CURSOR_3 structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR_BLOB The DS_REPL_CURSOR_BLOB structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_CURSORS The DS_REPL_CURSORS structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_CURSORS_2 The DS_REPL_CURSORS_2 structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_CURSORS_3W The DS_REPL_CURSORS_3 structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURESW The DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURES structure contains an array of DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURE structures, which in turn contain replication state data with respect to inbound replication partners, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILUREW The DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURE structure contains replication state data about a specific inbound replication partner, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILUREW_BLOB Contains replication state data with respect to a specific inbound replication partner. |
DS_REPL_NEIGHBORSW The DS_REPL_NEIGHBORS structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to provide inbound replication state data for naming context and source server pairs. |
DS_REPL_NEIGHBORW Contains inbound replication state data for a particular naming context and source server pair, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_NEIGHBORW_BLOB Contains inbound replication state data for a particular naming context and source server pair. |
DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA The DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA structure contains an array of DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA structures. These structures contain replication state data for past and present attributes for a given object. |
DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA_2 The DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA_2 structure contains an array of DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_2 structures, which in turn contain replication state data for the attributes (past and present) for a given object, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_OPW The DS_REPL_OP structure describes a replication task currently executing or pending execution, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo or DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_OPW_BLOB The DS_REPL_OPW_BLOB structure describes a replication task currently executing or pending execution. |
DS_REPL_PENDING_OPSW Contains an array of DS_REPL_OP structures, which in turn describe the replication tasks currently executing and queued to execute, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_QUEUE_STATISTICSW Used to contain replication queue statistics. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA Used with the DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA structure to contain attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_2 Used with the DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_2 structure to contain attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_BLOB Used to contain attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_BLOB_EXT Contains attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_EXT Contains attribute replication meta data for the DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_EXT structure. |
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFOA The DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO structure is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure to contain errors generated by the DsReplicaSyncAll function during replication. (ANSI) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFOW The DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO structure is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure to contain errors generated by the DsReplicaSyncAll function during replication. (Unicode) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNCA The DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNC structure identifies a single replication operation performed between a source, and destination, server by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (ANSI) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNCW The DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNC structure identifies a single replication operation performed between a source, and destination, server by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (Unicode) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATEA The DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure contains status data about the replication performed by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (ANSI) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATEW The DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure contains status data about the replication performed by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (Unicode) |
DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAPA Contains the results of a call to DsMapSchemaGuids. (ANSI) |
DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAPW Contains the results of a call to DsMapSchemaGuids. (Unicode) |
DS_SELECTION The DS_SELECTION structure contains data about an object the user selected from an object picker dialog box. The DS_SELECTION_LIST structure contains an array of DS_SELECTION structures. |
DS_SELECTION_LIST The DS_SELECTION_LIST structure contains data about the objects the user selected from an object picker dialog box. |
DS_SITE_COST_INFO The DS_SITE_COST_INFO structure is used with the DsQuerySitesByCost function to contain communication cost data. |
DSA_NEWOBJ_DISPINFO Used with the IDsAdminNewObjExt::Initialize method to supply additional data about an Active Directory Domain Services object creation wizard. |
DSBITEMA Contains data about an item in the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (ANSI) |
DSBITEMW Contains data about an item in the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (Unicode) |
DSBROWSEINFOA The DSBROWSEINFO structure is used with the DsBrowseForContainer function to supply and return data about the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (ANSI) |
DSBROWSEINFOW The DSBROWSEINFO structure is used with the DsBrowseForContainer function to supply and return data about the Active Directory container browser dialog box. (Unicode) |
DSCLASSCREATIONINFO Used with the IDsDisplaySpecifier::GetClassCreationInfo method to hold data about the class creation wizard objects for an object class. |
DSCOLUMN The DSCOLUMN structure represents a column in the directory services query dialog box. An array of this structure is contained in the DSQUERYPARAMS structure. |
DSDISPLAYSPECOPTIONS Used to supply data to a context menu or property page extension about the display specifiers used. |
DSOBJECT Contains directory object data. |
DSOBJECTNAMES The DSOBJECTNAMES structure is used to contain directory object data for use by an Active Directory property sheet or context menu extension. |
DSOP_FILTER_FLAGS Contains flags that indicate the types of objects presented to the user for a specified scope or scopes. |
DSOP_INIT_INFO The DSOP_INIT_INFO structure contains data required to initialize an object picker dialog box. This structure is used with the IDsObjectPicker::Initialize method. |
DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO The DSOP_SCOPE_INIT_INFO structure describes one or more scope types that have the same attributes. |
DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS The DSOP_UPLEVEL_FILTER_FLAGS structure contains flags that indicate the filters to use for an up-level scope. |
DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO The DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO structure is used by an Active Directory property sheet extension to obtain static registration data for the extension. This structure is supplied by the CFSTR_DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO clipboard format. |
DSQUERYCLASSLIST The DSQUERYCLASSLIST structure describes a list of classes against which a directory service query is made. |
DSQUERYINITPARAMS Describes the data used to initialize a browse dialog box in the directory service query. |
DSQUERYPARAMS The DSQUERYPARAMS structure contains query data used by the directory service query when searching the directory service. |
DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE_INFO Used with the DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation function to contain the operational state data for a computer. |
DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC Used with the DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation function to contain domain data. |
DSROLE_UPGRADE_STATUS_INFO Used with the DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation function to contain domain upgrade status data. |
OPENQUERYWINDOW Used with the ICommonQuery::OpenQueryWindow method to initialize the directory service query dialog box. |
SCHEDULE Used with the DsReplicaAdd and DsReplicaModify functions to contain replication schedule data for a replication source. |
SCHEDULE_HEADER Used to contain the replication schedule data for a replication source. |