IFaxPort interface (faxcom.h)

The IFaxPort dual interface is used by a fax client application to access configuration information for a fax port on a connected fax server. The IFaxPort interface includes the following methods.

  • Methods to create FaxRoutingMethods objects and FaxStatus objects.
  • Property methods to set and retrieve individual property values associated with a FaxPort object retrieved by the IFaxPorts interface. A FaxPorts object is a collection of FaxPort objects.


The IFaxPort interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. IFaxPort also has these types of members:


The IFaxPort interface has these methods.


The IFaxPort::get_CanModify property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the user has permission to modify configuration information for the fax port.

The IFaxPort::get_Csid property is a null-terminated string that contains the called station identifier (CSID) associated with the fax port. (Get)

The IFaxPort::get_DeviceId property is a number representing the permanent line identifier for the fax port.

The IFaxPort::get_Name property is a null-terminated string that contains the user-friendly display name for a fax port.

The IFaxPort::get_Priority property is a number representing the transmission priority designated for a specified fax port. Priority determines the relative order in which available fax devices send outgoing transmissions. (Get)

The IFaxPort::get_Receive property is a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified fax port is enabled to receive faxes. (Get)

The IFaxPort::get_Rings property represents the number of rings an incoming fax call should wait before the fax port answers the call. (Get)

The IFaxPort::get_Send property is a Boolean value that indicates whether a fax port is enabled to send faxes. (Get)

The IFaxPort::get_Tsid property is a null-terminated string that contains the transmitting station identifier (TSID) associated with the fax port. (Get)

The IFaxPort::GetRoutingMethods interface method creates a FaxRoutingMethods object for the parent FaxPort object.

The IFaxPort::GetStatus method creates a FaxStatus object for the parent FaxPort object. The FaxStatus object contains the current status of a fax port.

The IFaxPort::get_Csid property is a null-terminated string that contains the called station identifier (CSID) associated with the fax port. (Put)

The IFaxPort::get_Priority property is a number representing the transmission priority designated for a specified fax port. Priority determines the relative order in which available fax devices send outgoing transmissions. (Put)

The IFaxPort::get_Receive property is a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified fax port is enabled to receive faxes. (Put)

The IFaxPort::get_Rings property represents the number of rings an incoming fax call should wait before the fax port answers the call. (Put)

The IFaxPort::get_Send property is a Boolean value that indicates whether a fax port is enabled to send faxes. (Put)

The IFaxPort::get_Tsid property is a null-terminated string that contains the transmitting station identifier (TSID) associated with the fax port. (Put)


Note  A fax client application can call the IFaxPort::get_CanModify property before calling any method that begins with IFaxPort::put_ to ensure that the client has access to modify the specified fax port.

When to Implement

You should not implement this interface. The Microsoft standard implementation provides complete functionality.

When to Use

Use the IFaxPort interface to retrieve and set the properties of a FaxPort object.

A client application should not call the CoCreateInstance function to retrieve an IFaxPort interface pointer. Instead, the application must perform the following steps to create an instance of a FaxPort object.

  1. Call the CoCreateInstance function to retrieve a pointer to an IFaxServer interface.
  2. Call the IFaxServer::Connect method to connect to an active fax server.
  3. Call the IFaxServer::GetPorts method to create and initialize a FaxPorts object for the connected fax server.
  4. Call the IFaxPorts::get_Count method and then the IFaxPorts::get_Item method to retrieve IDispatch interface pointers for each child FaxPort object. (You can also call the IUnknown::QueryInterface method to retrieve an IFaxPort interface pointer.)
  5. Use the IDispatch interface pointer to call IFaxPort interface methods.
  6. Call the IFaxServer::Disconnect method to disconnect from the fax server.
  7. Call the IUnknown::Release method for each FaxPort object to allow the object to deallocate itself, and again to destroy the IFaxPorts interface pointer.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header faxcom.h

See also

Fax Service Client API Interfaces

Fax Service Client API for Windows 2000
