RectF::RectF(REAL,REAL,REAL,REAL) method (gdiplustypes.h)

Creates a RectF object by using four integers to initialize the X, Y, Width, and Height data members.


void RectF(
  [in] REAL x,
  [in] REAL y,
  [in] REAL width,
  [in] REAL height


[in] x

Type: REAL

Real number used to initialize the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.

[in] y

Type: REAL

Real number used to initialize the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.

[in] width

Type: REAL

Real number used to initialize the width of this rectangle.

[in] height

Type: REAL

Real number used to initialize the height of this rectangle.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header gdiplustypes.h (include Gdiplus.h)
Library Gdiplus.lib
DLL Gdiplus.dll

See also

Pens, Lines, and Rectangles



RectF Constructors

Using a Pen to Draw Lines and Rectangles