MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader function (mfapi.h)

Creates a media type from a KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure.


HRESULT MFCreateVideoMediaTypeFromVideoInfoHeader(
  const KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVideoInfoHeader,
  DWORD                    cbVideoInfoHeader,
  DWORD                    dwPixelAspectRatioX,
  DWORD                    dwPixelAspectRatioY,
  MFVideoInterlaceMode     InterlaceMode,
  QWORD                    VideoFlags,
  const GUID               *pSubtype,
  IMFVideoMediaType        **ppIVideoMediaType



Pointer to the KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure to convert. (This structure is identical to the DirectShow VIDEOINFOHEADER structure.)


Size of the KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure in bytes.


The X dimension of the pixel aspect ratio. The pixel aspect ratio is dwPixelAspectRatioX:dwPixelAspectRatioY.


The Y dimension of the pixel aspect ratio.


Member of the MFVideoInterlaceMode enumeration that specifies how the video is interlaced.


Bitwise OR of flags from the MFVideoFlags enumeration.


Pointer to a subtype GUID. This parameter can be NULL. If the subtype GUID is specified, the function uses it to set the media subtype. Otherwise, the function attempts to deduce the subtype from the biCompression field contained in the KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure.


Receives a pointer to the IMFVideoMediaType interface. The caller must release the interface.

Return value

If this function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Note  Prior to Windows 7, this function was exported from evr.dll. Starting in Windows 7, this function is exported from mfplat.dll, and evr.dll exports a stub function that calls into mfplat.dll. For more information, see Library Changes in Windows 7.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header mfapi.h
Library Evr.lib
DLL Mfplat.dll

See also

Media Foundation Functions

Media Types