MFCreateD3D12SynchronizationObject function (mfd3d12.h)

Instantiates an a Media Foundation D3D12 synchronization primitive used to synchronize access to a D3D12 resource stored in an Media Foundation object.


HRESULT MFCreateD3D12SynchronizationObject(
  ID3D12Device *pDevice,
  REFIID       riid,
  void         **ppvSyncObject



The ID3D12Device associated with the resource and primitive being created.


The GUID identifying the interface of the synchronization object that will be created.


Receives a void** pointing to the created synchronization object.

Return value

An HRESULT including but not limited to the following values:

Value Description
S_OK Success
MF_E_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED_AT_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL The attempted call or command is not supported with the DirectX version used by the component.
o MF_E_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIATYPE_AT_D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL The specified media type is not supported with the DirectX version used by the component.


Requirement Value
Header mfd3d12.h