rtscom.h header
This header is used by Tablet PC. For more information, see:
rtscom.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IDynamicRenderer Displays the tablet pen data in real-time as that data is being handled by the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
IGestureRecognizer Reacts to events by recognizing gestures and adding gesture data to the input queue. |
IRealTimeStylus Handles the stylus packet data from a digitizer in real time. |
IRealTimeStylus2 Extends the IRealTimeStylus interface. |
IRealTimeStylus3 The IRealTimeStylus3 interface enables multitouch for the realtime stylus. |
IRealTimeStylusSynchronization Synchronizes access to the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
IStrokeBuilder Use interface to programmatically create strokes from packet data. |
IStylusAsyncPlugin Represents an asynchronous plug-in that can be added to the asynchronous plug-in collection of the RealTimeStylus Class object. |
IStylusPlugin Receives notifications of RealTimeStylus Class events to enable you to perform custom processing based on those events. |
IStylusSyncPlugin Represents a synchronous plug-in that can be added to the RealTimeStylus Class object's synchronous plug-in collection. |
StylusInfo Provides information about the stylus. |
RealTimeStylusDataInterest Defines the values used by plug-ins to specify which event notifications the plug-ins receive. |
RealTimeStylusLockType Specifies the locks within the RealTimeStylus Class object that protect the RealTimeStylus Class object's members and properties from modification. |
StylusQueue Specifies the queue to which stylus data is added. |