Direct2D structures
Direct2D provides the following structures. Additional structures are defined in the D2D1 Namespace.
Topic | Description |
D2D_COLOR_F | Describes the red, green, blue, and alpha components of a color. |
D2D_MATRIX_3X2_F | Represents a 3-by-2 matrix. |
D2D_MATRIX_4X3_F | Describes a 4-by-3 floating point matrix. |
D2D_MATRIX_4X4_F | Describes a 4-by-4 floating point matrix. |
D2D_MATRIX_5X4_F | Describes a 5-by-4 floating point matrix. |
D2D_POINT_2F | Represents an x-coordinate and y-coordinate pair, expressed as floating-point values, in two-dimensional space. |
D2D_POINT_2L | The D2D_POINT_2L structure defines the x- and y- coordinates of a point. |
D2D_POINT_2U | Represents an x-coordinate and y-coordinate pair, expressed as an unsigned 32-bit integer value, in two-dimensional space. |
D2D_RECT_F | Represents a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the upper-left corner (left, top) and the coordinates of the lower-right corner (right, bottom). |
D2D_RECT_L | The D2D_RECT_L structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle. |
D2D_RECT_U | Represents a rectangle defined by the upper-left corner pair of coordinates (left,top) and the lower-right corner pair of coordinates (right, bottom). These coordinates are expressed as a 32-bit integer values. |
D2D_SIZE_F | Stores an ordered pair of floating-point values, typically the width and height of a rectangle. |
D2D_SIZE_U | Stores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle. |
D2D_VECTOR_2F | A 2D vector that consists of two single-precision floating-point values (x, y). |
D2D_VECTOR_3F | A 3D vector that consists of three single-precision floating-point values (x, y, z). |
D2D_VECTOR_4F | A 4D vector that consists of four single-precision floating-point values (x, y, z, w). |
D2D1_ARC_SEGMENT | Describes an elliptical arc between two points. |
D2D1_BEZIER_SEGMENT | Represents a cubic bezier segment drawn between two points. |
D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES | Describes the extend modes and the interpolation mode of an ID2D1BitmapBrush. |
D2D1_BITMAP_BRUSH_PROPERTIES1 | Describes the extend modes and the interpolation mode of an ID2D1BitmapBrush. |
D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES | Describes the pixel format and dpi of a bitmap. |
D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 | This structure allows a ID2D1Bitmap1 to be created with bitmap options and color context information available. |
D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION | Defines a blend description to be used in a particular blend transform. |
D2D1_BRUSH_PROPERTIES | Describes the opacity and transformation of a brush. |
D2D1_COLOR_F | Describes the red, green, blue, and alpha components of a color. |
D2D1_CREATION_PROPERTIES | Specifies the options with which the Direct2D device, factory, and device context are created. |
D2D1_CUSTOM_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES | Defines a vertex shader and the input element description to define the input layout. |
D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION | Describes the drawing state of a render target. |
D2D1_DRAWING_STATE_DESCRIPTION1 | Describes the drawing state of a device context. |
D2D1_EFFECT_INPUT_DESCRIPTION | Describes features of an effect. |
D2D1_ELLIPSE | Contains the center point, x-radius, and y-radius of an ellipse. |
D2D1_FACTORY_OPTIONS | Contains the debugging level of an ID2D1Factory object. |
D2D1_FEATURE_DATA_DOUBLES | Describes the support for doubles in shaders. |
D2D1_FEATURE_DATA_D3D10_X_HARDWARE_OPTIONS | Describes compute shader support, which is an option on D3D10 feature level. |
D2D1_GRADIENT_MESH_PATCH | Represents a tensor patch with 16 control points, 4 corner colors, and boundary flags. An ID2D1GradientMesh is made up of 1 or more gradient mesh patches. Use the GradientMeshPatch function or the GradientMeshPatchFromCoonsPatch function to create one. |
D2D1_GRADIENT_STOP | Contains the position and color of a gradient stop. |
D2D1_HWND_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES | Contains the HWND, pixel size, and presentation options for an ID2D1HwndRenderTarget. |
D2D1_INK_STYLE_PROPERTIES | Defines the general pen tip shape and the transform used in an ID2D1InkStyle object. |
D2D1_IMAGE_BRUSH_PROPERTIES | Describes image brush features. |
D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT | Represents a Bezier segment to be used in the creation of an ID2D1Ink object. This structure differs from D2D1_BEZIER_SEGMENT in that it is composed of D2D1_INK_POINTs, which contain a radius in addition to x- and y-coordinates. |
D2D1_INK_POINT | Represents a point, radius pair that makes up part of a D2D1_INK_BEZIER_SEGMENT. |
D2D1_INPUT_DESCRIPTION | Describes the options that transforms may set on input textures. |
D2D1_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC | A description of a single element to the vertex layout. |
D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS | Contains the content bounds, mask information, opacity settings, and other options for a layer resource. |
D2D1_LAYER_PARAMETERS1 | Contains the content bounds, mask information, opacity settings, and other options for a layer resource. |
D2D1_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES | Contains the starting point and endpoint of the gradient axis for an ID2D1LinearGradientBrush. |
D2D1_MATRIX_3X2_F | Represents a 3-by-2 matrix. |
D2D1_MATRIX_4X3_F | Represents a 4-by-3 matrix. |
D2D1_MATRIX_4X4_F | Represents a 4-by-4 matrix. |
D2D1_MATRIX_5X4_F | Represents a 5-by-4 matrix. |
D2D1_MAPPED_RECT | Describes mapped memory from the ID2D1Bitmap1::Map API. |
D2D1_PIXEL_FORMAT | Contains the data format and alpha mode for a bitmap or render target. |
D2D1_POINT_2F | Represents an x-coordinate and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space. |
D2D1_POINT_2L | The POINT structure defines the x- and y- coordinates of a point. |
D2D1_POINT_2U | Represents an x-coordinate and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space. |
D2D1_POINT_DESCRIPTION | Describes a point on a path geometry. |
D2D1_PRINT_CONTROL_PROPERTIES | The creation properties for a ID2D1PrintControl object. |
D2D1_PROPERTY_BINDING | Defines a property binding to a pair of functions which get and set the corresponding property. |
D2D1_QUADRATIC_BEZIER_SEGMENT | Contains the control point and end point for a quadratic Bezier segment. |
D2D1_RADIAL_GRADIENT_BRUSH_PROPERTIES | Contains the gradient origin offset and the size and position of the gradient ellipse for an ID2D1RadialGradientBrush. |
D2D1_RECT_F | Represents a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the upper-left corner (left, top) and the coordinates of the lower-right corner (right, bottom). |
D2D1_RECT_L | The RECT structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle. |
D2D1_RECT_U | Represents a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the upper-left corner (left, top) and the coordinates of the lower-right corner (right, bottom). |
D2D1_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_PROPERTIES | Defines a resource texture when the original resource texture is created. |
D2D1_RESOURCE_USAGE | Describes the memory used by image textures and shaders. |
D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES | Contains rendering options (hardware or software), pixel format, DPI information, remoting options, and Direct3D support requirements for a render target. |
D2D1_RENDERING_CONTROLS | Describes limitations to be applied to an imaging effect renderer. |
D2D1_ROUNDED_RECT | Contains the dimensions and corner radii of a rounded rectangle. |
D2D1_SIMPLE_COLOR_PROFILE | Simple description of a color space. |
D2D1_SIZE_F | Stores an ordered pair of floats, typically the width and height of a rectangle. |
D2D1_SIZE_U | Stores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle. |
D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES | Describes the stroke that outlines a shape. |
D2D1_STROKE_STYLE_PROPERTIES1 | Describes the stroke that outlines a shape. |
D2D1_SVG_LENGTH | Represents an SVG length. |
D2D1_SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO | Represents all SVG preserveAspectRatio settings. |
D2D1_SVG_VIEWBOX | Represents an SVG viewBox. |
D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_PROPERTIES | Properties of a transformed image source. |
D2D1_TRIANGLE | Contains the three vertices that describe a triangle. |
D2D1_VECTOR_2F | A vector of 2 FLOAT values (x, y). |
D2D1_VECTOR_3F | A vector of 3 FLOAT values (x, y, z). |
D2D1_VECTOR_4F | A vector of 4 FLOAT values (x, y, z, w). |
D2D1_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES | Defines the properties of a vertex buffer that are standard for all vertex shader definitions. |
D2D1_VERTEX_RANGE | Defines a range of vertices that are used when rendering less than the full contents of a vertex buffer. |
D3DCOLORVALUE | Stores color and alpha channel information. |
PD2D1_EFFECT_FACTORY | Describes the implementation of an effect. |