DNS WMI Classes

The DNS WMI Provider defines the following DNS WMI classes.

Microsoft DNS WMI class Description
MicrosoftDNS_Server Describes a DNS Server. Every instance of this class may be associated with one instance of class MicrosoftDNS_Cache, one instance of class MicrosoftDNS_RootHints, and multiple instances of class MicrosoftDNS_Zone.
MicrosoftDNS_Domain Represents a domain in a DNS hierarchy tree.
MicrosoftDNS_Zone Describes a DNS Zone. Every instance of the class MicrosoftDNS_Zone must be assigned to exactly one DNS Server. Zones may be associated with multiple instances of the classes MicrosoftDNS_Domain and MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_Cache Describes a cache existing on a DNS Server (do not confuse this with a cache file that contains root hints). This class simplifies visualizing the containment of DNS objects, rather than representing a real object. The class, MicrosoftDNS_Cache, is a container for the resource records cached by the DNS Server. Every instance of the class MicrosoftDNS_Cache must be assigned to exactly one DNS Server. It may be associated with multiple instances of MicrosoftDNS_Domain and MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_RootHints Describes the RootHints stored in a cache file on a DNS Server. This class simplifies visualizing the containment of DNS objects, rather than representing a real object. Class MicrosoftDNS_RootHints is a container for the resource records stored by the DNS Server in a cache file. Every instance of the class MicrosoftDNS_RootHints must be assigned to exactly one DNS Server. It may be associated with multiple instances of the MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord class.
MicrosoftDNS_Statistic Represents a single DNS Server statistic.
MicrosoftDNS_ServerDomainContainment Every instance of the class MicrosoftDNS_ServerDomainContainment may contain multiple instances of the class MicrosoftDNS_Domain.
MicrosoftDNS_DomainDomainContainment Every instance of the MicrosoftDNS_DomainDomainContainment class may contain multiple other instances of MicrosoftDNS_Domain.
MicrosoftDNS_DomainResourceRecordContainment Every instance of the class MicrosoftDNS_DomainResourceRecordContainment may contain multiple instances of the MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord class.
MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord Represents the general properties of a DNS RR.
MicrosoftDNS_AAAAType Represents an IPv6 Address (AAAA), often pronounced quad-A, RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_AFSDBType Represents an Andrew File System Database Server (AFSDB) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_ATMAType Represents an ATM Address-to-Name (ATMA) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_AType Represents an Address (A) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_CNAMEType Represents a Canonical Name (CNAME) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_HINFOType Represents a Host Information (HINFO) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_ISDNType Represents an ISDN RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_KEYType Represents a KEY RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MBType Represents a Mailbox (MB) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MDType Represents a Mail Agent for Domain (MD) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MFType Represents a Mail Forwarding Agent for Domain (MF) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MGType Represents an MG RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MINFOType Represents an Mail Information (MINFO) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MRType Represents a Mailbox Rename (MR) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_MXType Represents a Mail Exchanger (MX) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_NSType Represents a Name Server (NS) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_NXTType Represents a Next (NXT) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_PTRType Represents a Pointer (PTR) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_RPType Represents a Responsible Person (RP) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_RTType Represents a Route Through (RT) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_SIGType Represents a Signature (SIG) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_SOAType Represents a Start Of Authority (SOA) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_SRVType Represents a Service (SRV) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_TXTType Represents a Text (TXT) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_WINSRType Represents a WINS-Reverse (WINSR) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_WINSType Represents a WINS RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_WKSType Represents a Well-Known Service (WKS) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.
MicrosoftDNS_X25Type Represents an X.25 (X25) RR. Subclass of MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord.