IWidgetProvider2.OnCustomizationRequested Method


Raised when the user has requested widget customization through the widget host UI.

 void OnCustomizationRequested(WidgetCustomizationRequestedArgs ^ customizationRequestedArgs);
void OnCustomizationRequested(WidgetCustomizationRequestedArgs const& customizationRequestedArgs);
public void OnCustomizationRequested(WidgetCustomizationRequestedArgs customizationRequestedArgs);
function onCustomizationRequested(customizationRequestedArgs)
Public Sub OnCustomizationRequested (customizationRequestedArgs As WidgetCustomizationRequestedArgs)



A WidgetCustomizationRequestedArgs object providing access to the widget context and custom state.


To receive this event, you must set the IsCustomizable attribute to "true" in the Definition element for your widget in your widget provider app's package manifest file. For more information, see Widget provider package manifest XML format.

For an end-to-end walkthrough of creating a widget provider app, including customization, see Implement a widget provider in a C# Windows App or Implement a widget provider in a win32 app (C++/WinRT).


There is a known bug with the Windows Widget Board, for widgets built using the Windows App SDK, that causes the ellipsis menu to become unresponsive after the customization card is shown.

Applies to