Microsoft Curate - Partnership Details screen - Seller view

On the Partnership Details screen you can review and manage your relationship with a specific buyer. You can track overall revenue trends, view the buyer's top brands on your inventory, view your top publishers for the buyer, view the privileges you have granted for the buyer, view active and upcoming deals, and create new deals for buyers.

Access Partnership Details screen

Publisher clients: Select Marketplace > Partner Center All other clients: Select Partners > Partner Center.

Then click on a buyer.

View buyer contact info and description

View information the buyer has provided, including the main contact's name, phone number, and email address, and a description of their business. You can contact the buyer directly in Curate by sending a message within the Activity Stream. For more information about the Activity Stream, see Communicate with the Buyer.


If the buyer has not entered their contact's name, phone number, email address, or a description of their business, then this information will not be available.

View buyer performance on your inventory

View statistics in the Dashboard to see how the buyer is performing on your inventory. These statistics are updated every 24 hours. The graph and two tables may update at separate times, therefore text at the top of each section notes when the last update occurred.


If the buyer has not purchased any inventory from you, there will be no information to appear in the chart and tables on the Dashboard.

Revenue from buyer

A graph displays revenue from all transactions between you and the buyer within the last 90 days. You can use this graph to monitor the buyer's activity on your inventory. If the buyer is targeting an active deal, this graph can help give you insight into the deal's effectiveness. Since the revenue displayed here reflects all transactions, this graph will not help you keep track of the revenue from a specific deal.

There is a data point for every day. Hover over a data point to see the date it represents, along with the amount of revenue and impressions for that day.

Revenue by top brands

A table lists the buyer's top brands that have purchased your inventory, listed in order from most to least revenue. This information tells you which of the buyer's brands are performing best on your inventory.

Revenue by top publishers

A table lists your top publishers that the buyer has purchased inventory from, listed in order from most to least revenue. This information tells you which of your publishers are performing best with the buyer.

Communicate with the buyer

In the Activity Stream, the Messages tab shows messages between you and the buyer along with the number of days since the message was posted. You can use the Activity Stream to introduce yourself to a new buyer, offer targeting access in exchange for increased spend, check in with the buyer to see how their targeting access is working for them, or request changes to your eligibility and inventory trust.

In this section you can:

  • Send a message: Send the buyer a message by typing into the field at the top of the section, and then clicking Post. When you post a new message, the system sends a notification to the contact in the buyer's profile.
  • View last update information: Text at the top of the section notes when the Activity Stream was last updated.
  • Hide Activity Stream: Click the Hide Activity Stream icon (double arrows) to collapse the section and provide more working space for you to use the Dashboard, Partner Controls, or Deals tabs.

Click on the Notifications tab in the Activity Stream to view system messages.

View partner settings

In the Partner Controls tab you can view and manage the settings you have set for the buyer. This information gives you insight into your ability to transact with the buyer on Curate. Contact the seller Communicate with the Buyer to request changes to your eligibility or inventory trust.

View your settings for the buyer

The eligibility, allowed payment types, and targeting access settings you have set for the buyer display in the My Settings for Buyer section. For more information on each of these settings, see Setting Buyer Defaults. For step-by-step instructions on editing a buyer's settings, see Edit Buyer Eligibility, Allowed Payment Types, and Targeting Access.

The Partner Controls tab is also visible to the buyer. They can see the settings you have defined for them.


If you do not set custom settings for the buyer, your default settings will apply. For more information on setting default settings, see Set Default Buyer Eligibility, Allowed Payment Types, and Targeting Access.

View the buyer's settings for you

The eligibility and inventory trust the buyer has set for you display in the Buyer's Settings for Me section.

Edit partner settings

Click Edit in the Partner Controls tab to manage the eligibility, allowed payment types, and targeting access you have set for the buyer. These settings can be managed in the Partner Center screen as well as here in the Partner Controls tab; however, you can only view the buyer's current settings here within the Partner Controls tab. For step-by-step instructions on editing the a buyer's settings, see Edit Buyer Eligibility, Allowed Payment Types, and Targeting Access.


If you do not set custom settings for the buyer, your default settings will apply. For more information on setting default settings, see Set Default Buyer Eligibility, Allowed Payment Types, and Targeting Access.

View deals

View all of your deals with the buyer, historical and current, in the Deals tab. Each deal displays with additional details:

  • Targeted Deals - An icon (green checkmark) in this column indicates that a deal is being targeted by one or more of the buyer's active campaigns.

  • Name - A name you enter for your deal. Select a name that will help remind you of what the deal includes.

  • ID - The deal ID.

  • Created by - The first and last name of the seller user that created the deal.

  • Start and End Date - The start and end dates for the deal.

  • Type - The auction type. For more information on the different auction types, see Deal Auction Mechanics.

  • Ask Price - The price, if any, associated with the deal. This is the minimum amount the buyer must bid in order to compete for this inventory.


    If you do not enter a deal-specific price your existing floor rules may apply.

  • Description - A description you enter for your deal. Enter a description that will help the buyer understand what the deal includes, keeping in mind the buyer can see all of your deal settings except for Inventory and Segment.

  • Inventory - The inventory the deal applies to. Select Run of seller for the deal to apply to all of the seller's inventory, Category for the deal to apply to the selected Universal and/or Custom Categories, or Publisher for the deal to apply to the selected publishers.

  • Segment - The segment the deal applies to.

  • Size - The impression size the deal applies to.

  • Brand - The brand the deal applies to.

    Currently active deals show within the Current section. Deals that are upcoming, that you have canceled or have expired show within their respective sections. Click on a deal to display the Details Pane, where all of the deal's details are visible.

Monitor deal health

Deal health statistics provide insight into how your deals are performing. If the number of deal impressions you have shown to the buyer is low, there may be an issue with your deal settings or with your inventory. If the number of deal impressions the buyer has bid on is low, the buyer may have campaign setup issues.

Create a new deal

Negotiate a deal that meets yours and the buyer's needs by selecting with Buyers, and then clicking New in the Deals tab to create a deal.

Edit a deal

Current and upcoming deals can be edited at any time. Hover over the deal you would like to update in order to display the edit icon, and then click on the edit icon to make the deal editable.

After you have made the necessary updates, click Save to save your changes. To exit edit mode, click Cancel.

Cancel a deal

If a current or upcoming deal no longer works for you, you can cancel it at any time. Check the checkbox near a deal, and then click Actions > Cancel Deals.

Report on deals

Run a report to see how your deals are performing. Check the checkbox near the desired deals, and then click Actions > Show in Reporting.

Partner Center Guide